Damian's POV

  The next day I woke up early. This is the first day we will be looking for Sabrina. I will never stop until I see my husband because I am worried about what could happen to her. I don't know who was with her and who were the people who took jer. The Suarez's are the only ones I know who can make this mess, we didn't kill anyone because the real killer was the good father of Mikaela and Mikael.

  "Good morning," mommy said.

  "Good morning. Are they daddy?" I will ask.

  "They left early to go to the police. Your daddy said to talk here because it's dangerous outside and the Suarez's might just be around," she answered.

  We stayed at the Saldivar mansion because Mr. Jackson said we were here for a while to make sure we were all safe. We didn't even talk about that because even me, that's what I would do and what I want. I want us to be together and to know each other's every move.