
Disclaimer: The following story is about normalising interracial couples. We all know that racism still exists in our communities, so as you read this story, you will realise that love has nothing to do with colour or race; it is a passion that comes from within. Lastly, all copyrights have been reserved I have written this story with my ideas only nobody may copy it without the permission of the rightful owner (me).

The tale starts with the great and powerful kingdom of Whales. Alexander Austenburg, the king-in-waiting, must be betrothed to rule. However, the prince violates his father's number one rule when he falls in love with the maiden Beatrice Capet from the French Revolutionary. "There shall not be physical or emotional contact between white people and people of darker skin. Anyone who commits such a heinous act will have their head severed ". King Charles Austenburg is in a dilemma he can't take the head of his son so he decides to take the head of another. This sparks a war between father and son.