
Alexander had developed into a handsome young man. He was of legal age to be married, but something kept stopping him. He was unique in contrast to his arrogant, racist father, he exhibited traits associated with his late mother, Queen Alison Austenburg. But he shared his father's brown, honey-coloured eyes, charcoal-black hair, tall and bust features. Why was he still single when he possessed the purest of hearts and the sweetest tongue? Both married and unmarried women fell to his charm. He sat on the cinnamon brown sofa, with a classic black coffee table in the centre,  the white walls were covered with paintings depicting the ancient history of Whales, as well as paintings of all the monarchs who have ever reigned.

The King sat at a vast study table, papers scattered around him, writing with a feather soaked in ink. The King was in his late fifties and couldn't see without his spectacles both men were deep in conversation. About Alexander's wedding to Jade Boston the daughter of his mother's best friend. She was born with royal blood and was beautiful, with a soft, pearl-white complexion, and blonde hair.

The king again tried to persuade  his son, "Son I will not debate this with you any longer you are to be wedded to Jade and that's final she is from a respectable lineage."

"No, father, I'll do what seems right and bring you a real queen, but not Jade, she's not suitable to be queen." Alexander countered, attempting to prove his case, but his father was just as obstinate as he was, they were unable to come to a consensus on anything.

"Son, I don't know whether you're missing a screw in your head, but did you not hear me say that she has political clout and that if you marry her, the size of the royal army will increase?"

Alexander sighed in frustration, finger raked his hair, and began pacing around the room. "Father, I will not have a loveless marriage like you and Mother Li Min do you think I don't realise that this union was all about politics?" he was now yelling.

Alexander saw what his father did not see when his biological mother died his father was emotionally distraught by the loss , and the kingdom became weak as their ruler was no longer suited to reign. While he was mourning his wife's loss, the Chinese saw it as a chance to either take over Whales or marry off their pregnant, widowed princesses to the Austenburg Royal family. In exchange for this agreement, China and Whales formed a covenant to safeguard each other from future invasion.

The King looked at him in bewilderment it has been long since he last thought of his beloved queen. He hates talking about his wedding to Li Min it sparks memories of his weakness, and here his son was casually talking about it. The room fell into silence, only the sound of the hostile winds was heard. The two men were engulfed in their thoughts when a soft knock was heard on the wooden door. A beautiful  Chinese woman in her early forties made her entrance gracefully. She was dressed in a traditional Chinese, white, silk, gown embroidered with flowers and roses. "Mother" he acknowledged her presence he never intended to mention their fiasco of a wedding. He knew better than to hurt a woman who has only loved and cared for him.

He gave his father a little nod and made his exit.  He was headed towards the royal garden he needed to clear his head. He arrived at a wide opening the grass and trees were so full of life, green and healthy, the flowers and trees vibrant as ever, and the winds blew stronger and fresher air which he dramatically inhaled and exhaled. This is what clearing your head truly meant not being in an open space but enjoying all that nature had to offer.

"A penny for your thoughts your majesty" a deep voice from behind spoke. He turned to see Fenhua his younger stepbrother. Fenhua was mid-tall and bulky, black hair gelled to the side, he was quite an attractive masterpiece.

"And who might that be prince Fen?" He questioned the young man. These two brothers were close like a match stick and its box. They conversed for hours about their day, Alexander told him about how difficult their father was being. The sun had set giving the moon a chance to show off its glories, it shone as bright as the sun would while the  stars perfected its light, this was a galaxy at the mercy of their eyes.

" Brother, may I interest you in hunting tomorrow by midday at a very beautiful small village?" Fenhua asked in hopes that their journey there would be a spectacular distraction for his brother.

"Well of course baby brother it will be quite a distraction" Alexander replied with delight.

"Don't call me that or we would have to battle again so that I prove to you how manly I am" Fenhua pouted and they laughed remembering old times.


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