
Alexander's pov

My eyes widened as sweat beads began to form on my forehead. " I-I Mother it's when I " I stammered all words were gone as my throat dried. She gracefully made her way to where I was standing, her eyes burned with rage, her next words shook me to the core " I will inform your father about my recent discovery" "No Mother You wouldn't do that to me may I remind you of father's viciousness if this is to come to light" " Then you tell me where you got this from?" She commanded, lifting the shirt to my eye level. She demanded the truth which I told and with every sentence that left my lips her anger rose. " I cannot believe you Alexander you"

You visited the people of the darker race, the Africans and to top it all off you dragged your brother with you? should I remind you of what happened the last time you were in contact with them? ". She said pacing around the room, then tossed the shirt into the fireplace "This should be the last time such a heinous thing happens have I made myself clear?".

" Yes mother," I said as my head hung low. She then came over to me and gently caressed my cheek " Dear please understand I am worried, and I don't want what happened to happen to you again".


We were seated in a vast dining room with a long wooden table with hand-carved decorations on the sides. The chairs were of various sizes, with the king having the largest one, the queen next, and so on. Father made a statement when we were eating supper that utterly killed my appetite. I suddenly sprang up and exclaimed, "Father," but he waved his hand dismissively, saying, "My decision is final. You will obey your king," with a serious tone. "Alexander is to marry Jade with in 30 days period if he does not find a wife." I went back to my bedroom without bothering to complete my meal after finger-raking my hair in annoyance. Once I got to the bedroom, I took a burning hot bath to burn all the frustrations away it had been quite some time since I last had champagne, so I popped it open and a few or more I lost count all I knew was that I was in a state of utter unawareness, lost in thoughts. When my door slowly open to reveal Beatrice standing in a night dress that reached her ankles it was made of silk in the color of black, her hair had cascaded on her right shoulder however her face was not quite visible due to the drowsiness '' how did you get here'' I asked my voice ever-so serious as I stumbled over to where she was standing.

"My Lord, could I perhaps have a moment of your time at this late hour?" Her voice sounded different from the last time we spoke. It was perplexing how she got here when she didn't reject my proposal. She went in, shut the door, looked me in the eyes, and started babbling about God knows what. My sole focus was on why she was in my bedroom in a tempting nightgown despite my drunken state. I then lost all possible brain processes when her smooth lips collided with mine. She engulfed me in a ravenous kiss, lightly raking my hair, and then paused, "My lord, I shouldn't have."

I cut her off by returning the kiss. We then made our way to the bed, our lips still glued together. I gently undressed her, revealing her slim yet perfect body, which was also quite different from the last time I saw her; she had wide, thick thighs. Oh well, I had a great time nonetheless. She undressed me as well, and the rest, as they say, is history. I kept hearing distant, unpleasant, sniffing someone crying, and it was driving me insane. When I fluttered my eyes open, I saw Jade Boston beside me, naked and in tears. What had I gotten myself into?

My eyes widened in surprise. I hurriedly jumped up, picked up my robe, and wore it, "Miss Miss Jade," I stuttered, absolutely speechless. "How did you get here?" I shouted, my rage boiling, but all she did was cry under the bed sheet. "How did you get her, Goddammit you slut answer me!" I yelled now. I was so frustrated that I raked my hair. I broke the tray of food she brought with her as a pretext to trap me, then the light, then anything in my way, and she screamed and shook with fear. "My lord I," her voice was unsteady, but I didn't care because I knew it was a trap set by this crafty prostitute.

The door swung open, wide revealing father,mother and fen with maids behind them " what is all the commotion about" his words soon dried in his throat when he witnessed jade in the bedsheets bare and crying and me in a robe with a messy room and her gown torn on the floor I don't even recall doing that, they were all speechless "My king Last night I served prince Alexander food out of the kindness in my heart because he did not finish his food but he forced himself on me I tried to understand that he was intoxicated but"

"Liar" I cut her off, quickly made my way to where she was sitting and strangled her I was so enraged to the point where all reasoning was impossible.