
Third person pov

Everything had become disorganized. The prince of whales had been accused of a heinous crime against Lady Bostan, and word of their marriage spread like wildfire across the realm. Some were pleased, while others were not. "What were you thinking, brother, how did you end up in this mess?" Fenhua inquired, concerned about his brother, knowing that Jade was not the one for him at all and that she could have ensnared him. '' Fen I need to get out of this, I'm not sure how or when, but as soon as possible, do you trust me? I assumed it was Beatrice honestly, brother, that lady has been driving my thoughts crazy is it feasible for me to marry her?

They were sitting in Fenhua's bedroom, which was decorated with his drawings of landscapes, ladies, and other subjects. A massive bed covered in a flowery, silk duvet, a little sofa in the corner of the room close to the door-like windows, a chandelier in the center of the ceiling, and a swing beside his painting tools. "Brother, we have been barred from interacting with them don't you have any other ideas, and that maiden, Miss Beatrice, whom you hardly know, would reject this proposition," Fenhua answered.

Alexander stood up and began raking his hair in frustration he had no choice but to betroth Jade he had taken away her innocence, the only thing a man looked for in a woman. ''Therefore I have no other choice than to marry her'' Alexander spoke in disappointment however his thoughts and his heart were still captured by one woman and that was Beatrice how she managed to charm the prince of Whales remains a secret however, he was no longer the man she was destined to be with because he was to take responsibility for his actions.

Two weeks later

It was the day of the wedding and still, Alexander did not have an idea in an hour he and miss Boston would tie the knot what would he do then? he'd belong to her legally but not emotionally not with his heart. He hesitantly donned a royal princely crown with a white shirt that hugged his biceps wonderfully. He was dressed in a black tailcoat, suit pants, and black leather shoes, but his obvious eye bags ensured that he was severely depressed rather than the expression of a happy soon to be married man. Jade, on the other hand, was overjoyed and went to great lengths to make sure everything was perfect, even planning a lavish wedding that would take place at the ball. It had a board by the entrance that read, "Jade weds, Alexander" and was decorated with white and red roses. A huge strawberry-flavored cake was in the middle of the large ballroom, the maids and butlers wore pins that read J&A, and a catholic priest was waiting on stage to recite the pair's vows.

The wedding reception took place and so did the after-party which Jade and king Charles enjoyed the rest did not. The locals were engaged in joyous activities except for the darker race they had to work very hard and this was very displeasing for Alexander this wasn't the wedding he had dreamed off. Alexander had escaped this torturous wedding and took a long stroll throughout the kingdom he arrived at a local hidden bar a little on the outskirts of the kingdom that's how desperate he was to leave this sham of a wedding.

''Excuse me kind sir give me a bottle of your finest champagne'' he requested from a bulk and tall black man. the man was flabbergasted to see the prince.

He then prepared one of his finest champagne and severed to the new king of Whales.'' My king' he handed him the silver cup filled with red contents ''congratulations on your wedding''. Alexander took a sip of the contents and let the sweetness slide down his throat.

'' Don't congratulate me how is this fair that your kind don't get to join the celebrations, and here you are serving me your finest wine? It is a marriage of convenience so don't congratulate me. Thank you for the drink Mr?''.

''Joseph Capet'' he answered.

''Capet sounds familiar, are you perhaps related to missing Beatrice Capet?'' Alexander asked.

Sweat beads immediately began to form on josephs forehead as he was hesitant to speak. How did he know her? 

"There's no need to worry, Joseph I met her earlier when I came through the village thank you for the drink."

"Before you depart, my king, I know it's not my place to question, but... did King Charles ever tell you why he compelled you to marry Lady Jade?"

Alexander considered what he had said but merely waved his hands dismissively and resumed his stroll back to the palace. He arrived at nightfall and went straight to his bedroom, where Jade was waiting for him in a nightgown. He just ignored her and went to the washroom to freshmen up. When he came out, he dressed in his robe, grabbed a cushion, and sat on the sofa.

''My king you don't have to feel uncomfortable I will sleep on the sofa you can take the bed''.

''why?'' Alexander took a deep breath and asked again ''why did you do what you did?''

"As you know I am orphaned I needed to do what was in my best interest I won't deny the fact that I trapped you...''. she sighed then continued to reveal the shocking truth of what exactly transpired that night

''you see my king I wouldn't simply lose my innocence to a man who has had multiple partners and does not have a single ounce of love for me. I have eyes on another man''.

''then why ?''. his voice was calm and relaxed

"My king, you do know that I carry a great deal of political power, and we both know that a woman is looked down upon nobody including you   believe that I am capable of looking after my self Is it because I am a woman? Is it bad for me to want to look out for myself? I did what was best for my future I needed to secure my assets with a royal I can trust. I did not sleep with you. You slept with Mari, isn't she the maid you fool around with?".  Alexander was deep in thoughts regarding Joseph's remarks and the king's decision to pair him with Jade, So he didn't bother to listen to what Jade was saying.

The pair had to participate in a parade the following day so that the community may witness their new king and queen of Austenburg. After yet another crowning ceremony, they had completed all the rituals and were prepared to reign.