

”Scar, what is wrong with you? Are you okay? Please answer me?” I heard Ashton’s voice in a distance. I tried to tell him I was alright, but before I could do that I fainted. The last thing that I remember was how hot my body felt.

”What happened to her? Why isn't she awake yet?” I heard a male voice yell at someone.

”Ash, you got to calm down man, she is fine, and the doctor did tell that she needs some more time.” I heard someone else reason with Ashton. Are they talking about me?

”I am appalled, you should have seen her face before she was unconscious.” Ashton spoke to someone, and I felt my heart tuck in hearing that. What is happening to me? Why am I feeling dismal? I tried opening my eyelids, but it was heavy. I tried a few times before I succeeded.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I closed them promptly. The light in the room was too bright that it hurt my eye.