Broken Cross

Sam had already drawn her Glock when she stepped into the hallway.

The first bullet passed so close to her head that it flicked her hair. The second sliced the air on the other side of her head, and the third bullet shot past her a few feet away.

She was able to catch only a glimpse of the shooter as she darted back into the room: it was mostly silhouette, but it was female, heavyset.

Sam thought about retrieving the flashlight from her jacket— but worried that it would just give the shooter something to aim at. For right now, with the window openings and the faint light spilling through them, there was just enough illumination that the flashlight wasn't critical.

Adjusting her level, Sam squatted down, put her back to the jamb and spun, swinging the gun out and to the left. She fired twice before realizing the woman was no longer there.