Samantha (Sam) Cain is a young female police officer in a small town in Washington State. She is beset by nightmares—being chased by a ravenous beast. In the beginning of our story, Sam discovers a murder victim in an abandoned church, and briefly spots a homeless suspect she dubs the Raggedy Man. As Sam investigates the Raggedy Man, and becomes acquainted with Elias, a handsome newcomer to the town, she is also plunged into an analysis of her own life. She was adopted at an early age and believed that her parents were killed in a car accident. But memories begin resurfacing that cast all of this in doubt. In addition, more run-ins with the Raggedy Man lead her to believe that he has some kind of superhuman abilities. Bullets don't seem to harm him. Will Sam discover the secrets of her past? Will she be successful in taking down the Raggedy Man, and what is his connection to her? Is he truly supernatural in nature? All answers will be revealed in Legacy of the Wolf.