Annyu and Xia's argument...

"Big brother Yi!!" little Su-Jee came to Jiang Yi and said.

"Little Su-jee!! Why are you not sleeping ?" Jiang Yi asked in surprise.

Seeing Su-Jee coming close to him, Jiang Yi quickly threw the cigarette from his hand.

"Why are you not sleeping? lt's very late at night," Jiang Yi asked again.

He knows very well that little Su-Jee might have come down seeing Jiang Yi from the window. So she quickly comes to meet Jiang Yi.

She is the girl who helped Fusion i when Xia got kidnapped.

Yes...Jiang Yi is sitting in the garden of Jamshi Home Care.

"I saw you from my window when I was about to go to sleep. So thought of meeting you," Su-Jee said.

After that, Su-Jee came and sat beside him.

"lt's been a long time since l haven't sat on this bench," she said then looked at Jiang Yi.

" Do you remember this used to be sister Rai's favorite place?" Su-Jee added.

Jiang Yi laughed and look back at Su-Jee. "Is it?"

He pretended as if he doesn't know it.