A stalker...

"What is in this box?"Xia asked Suyin.

"I don't know," Suyin replied with a frown.

This was the third time she was receiving this kind of box with a blue cap sticker on it. It was probably coming from the Blue Cap man.

Suyin was hesitating to open the box. What if something weird might be inside?

"Let's open the box," Xia said with excitement when she saw that Suyin was hesitating.

"There must be something interesting that Blue Cap man send you," Xia added.

But Suyin replied in a low voice while looking at the box.

"No...there is not," she said.

At first, Xia couldn't understand what Suyinmeant by that. But she got to understand when Suyin opened the box.

"What is this?" soon Xia also frowned and asked.

When Suyin opened the box, a very bad smell started to come out of that box. Some rotten food smell.

There are some rotten eggs, sandwiches, and some rotten peaches.

This is the usual thing for Suyin eats for breakfast. And peaches are Suyin's favorite fruit.