Dear Alannah,
Are you ready for some new recruits? I'll keep it short, because I know you don't enjoy reading, but you can talk to me in person soon. I just thought that I would give you a little heads up on what is coming. Two more people.
Melissa Mercia, 29, Pugnator, which should be useful, and given her relatively young age, should be easy to train her. There is something else going on, but I don't feel comfortable explaining it to you in a letter.
Anyway, the other is her daughter. Her name is Anna, she's barely turned thirteen, and she's a Moventis. No, I'm not pulling your leg. So, you'd better think up something to help her develop. As I said, you need a little warning.
I'll see you soon. Hope that everything there is going absolutely swell. Haven't heard from you recently, so I can't wait to catch up with you.
See you soon,
Sent 07/06/2018
"I promise, she will actually help you two."
"Do we need help?"