Dear Mum,
I'm free. Please come find me. Or at least send someone. Please. I... I just need help. I'm in Australia. Down on the other side of the world. I beat the crap out of Chelsea and ran. And then flew. The point is that I got away and I need you to... make me feel safe. That sounds stupid.
I mean I'm not going to feel safe until you're here with me. And I know that you guys have got the plan to kill Riley or whatever it was, but we need to take a break. We've been non-stop, always go, go, go, and I don't think I'll be ready for that anytime soon. Let it be for the moment. Riley isn't coming after us just yet, I don't think. Give us a little rest, Shannon, because I know you're reading this as well.
Albury is the name of the town. Look it up and come get me, I'm sure you can find it. And then we can go and nail Chelsea. And Riley. Whichever one comes first. But not before you let me sleep.
Sent 4/07/2018