Dear Chelsea,
What have you done? After all that we went through, after they tied me up and tortured me and I still refused to let up, after you told me that it was all okay, that she was secure, you let her get away?
I know what you must be thinking, which is something along the lines of 'he's a hypocrite, he wasn't there either'. To an extent, you're right. But you know full well why I can't be there with you right now. Basically, get the hell out of there, because there's no purpose to staying there now, and every moment longer that you spend there increases the chances of you potentially losing your life. And as much as I dislike you, that wouldn't be beneficial to anyone.
Pull your head in, think about the greater good, and leave before Riley or Anna gets to you. And yes, it's Anna. I might have helped kidnap her, but I still liked her as a person, and she earned my respect. She earned yours too, from the sound of things.
Talk to you soon,
Sent 09/07/2018