Having new sisters

The plane landed at 7 pm.

Mary and Thelma retrieved their luggage and walk out of the airport. A black Bentley was already waiting for them. A girl hurriedly came out of the car and threw herself into Mary's arm, scaring Thelma a bit.

"Uh Mom!, I miss you so much!." The girl said with her head buried in Mary's neck.

"I miss you too, darling." Mary happily patted her daughter's back as they separated.

It was only then that Kate's gaze landed on the blonde beside her mother. She removed her shade as she looked at the girl in surprise and then turn to her mommy.

"Mom, don't tell me this is that little fatty?!."

Mary rolled her eyes at her daughter's words. She was also surprised about the changes in the girl. Thelma was fat to ten years old and now looking at the sixteen years old teenager in front of them with a look that could rival famous Hollywood celebrities, that's such an earth-shattering change.

"Hello" Thelma whispered blushingly, stretching her hand out for a handshake. She had seen the girl appear on the news before, she was Kate Thompson, eighteen years old and the heiress to the Thompson family.

The Thompsons were a small family but owned countless companies in many industries. They were also one of the few wealthiest families in Country A.

Kate chuckled and she pulled Thelma into a warm hug. "I am glad to have another younger sister."

"Oh no, your skin is too delicate to stay in the sun for a long time, quick! come and enter the car!." Kate exclaimed as they separated and she take her suitcase from her before taking it to the car trunk.

Thelma watched as she opened the trunk and she put the suitcase into it.

"Princess, come and enter!." Kate beamed as she opened the door for Thelma.

"Thanks.", Thelma muttered as she entered.

Mary had entered the passenger seat earlier and she was now leisurely playing games on her phone. As soon as her daughter and niece entered, she quit what she was doing and look at them with a smile.

Kate started the car and she drove leisurely with one hand.

"Hmm, dear? how is the company doing?." Mary asked as she glanced at her daughter.

"Don't you trust my ability?" Kate asked with a chuckle.

"Of course I do!."

"Then why are you asking?." She paused and then added. "The company is doing great and those old monsters are really...." She chuckled but didn't say anything anymore.

"Did they make things difficult for you?." Mary asked suspiciously.

"Yeah but..."

"But what?!."

"But I roasted them!." Kate happily chuckled.

Mary: "...."

Kate smile again before playing music and successfully calmed everyone's nerves.

Thirty minutes later, the car arrived at a beautiful European-style mansion.

Thelma's eyes widened slightly as she look at the beautiful mansion but just as she was about to admire it more, a girl suddenly ran out of the house like a whirlwind and jumped onto Mary, wrapping her leg around her waist.


Mary was almost sent crashing down by her daughter but she didn't get angry at all as she smiled and pats the girl's back. After a while, she urged the girl.

"Now, Kathy, get down."

It was only then that the girl released her mother and her feet landed on the floor.

"Mooooom, I miss you so much, I am glad you're back!." Katherine cooed.

"Mom misses you too!."

Thelma look at the face and realized that it was Katherine Thompson, the second and the last child of Mary.

Katherine also turned to her and her expression was like that of her sister. "Oh Mom!, is this cousin fatty?!."

Kate glared at her from the corner of her house while Katherine only chuckled instead as she also hug Thelma and whispered in her here.

"Welcome Thelly will be glad if you are not as boring as our Miss Kate, she is the most boring person in the world and the only thing she knew was food."

Then she patted her back before releasing her.

"What did she tell you?." Kate asked suspiciously.

"What did I tell you?." Katherine also looks at Thelma in confusion.

Thelma smiled but remain tight-lipped. Mary smiled at the scene before urging them.

"Let's get in girls." Saying this, she elegantly walked into the mansion.

Kate helped her to get her luggage out and they went inside.