Charming School Prince

"Welcome back Madam!." An old butler hurriedly greeted.

Mary nodded at her before pointing at Thelma that just entered. "Old John, this is my niece, Thelma, and she will be living here from now on. Show her to her new room please!."

The butler nodded respectfully as he take the suitcase from Thelma.

"Miss Thelma, you are welcome. This way please."

Thelma followed the Butler and Katherine also tagged along.

They reached theupstairsr and the butler opened the door of one of theroomsm and make way for her. "This is your room, Miss Thelma."

Thelma look at the room and what met her eyes is the flashy pink in the room, like a Barbie room, from the wall to the floor, all of them were decorated in pink and white. There were Even Barbie dolls around!.

'Could there have been a mistake?' She thought, suppressing the urge to close her eyes and ran out.

"Wow!, Mommy is soo good to you, so many pinks!." Katherine covered her mouth in envy.

"What do you think? do you like it?" She turned to Thelma and ask.

Thelma's first instinct is to shake her head in no but when she saw the gaze of both the butler and Kathy's, she forced herself to nod.

"Yeahhhh, I love it so much!!!."

"I'm glad you like it. I will take my leave now." The old butler said and Thelma nodded.

"So you are also into pink?!, I know we will get along since the first time I saw you!." Katherine grinned.

Thelma didn't say anything and walked to the pink closet.

Kathy walked after her and offered kindly;

"Let me help you unpacked your luggage"

Thelma nodded and the girls unpacked together.

After finishing unpacking, Kate stood up.

"You should come downstairs, dinner is ready!."

Thelma grinned and hurriedly went to the bathroom. "Sure!.

"Why do I feel like she is a foodie?." Katherine thought with her tilted head as she remembered the way Thelma licked her lips at the mention of food.

She also didn't say anything anymore and sprinted out of the room.

Thelma take a quick shower and changed into a cotton shirt with leggings, she grab her fluffy slippers and walked downstairs.

Katherine take her to the dining room and soon, Kate and Mary joined them.

The maids served the food and Thelma had a hearty dinner. The girls then decided to play truth or dare before sleeping.

Mary on the other hand sat on the couch and listened to the news.

Starting the game, Kate was the first to go, she spin the bottle around until it finally stopped spinning with its head pointing at Katherine.

"Truth or dare?". Kate asked.

"I choose Dare." Katherine carefully reply.

A smile bloomed on Kate's face, placing her hand elegantly on the table, she thinks for a while.

"I dare you to cook noodles for us for five days." then she winked at Thelma.

"Five f*cking days?!."

Katherine glared at her elder sister who loves to eat but didn't like cooking. Kate spins the bottle again and the head pointed at Thelma.

"Truth" Thelma chooses.

"Hmm, do you have a boyfriend?" Katherine asked as she looked into her eyes.

Thelma shook her head in denial and soon it was Katherine's turn again.

"Why me always?" Kathy grunt and choose truth this time around.

"Who did you have a crush on right now?" Kate slyly asked.

A shy blush crept on Katherine's face which make her look rather lovely. "Derek Hunt"

"You must be kidding!" With widened eyes, Kate stood up. She can't believe her sister also fell in love with that boy's charm.

"Who is he?" Thelma curiously asked when she saw the shocked expression on Kate's face.

With a sigh, Kate explained.

"Derek Hunt is our school prince charming, not only was he handsome, he comes from the wealthiest family in this country, he is also academically brilliant but.... he never liked a woman, tons of girls confessed to him in the past but he never date anyone of them."

"Kate, you've made a mistake, he dated a girl before." Katherine interrupted softly.

"Oh that, yeah, he is very close with Selena Williams" Kate added nonchalantly.

"I am not in the mood to play this game anymore, can't believe that you like a man that will not even spare you a glance?."

Katherine pouted in dissatisfaction. "Selena can make him fell in love with her so why can't I?."

"Kathy, listen, don't do anything stupid, okay, you don't even have the chance to talk to him face to face talk less of proving yourself to hi!. There are many men to choose from apart from him. I hope you can understand." Kate warned and left the dining room.

"What kind of Sis is she, hash!!" Katherine stomped her feet angrily on the floor and also leave.

Thelma sat there and look at the happy game that end with separation because of a guy.

Now, she was curious about this so call Derek Hunt.