Rude handsome school prince

The Next Day.

Thelma woke up at six in the morning to get ready for her new school.

After she finish dressing, she joined the family at the dining table as they had breakfast.

The school she will be attending was the same as her cousins and also the best private Senior High School in the capital, known for its good academic performance.

It is called Divine High School and it was thirty minutes drive away from the Thompsons' mansion.


Divine High School.

8 am.

The principal's office.

The principal, Mr. Johnson, is a middle-aged man probably in his early fifties and he has a pair of kind eyes, he looks at the files in his hand and was grinning non-stop as if he was holding onto a dear treasure. After a while, he looks up in satisfaction.

"A genius, a rare genius!." He looks at Mary. "Mrs. Thompson, we are really happy to admit this girl to our school, her test scores were all A+!"

Mary smiled and nodded happily. "She is indeed good in her studies. To nurture her more is in the hand of the school now."

"Yes!, don't worry as she will be put in the elite class." The principal took up the telephone beside him and make a call.

Mary checked her wristwatch and then stood up before turning to Thelma.

"Hmm, I will leave first, you should call me or your cousins if you happen to need anything."

"Sure, Thanks" Thelma beamed.

The principal stood up after finishing making the call and hurriedly escort her.

After sending Mary off, the principal sat down and look at Thelma.

"Thelma right? we are glad to have you in our school, welcome! your teacher is coming soon."

"Ok, Sir." Thelma nodded obediently.

A while later, a female teacher, Ruth, entered.

She was a delicate woman in her thirties and she has a pair of smiling eyes that were hidden under the glasses she wore.

Ruth looked at Thelma and could already guess the reason the principal asked for her.

"You are here, come and see this!." Johnson handed Thelma's file over to Ruth with a big smile.

"Mrs. Ruth, This is Thelma Smith, a new transfer student," he turned to Thelma "and this is Mrs. Ruth, Class A form teacher."

"What do you think about her, Mrs. Ruth?" He asked after a while.

Ruth smiled. "It is my pleasure to have such a genius in my class, I will make sure to nurture her further!."

"That is good, that's good." Johnson nodded seriously.

"Okay, follow me" Ruth turned her smiling gaze at Thelma.


The first class had just ended so the students weren't doing anything when they entered the class and the moment they saw Mrs. Ruth enter, they all stood up and greet before sitting back.

"I would like to introduce a new transfer student to you guys." She placed her hand on Thelma's shoulder. "This is Thelma Smith!, please welcome her!."

All the students directed their gaze to the new student to welcome her as they were told, however, they forgot to move their tongues because they were amazed by the impeccable beauty and looked at her in a daze.

Thelma blushingly pursed her lips and then introduce herself.

"Good morning everyone, I am Thelma Smith, I hope I can get along well with you all, thanks."

As the yellow ray of morning sun permeated into the class, the girl stood, shining brightly, a smile on her beautiful face, her aura was like that of a queen, elegant, graceful, and full of nobility. Her voice was like a siren song, gentle, bewitching, and captivating, entrancing them further.

"Do you want me to dig your eyes out?!." Mrs. Ruth asked sternly and it was only then that the students came back to their senses and applauds her.

Mrs. Ruth uses her eyes to scan the class and then her gaze stops in a place and she turns to Thelma.

"Okay, go and sit beside Derek." She pointed at the last seat where a boy sat alone.

Well, he had his head on the table, sleeping, probably the only one that didn't stand up to greet Mrs. Ruth.

"What a coincidence, I guess he is that prince charming that the girls fought because of." Thelma thought.

She nodded at Mrs. Ruth and walk to her new seat and Mrs. Ruth smiled slightly at her obedience.

"If there is anything you need or you don't understand, you can talk to your class monitor about it." Mrs. Ruth's voice came after she sat down.

"Isabella, take care of her." Mrs. Ruth said to a girl with long brown hair braided into two ponytails.

"Okay, Mrs. Ruth." Isabella stood up and nodded.

Mrs. Ruth leave the class after that and some boys stole glances at the new beauty and then continue with their work.


On her new seat.

"Hello," Thelma whispered and tap on her new desk mate's shoulder.

No answer...

She was about to tap on his shoulder again when someone tap on her shoulder gently, she turn her head back and saw that it was the class monitor.

The girl has a smile plastered on her face and said to her.

"Thelma, Derek didn't like it when people interrupted his sleep."

"Oh, I see." Thelma nodded in understanding.

"I am Isabella Jones, the class monitor, and you can just call me Bella." The girl introduced herself.

"Nice meeting you, Bella."

Isabella smiled. "Nice meeting you too Thelly, if you have any problem, make sure to tell me about it."

"Then thanks In advance!." Thelma beamed lightly and Isabella handed her two notebooks.

"This is my Chemistry notebook and this is Physics, if you have any question that you don't understand, feel free to ask."

"Thanks," Thelma said in appreciation.

"You are so beautiful, see, the boys can't take their eyes off you.'' Isabella jokingly remarked as she caught a blushing boy's gaze on Thelma.

"Guess I will have to get used to it" Thelma replied quite nonchalantly.

"What the heck are you chatting about?!"

A low hoarse voice sounded beside Thelma.

She turns her head and looks at the boy beside her who has just woken up and blinked, her partner is so handsome, no wonder Kathy is determined to win his heart.

His features were sharp and attractive, like that of a vampire prince, his aura was distant and cold and his emerald eyes shows a hint of annoyance.

"Princess?" He suddenly asked in surprise, his emerald eyes shone, showing that he was awake.

"What kind of joke is this now?" Thelma thought.

They stare at each other and he look into her eyes which were as blue as a sapphire, complementing her blond hair and he knew he had mistaken her for someone else whom she shares a very close resemblance with.

"Who are you?" He then asked with squinted eyes by this time, the other students had already realized that something was going on and turned their heads, and then they immediately turn their heads to their work again hoping that their new goddess will be safe.

Thelma rolled her eyes and put on a gentle smile.

"Hi Derek, I am a new transfer student, Thelma Smith."

"So????" Derek raised his eyebrow coldly.

'How rude!' Thelma thought.

"Answer me" He demanded.

"Hm, Derek, Thelma is a new student" Isabella interfered.

"So?" He asked again.

"So I am your desk-mate" Thelma replied, the smile on her face never fading.

Derek seems surprised about something and then looks at her before fucking out five words.

"Don't fucking disturb me, okay?"

Then, he resumes his sleeping position.

'He needs to see a doctor' Thelma thought.