She's my woman

"Don't let the woman leave!" He commanded his bodyguards over the phone. After disconnecting the call, he walked out of the restrooms burning with fury. He didn't give a damn care that he had an image to protect.

Meanwhile at the lobby, Yara struggled to let herself free from two hunk men who had gripped her arms strongly. Given that her condition was terminal, any sort of strenuous activity was harzardous to her health. She felt her joints give way and her head throbbed painfully. It was as if her life was hanging by a tiny string that could soon break.

From a far distance, she saw a tall silhouette walking towards her in a domineering way and when he got closer, that's when she realized it was the stranger who had invaded her privacy a while ago. His mint breath lingered in the air and she felt nauseated, throwing up on the floor. The bodyguards had no choice but to release her as she sat down on the floor feeling like death was soon coming for her.

Shark was astounded by the turn of events because he was rather annoyed by the woman, vomiting all over the place. He covered his nose lightly and turned to walk away. His bodyguards followed him and at that same time, a man came rushing to her side, making the man who was about to leave halt in his steps.

"Yara, are you okay?" He scooped her up from the floor and brought her to the couch. The man was none other than Dr. Matt. She was his patient and he had witnessed everything and only came out of hiding after he saw Shark Griffins leave. He was fully aware of who he was and that's why he never dared to provoke him because he had his shares in the hospital. In fact, he funded the hospital which kept it going for the past three years.

Shark Griffins cast a stern look at the man caressing Yara and couldn't help it but go back inside. He himself alone could not fathom what was happening to him and why was he suddenly interested in Yara, a woman he barely knew. What was it that kept drawing him to her?

Yara convulsed and the doctor had to call for help. He was afraid that her condition had escalated to a new difficult milestone. At that moment, he saw a hand move to check her pulse on the wrist and without giving it a thought he squealed, "Get away you moron! She's my woman and I'll take care of her."

Yara was unconscious when she was driven to the High Dependency Unit. Shark was confused and at the same time curious to know how serious was her sickness. He immediately left leaving two of his bodyguards to roam around and report back to him. He hopped into one of the four Lamborghini Gallardo and the convoy pulled away from the hospital.


"How's my grandchild? Is she okay?" Yara's grandfather broke down as he followed Dr. Matt who had came out of the HDU.

"I'm afraid her condition is deteriorating and if we don't get a donor soon enough we will loose her." He said emotionally as he eased the old man to a chair.

"Please, don't let my child die, do everything in your power to save her." The old man pleaded amidst sobs.

"She'll be fine, I promise." Dr. Matt assured him even if he knew her condition was getting worse day by day. He dreaded the old man's condition could get worse provided that he had diabetes.

"Have you taken your medicine?" He asked.

"How could I forget my child, I have to so that Yara doesn't worry for me. She's the one I'm worried about, if I happen to leave before she does, will she be okay?" He spoke with a stutter and Dr. Matt closed her eyes to prevent the tears that were threatening to show his vulnerable side. He was a doctor who had seen many dying in his hands but chose to be brave. However, Yara's case was making him sentimental, he felt trapped with a lot of untold emotions. Yara was her first lupus patient since people rarely had the disease.

He was also doing research for possible ways to cure her. He stayed up all night, stuck in his laptop doing all sorts of findings. His wife was worried about his work and most of the times they argued over the same. He barely touched his wife and she was at the verge of giving up on their marriage. Matt was torn between his patient and his family. Despite the red flags in his marriage, he still chose to help Yara. He wanted to succeed in his research so that he could be promoted to offer the best to the world.

Mr. Banks made a sign of the cross and beseeched God to help Yara.

"I never knew there was this side of you." Dr. Matt jested to lighten up the old man's moods.

"I'm a believer Doc, I believe He can get my child out of that critical condition she's in. God restores everything if you only believe in Him, always praying for His mercies, He does work miracles. Even in your marriage, everything will work out as planned." He concluded and Dr. Matt was amazed, it was as if Banks had read his mind. Truly to say, there was trouble in paradise, his wife stopped preparing meals for him. She now saw him as a stranger. Maybe there was still hope if he constantly prayed for things to work out in their marriage.