A blind date

After reaching his Villa, Shark went straight inside, he was feeling dirty and tired and to cool his body with a cold shower.

"Welcome young Master, someone is waiting for you in the living room." His housekeeper informed him.

"Who is it?" He asked in a rather annoyed manner.

"A young beautiful lady allegedly sent by your mother." She uttered.

"Tell her that...."

Before he could finish his statement, a young beautiful lady clad in a figure hugging dress, revealing her curves strode towards them.

"Hey Shark, long time. How have you been?" She quickly jolted towards him and was about to embrace him when he stopped her in her tracks. First, her heavy make-up didn't please him Second, she intentionally wore a revealing dress to seduce him, he considered it uncalled for and so he couldn't wait to chase her away.

"Carina, what are you doing here?" He asked plainly.

"Is that how you welcome visitors in your own home? Or are you hiding someone I'm not supposed to meet? C'mon, we haven't seen each other since campus days. Please, be nice and accept to go out on a date with me." She bit her lower lip and he sneered not ready to indulge in her whims and caprices.

"Excuse me? I don't know what my mother might have told you but if I were you I would just leave. I'm no longer the guy who used to obey your rules, got it?" He stated clearly and went up the staircase.

"Grasha! Make sure she leaves, right away!" He ordered before disappearing into a large exquisite room.

Meanwhile downstairs, Carina refused to leave.

"Hey, get your filthy hands off me you insolent maid!" She sneered coldly at Grasha who did her best to make her leave.

"I'll only leave if Shark comes down to see me off. Let me call aunt and see what she has to say." She lazily tapped her phone with her long polished nails while chewing gum like a goat does when chewing cud.

"Vanessa, your son humiliated me in front of a mere maid who he asked to throw me out of his house. Aunt, do something." She threw tantrums while speaking to Shark's mom on the receiving end.

"Don't worry, I'll have a little chat with him. Just make yourself comfortable." Vanessa sounded calm from the other end and immediately disconnected the call.

"You heard her loud and clear so if I were you, I'll go back to that kitchen and start preparing dinner. I'm not leaving you dog! Get the hell out of my face, now!" She yelled at Grasha who jolted back to her chores. She was already tired of being treated like a nobody when it came to his master's side chicks. At least he treated her better than anyone else did.

Carina walked back to the parlor and sat cosily on the chaise lounge waiting for Shark to come down.

Meanwhile, Shark stepped into the whirlpool tub outside his vast bedroom and was scrubbing dirt from his body with a shampoo when his phone rang. He rinsed his lean 6'3 frame, running his fingers in his curl hair that was dripping with water....damn, it was a sight to behold. He stepped out and walked back to his bedroom naked, water droplets traveling down accentuating his strong shoulders, glistening off of his arms and trickled down his fine torso torn with clear-cut precise features and six-pack abs aligning on his firm stomach.

The droplets traveled down to his cock....and oh, what a pretty shaft he had. It was sunny, almond colored as the rest of his body...a good 7.5 to8 inches depending on the time and day...and super thick. It was the type of dick every woman wanted to conquer with their mouths and their peaches. He didn't even have to man-scape since he barely had any hair surrounding his junk. And what little he had was like an arrow pointing to whoever was his prized possession. He cared less about his dick, it never mattered and he was humble about it.

Reaching for his phone, he grunted when he looked at the ID caller. It was his mom blowing up his phone.

"What now mom? You sent Carina over when you very well know that I hate it when you set blind dates for me. Don't forget that I can choose not to invest in Alpha Can Corporations which you're literally obsessed with getting your contract signed." He knew how to balance her and put her offside.

"Son, is she not better than those club girls you spent most of your money on? C'mon Shark, she's educated and sophisticated as well. Isn't that what you're supposed to invest in?" Her mother sounded convincing from the receiving end but Shark didn't want to hear any of her blubbering.

"Is either you tell her to get out of my house or I terminate the contract, chose one."

It was final as he hang up on her. What her mother didn't know was that his only son was interested in a poor sick girl who he couldn't get because of how she treated him. He was already in love, his heart ached and yearned for her, the reason why he had chosen to pry on her.

Having bumped into her, his heart had throbbed uncontrollably, something he assumed he'd never feel for the past ten years after losing his one true love, Olivia. She succumbed to cervical cancer at a tender age and leaving him broken beyond repair. His heart became numb since then and he harboured bitter feelings towards women, even though he slept with them.

After drying his hair, he slipped into a large T-shirt and shorts and came downstairs. He was on the last slab when Carina appeared in front of him. Her musky body splash irritated him and so he rubbed his nose profusely.

"Something came up, I'll see you some other time." She darted quickly and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Mmmh, you smell wonderful. I'll have time to shower with you next time." She whispered next to his earlobes and to her uttermost disbelief the man in front of he didn't flinch even a little bit. He stood there like a stone, not reacting to any of her flirting skills.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" He jolted her mind back to reality.

"Oh! Of course I'll leave but some piece of advice, Olivia has been dead for ten good years, it's time you let someone into your heart." She trailed one of her long nails on his chest and suddenly backed away. She carried herself with elegance towards her black SUV yanking the door open, she looked back and winked at Shark who emotionlessly watched her leave.