You have a boyfriend?

Yara regained consciousness after many hours in the intensive care unit. It was early in the morning and she wondered how long she had been comatose. She shed fresh tears when she realized that her breathing was being supported partially by the life support machine. Seeing the IV drip connected to her wrist, she felt sick. It was only a matter of time that she'd be fully dependent on the oxygen tank as her lungs were giving up.

The door squeaked and since she couldn't move her hands to wipe her tears away, she subconsciously closed her eyes. Dr. Matt walked in and checked on the IV drip and then took his stethoscope to check her heart beat.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" He muttered when he saw her move.

"I'm feeling better, where's my grandpa?"

"He's resting, he was....."

He couldn't complete his statement because he was about to betray Mr. Banks. He had asked him not to say anything about his condition because he loved her so much and he didn't want to get her worked up.

"I didn't know you were such a lame liar. I know he was worried about me, so cut the crap." She was about to sit up but Matt rushed in time to help her out.

"Thanks but I can sit up on my own. I'm not that weak and I want to get out of here. This place makes me feel lonely and I don't want to spend my last days here." She muttered with a tinge of pain, her throat closed up and tears flowed down her red cheeks.

"It's not good to start the day with tears, I'll let the staff bring you something to eat. What would you love to have?" He asked. He was trying his best to cheer up his patient even though her condition was getting worse day by day.

"My favorite." She smiled briefly and went back to putting on a sullen face. She couldn't smile for that long because her cheeks were still recovering.

Mr. Banks walked in with a worried face and sat beside her. Dr. Matt excused himself and let the duo have some time alone.

"Grandpa, why the face. I'm not dying any time soon, I promise." She strained to raise her arm but given she was still stuck in the IV drip, she could only sigh silently.

"I'm not afraid that you would soon leave me, my concern is this," he took out her cell phone and tapped a recording.

[Who are you? Why do you have my girlfriend's phone. What did you do to her? ]

"Why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend? What if...."

"It's nothing serious, I promise. He flirts with every girl and I'm only with him because he always spoils me." She couldn't lie to him. What benefit would it have when she had just a little time left, that was if she couldn't get someone to give her the kidney to survive.

"Don't tell me you're cashing out money from guys to pay for our expenses." Mr. Bank's anger had already begun to escalate.

"No, it's not what you think it is. After I figured out that I have little time left, I wanted to have my first time and experience know what I'm talking about, don't you? I didn't expect him to keep it going even if he knew we couldn't work out. He has been supporting me willingly as his girlfriend."

"Does he know?"

"No yet." She mumbled.

"Then stop whatever you have. It's not worth it." He spoke rather roughly than soft to her.

"Okay." She nodded quickly because if she continued arguing with him, it could lead to his attack. Something she wasn't prepared for.

"Grandpa, I want to go home." She urged.

"Of course, I'm taking you home. Your little kitty misses you so much. She even refused to have her milk."

"Oh really?" She laughed then stopped abruptly when she felt pain on her chest.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get out of here. Call Dr. Matt to take this thing off me." She stared at her wrist and scorned.

Dr. Matt walked in right after, carrying food in a tray. He placed it down and watched how the duo was behaving eerily.

"What happened?" He asked as he disconnected the IV drip from her arm.

"Doc, I want to go home." She muttered.

"I'm afraid you have to stay a little bit longer. Yara, you're not well and I won't be always here to save you."

"What do you mean by that?" Mr. Banks asked.

"I don't know if I should be saying this but the hospital management has arranged a transfer for me. They'll be sending me to a remote hospital in the outskirts of Aston, many miles from here."

He finally sighed after cutting the chase and telling them the truth however, he lied, Dr. Matt was fired after someone powerful ordered the director without giving a valid reason. Dr. Matt already knew who it was and chose to accept the aftermath of his actions. He had already seen it coming that after shouting at Shark Griffins to protect Yara, he could come after him. Fortunately, he had figured how to start his own clinic elsewhere, a place where no one would find him.

"So, this is your last day here?" Yara's voice trailed off. He nodded silently and said, "Don't worry, Dr. Evans is more experienced in cases like yours. She'll be looking after you, make sure you don't miss your chemotherapy, she's quite feisty."

"I can't believe you're leaving on such a short notice." Yara who was close to tears couldn't help but get sad by the turn of events. Dr. Matt felt guilty for lying to the both of them but he was left with no choice. What he failed to understand was why a person like Shark Griffins would take an interest in Yara, someone whose life was hanging by a thread.