Is he the only man in your bosom?

Blake opened the door for Yara who was clad in a white jamsuit that he had bought for her. It was the latest design in town and was yet to be advertised and showcased as one of the most expensive cloth brand in the fashion trends. Yara was surprised when Blake revealed that he spent three million dollars on her shopping. She was ready to have it returned if he hadn't insisted on her taking it. She knew Blake's family was super rich but she didn't bother to do a background check up on him. To him, Yara was the woman his family wanted, someone humble yet classy and that's why he was taking her to see the Griffins Empire.

Blake was Shark's cousin, their fathers were brothers with Shark's father, Almond being the eldest son of Sey Griffins. Blake was still in campus, final year just like Yara, studying law while Yara doing economics. Despite her ailment, she wanted to study hard just like normal people did. She had prepared a bucket list full of wishes that she wanted to fulfill before saying goodbye to the world. She was yet to fulfill three more wishes, to get her soulmate, marriage and have kids.

As she composed herself to step out of the limousine, she knew there was no going back. She had taken her medicine and assured her grandfather that she would be fine going out alone. What he didn't know was that she was going to be introduced to Blake's family, the same man he had warned her about. She was going to meet and break up with him when he had other plans. She had to go with the flow and that's how she ended up in the Griffins' Villa.

"You look beautiful, that dress suits you. I'm always the best, aren't I?"

"Mmmh," she mumbled silently and wore a plastic smile which soon faded when he held her hand in his. It wasn't her idea to come with him, in fact, she never gave it a thought that Blake will take things that far. Introducing her to his rich parents wasn't part of the plan and she never expected it. Of late, everything happened so fast, it was like everyone was ready for her funeral. She dreamt about death every night, she dreamt of being buried beside her parents' grave and a handsome man bringing flowers to her grave every day. What was funny about all of it was the fact that she couldn't remember the man after waking up every morning.

When Blake bought the white jamsuit for her, she refused to have it not only because it cost millions but also a bad omen, in her dream, she was wrapped in white clothes to match with a white casket. Was Blake sending her to the grave that early? Considering that she hadn't fulfilled her three wishes. She was yet to search for her soulmate, one who she'd leave behind to take care of their children.

"This way young Master," a tall man led them to a large exquisite dining hall where ten or so people sat chatting happily while toasting to one another. The hall became suddenly silent when Blake and Yara made their way to the table.

Eye to eye, they peered at Yara rather than their son. Vanessa was quick to whisper to Blake's mother, Michelle.

"Isn't she beautiful? I hope she's from a rich family. Someone worth of our time."

"It doesn't matter if she's from a rich family or not provided that she's well mannered, I can acknowledge her as my daughter-in-law in the future." She gave a different opinion, unlike Vanessa who looked down upon others, she was considerate and polite just like her husband. Their son was also just like them but a playboy.

"Welcome home son." Arnold stood up and gave Blake a pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks Dad, please meet my girlfriend Yara. Yara, meet my dad."

"It's nice to meet you Sir." Yara said politely.

"Call me Dad, it's fine by me." Arnold muttered. He was impressed by her politeness.

Blake introduced her to everyone who either shook her hand or hugged her. Blake's twin sisters loved her immediately and invited her to sit with them of which she accepted. She was beginning to feel comfortable when Carina asked her a question hoping to intimidate the newbie to the family.

"So, tell us, what do you do for a living?"

Yara didn't expect to be asked such a question but either way, she was going to say nothing but the truth. She had already sensed some hostility around her especially Vanessa's wink to Carina and the handsome who was sitting beside her. She didn't have any idea that Shark was the same man who had summoned his bodyguards to held her captive and in the process she ended up vomiting. Shark didn't expect the awaited visitor to be her, the woman who he was secretly obsessed about ever since he laid his eyes on her.

Yara composed herself as one of the twins encouraged her to say something.

"I'm a student of Economics and Business Management obviously I don't work since I have to complete my course." She said confidently.

"Yeah, that's how we met." Blake added while winking at Yara. Some members of the family loved the couple while others wanted to prove them wrong especially the trio, Vanessa, Carina and Shark.

"Is he the only man in your bosom?" Shark asked jokingly even though he knew he meant it.

"Does anyone care for dessert?" Michelle suddenly asked.

"We do." The twins responded simultaneously.

Shark excused himself from the table and his mom followed him.

"Your cousin seems to have a problem with me." Yara said obviously to the twins.

"Don't mind him, he's so full of himself." Charmaine, the twin with blonde hair said.

"Ever since Olivia passed away, he has denied himself a chance to be happy." Cheyenne, the twin with brown short hair whispered as if she was afraid of speaking openly about it.

"Who's Olivia?" Yara whispered back.

"Shark's teen girlfriend. She succumbed to cancer, ten years ago but the latter doesn't want to erase her memory." Charmaine said.

Yara pursed her lips like she was least concerned about Shark. She barely knew him and she didn't have to mingle with any of them, really. She wanted her last days to be peaceful and happy.