Are you jealous?

"Is she one of your numerous girlfriend?" Vanessa confronted his son.

"What the heck mom!" He hissed back.

"Perhaps you have something to tell me. Why are you getting yourself worked up. And come to think of it, what was the meaning of that question?"

"It's nothing. Why the heck did you follow me?"

"You haven't answered me yet. Wait, are you jealous of your own cousin? I thought as much." She snorted as she looked into his eyes to catch him lying.

"She's not my woman or anything. I was just curious because I had seen her somewhere with someone else. Happy now?" He took out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. He quickly lighted one of the cigarettes and inhaled the smoke which made him cough for a while.

"Go back inside, you know how to entertain visitors, don't you? What are the two of you up to? Something dirty again huh?"

"Me and who?"

"Your so called daughter-in-law, pft! My foot." He threw away the cigar remains and a maid rushed to clean up the place. He lighted the second one and Vanessa was left in the dark, confused what was happening to her only son.

"Want some?"

"Hell no!" She sighed heavily and walked back to the dining area.

Shark's gaze suddenly turned cold and he balled his hands into fists clearly annoyed by the fact that Blake had pulled a first one on the woman he was so obessesed about. He took some deep puff and coughed several times. Smoking was one way to forget everything that made his heart ache. Ever since Olivia passed away, he started mixing business with pleasure. One woman after another, he even considered his father's idea to smoke now and then until he became an addict.

Meanwhile, Yara ate up to her fill and finished with a glass of champagne. She didn't care about her health for once and wanted to be care free around other people. Blake was busy catching up with his parents as Vanessa glared hard at Yara.

"We can make her disappear. Just the say the word and everything will be done." Carina smirked devilishly.

"Don't be despeceable for goodness sake. Give it some thought, I want to know what she's up to. She must have something dirty under her sleeves." Vanessa blurted out while contemplating over the same.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Carina's tone was full of mockery and pride. She was the daughter of the Mayor of Aston and she wanted her family to try their best to match make her with the Griffins. She wanted Shark to be hers for the taking and that's why she got close to Vanessa, one fool who only thought with her mouth instead of the brain. Carina's sudden involvement with the Griffins sparked mixed reactions in the media. She was a renown model and was soon launching her first show in one of the TV channels in Aston. In one of her recent interviews, she was forced to clear the air after rumours circulated the internet that she was romantically involved with Shark Griffins.

She denied the claims but hoped to work with the latter in her projects. She was the internet sensation and the most followed person in Instagram. She currently had thirty million followers and was always on her toes to maintain herself since there were rivals. Yara's beauty had taken her by surprise and she had to stalk her on her insta page only to find nothing. "Why is she not on Instagram?" She thought to herself as she envied the way her skin glowed. She couldn't stoop so low to even ask what skin products she used. If only she knew how hard it was for Yara to wear heavy make-up to cover up her pale skin.

Yara sensed a pair of eyes that had stared at her for quite some time now but she chose to ignore Carina. She was however feeling uneasy since her skin was beginning to get hot. She even smelt the metallic compound of blood from her nostrils.

"Where are the restrooms?" She asked Cheyenne.

"Upstairs on your left." She muttered concentrating on her phone.

Yara took that opportunity to get away from the table. She took a napkin and covered her bleeding nose while trying to find the restrooms.

"What are you up to?" She suddenly halted when she heard his words then his footsteps drew closer. He was now standing a few metres from her. Yara had no time and she could not let anyone see her like that, her jamsuit was already stained with blood.

Yara slowly turned around and he was astounded to see her bleeding profusely. Her head was spinning and her legs couldn't support her silhouette any longer.

"Let me take my medicine, please." She said in a weak tone and before she could make a step up the staircase, she fell back but Shark was quick to scoop her up. He carried her to his room and later informed the rest.

Blake sat beside the unconscious Yara and he yet to figure out what they could do since their family doctor was out of the country. Suddenly, Yara opened her eyes and asked for her medicine, Blake went through her things and that's when Carina saw some scream and decided to screenshot it with her phone.

"Here, take this." Blake handed her the medicine as the rest of the family watched how careful he was when he was around her.

"Thanks." She mumbled softly.

"What happened?" Vanessa was the first person to ask Shark.

"I saw her nosebleeding and I had to help her out. I think she passed out because of some allergies, only Blake can tell us what type of food she should not consume." Shark cast a stern look at him while stealing glances with the fragile woman on the bed.

Blake knew nothing about Yara since he was putting on a show. All he aimed for was to run one of the Griffins' company and in order to do so, he used Yara as his tramp card. He wanted to make his parents believe that he was capable enough like Shark to keep a company running and he hoped he had carried himself well. There was a chance that he could get the company.

"Sugary foods with high fat content." Blake lied as Yara struggled to hide her laughter.

"Why did she eat the fruit cake when she knows she's allergic to such junk food?" Vanessa was yet at it again.

"Mom, not now." Shark whispered to her, something that made her believe her son was already head over heels in love with her cousin's girlfriend.