Have you never been touched before?

Yara was greatly disappointed when Dr. Matt didn't pick her calls the last night. She even blamed herself that she was the reason why he left in the first place. She had to ask the hospital management how come the most reliable doctor was suddenly transferred to a remote area.

She woke up and found blood stains on the sheets and she was obviously used to it. She had nose bled again. She removed the sheets and soaked them in the water ready to use her hands to wash since they couldn't afford a laundry machine. She had just put her hands in water when her whole body shivered. An immense pain followed afterwards making her to squeal.

"Child! Didn't I tell you not to wash your clothes? I paid Miss Anna for it. Get out of there!" Her grandfather insisted and she backed away.

"She'll be arriving soon. I have warmed some water for your bath. Please, come for breakfast after you're done." He added and left her speechless. She wasn't used to her grandfather's pampering since she didn't grew up like Blake, eating from a silver spoon. Even though she was 22, she felt like a child who everyone had to look after and be careful around her. Everything sucked.

"Oh my gosh!" She gasped when her palms turned red. She knew that soon she had to start her chemotherapy. Something she wasn't prepared for.

After showering, she slipped into a blue simple dress to match with blue snickers and took her satchel planning to go to school after seeing Dr. Evans.

Getting to the small kitchen, his grandfather packed her a sandwich and blended avocado juice.

"I hope you've have taken your medicine. And please, wear something heavy. The weather man says that there will be rain in Aston and you know how that will affect your health. You have to be careful from now on." He cautioned her.

"Yes grandpa. Take care, I'll be back in the evening to have a taste of your new recipe." She gave him a peck on the cheek and walked out of the small penthouse in the woods.

The moment the sun rays hit her face, she gasped in pain. However, she was used to her hypersensitive skin and didn't forget to apply the sun cream. She hailed a cab to Aston Hospital and had no idea that a black BMW was trailing behind them.

'Make sure you don't lose her." Shark who was sitting in the backseat cast a stern look at his chauffeur who was always wandering why his Boss would go after a poor girl when he had other options. He, of all the people knew all the women he had taken to one of his expensive hotel and how damsels threw themselves at him.

He took a turn and kept a distance so that the other driver couldn't suspect anything. Meanwhile, Shark punched his laptop to get his work done. He was supposed to have an early flight to Aster but then postponed because of Yara. He had his men find where she lived and that's why he was personally there to see what kind of house and place she stayed in. He didn't expect her to be living in the woods, a place where a few people camped. Yara's grandfather could take a cab to the nearest shop center to buy groceries and other house stuffs because no shops were near the woods.

The cab pulled over at the hospital and Yara made her way in since the security was used to seeing her every now and then. The black BMW also made a stop over at the hospital and Shark went in as everyone bowed with respect. Apart from having her followed, he wanted to inquire for her details from the hospital management, hoping to get answers to his questions.

Yara knocked the door to Dr. Evans' office and when she didn't receive a response, she sat on a bench across the hallway. She was already feeling weary and tired so early in the morning. Soon, a female nurse stepped out while adjusting her scrubs and Yara knew Dr. Evans was not to be trusted.

He followed after the nurse got out and she made a quick move to stop him.

"I'm supposed to have my IV infusion by 10 am and Dr. Matt recommended me to you. I hope I'm talking to a principled man." She gave him a hard stare and he chuckled thinking he could have her rounded in his fingers, just like the rest of the women he screwed.

"Come in," he said and Yara didn't move.

"Don't waste my time, young lady. I have lots of pending work to do and I can as well as dismiss you."

"Then everyone would come to know about your affairs with the hospital staff. How about that? I'm sure it will ruin your image and perhaps your wife will divorce you." Yara put him in his place but he was a man full of ego, not ready to back down from a fight especially not with a young lass like her.

"Have you never been touched before? Only virgins are that way feisty and stubborn, just like you are." He teased her and she fumed.

"I guess I'll find my way to the director's office." She walked away only for him to call her back.

"I'll have Dr. Andrew handle your case." He said nervously.

'Why? Is there no female doctor in this hospital?" Yara cried out.

"No one brave enough to handle a lupus patient. Just give up and accept your calling." He blurted out without thinking twice about how his words ruined her moods. A lump choked her throat and she swallowed hard.

"I don't need any of your doctors. Go to hell!" She shrilled and left. Dr. Evans thought the latter was going to walk out but that was not the case. Yara got hold of Dr. Matt and she cried while trying to explain herself to him.

"Why did you have to leave? Is there a way you can recommend another doctor for me. Dr. Evans is not what who you think he is. Please, get me another one from one of the hospitals in Aston." She whimpered softly.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do. In the meantime check with Miss Arizona, she's a nice and kind nurse. She knows what she has to do." Having said that, he disconnected the call. Yara's knees grew weaker and weaker and so she slumped into a chair hopeless.