Why are you protecting her?

Carina Stevens walked into the mall and everyone recognized her. Some even took selfies with her, complimenting her for things she herself didn't achieve on her own. If it weren't for her father's money and power, she couldn't have rose to fame and great heights. She was Daddy's girl, one who wanted everything done with perfection even if it meant hurting the struggling souls.

"I love your skin." One skinny blonde attempted to touch her face but the bodyguard was quick to dismiss her.

"Thanks honey." Carina faked a smile and left with her two bodyguards.

She slipped into the powder room and removed her coat, dumping it into the bin. "The nerve of those filthy lowlifes!" She did a light touch of makeup and sprayed her camisole with an expensive perfume with impeccable fragrance and stepped out feeling refreshed. However, someone had taken a short clip of her in the powder room and also took the coat from the trash. It was quite expensive and if the woman sold it, she could at least get a million dollars from it. She sent the video to the paparazzi who were always interested in such matters and in return, she would get a handsome reward from them. She then walked out after her and smirked when she saw her struggling to be nice to all her fans. Being a celebrity was like involving yourself in a scandal, one had no chance to live his or her life. It was faking it all the way but their lives behind closed doors, it was real hell. Some even struggled with depression.

Carina's main agenda was to find Yara's cream and so she walked up to one of the beauty pageants displaying various expensive cosmetics at the beauty parlor.

"Ma'am, how can I be of help to you today?" She asked politely.

"Do you have this cream?" She held her phone fragilly while showing her the picture.

"Yeah but why though?" She was curious.

"What are you insinuating? That I can't afford such a cheap cream?" Carina acted at impulse.

"I'm sorry Ma'am but the cream you're asking for is highly recommended for Lupus patients."

"What!" She yelled almost attracting a crowd of people. The manager had to rush over to save their image. She was fully aware of the presence of the mayor's daughter.

"What is going on here?" She asked her employee.

"I was just clarifying something with our customer here."

"It's nothing, really." Carina chose to defend the worker.

"Can we help you with something?" The manager asked her.

"Nope. I'm all good." She wore a plastic smile and snapped her fingers. Only her bodyguards understood what that meant and they came rushing to her side. She handed her purse to one of them and walked out while the other rushed to open the door of her sports car for her.

Soon after, everyone else watched how the convoy of the three vehicles left in a row. Carina dialed Vanessa's number and waited for her to answer.

"Hey auntie, can we meet up. I have something really important to share with you."

"Is it that really important because I'll be held up with a lot of work today. Honey look, if it's possible you can just say it over the phone." Vanessa who was having her nails done in her new spa, lied to her.

"It's something that can't be said over the phone and it might ruin the Griffins' image."

"What!" Vanessa exclaimed almost forgetting that her toes were crotched in the nail polisher. "Sorry about that, " she whispered to the girl attending to her nails.

"Aunt, who are you talking to?"

"I'm in a meeting with some clients but I'll see if I will be able to make it in the evening. I'll text you the address." She then hang up before Carina could say anything else. She sighed and looked outside the window, the sky was already getting dark and soon there would be a torrential downpour.


Shark Griffins had extended his stay in the director's office hoping to get any information about Yara. Since the hospital valued everyone's privacy, Yara's case wasn't supposed to be discussed with anyone else other than the people she had recommended in her contract.

"Why are you protecting her?" Shark banged the table so hard that the director trembled.

"I'm sorry, it's not within my power to tell you everything about her rather ask her yourself. It's against the code of conduct and I clearly signed the contact agreeing to all the terms and conditions of this hospital."

"Okay, we'll see who ends up begging to maintain this hospital." His words were final and there was no going back. He slammed the door hard on his way out and the director sighed heavily. All that while the latter had held his breath preparing for the worst. He was a man of his words because he too had a brother who succumbed to lupus, an incurable disease that drove him six feet under. Recalling how his brother died unable to help him, he removed his glasses and wiped the tears that were starting to blind his eyes. Even if it meant losing one of their potential sponsor, he would still choose to protect Yara at all costs.

Shark had never been humiliated before so just by a click of an icon in his tablet, he transferred all his fundings back to the Griffins' bank account. The manager was notified and rushing to the director's office, he met Shark midway and he gave up the idea because he already knew who had done the transactions.

At that same time, Yara was done with her thirty minutes IV infusion therapy and was heading upstairs to see the director. Shark saw a figure disappearing to the director's office and knew that he had to wait for her patiently. This was the only chance where he could confront her to tell him the truth.