You'll never change

Blake stepped on the gas after hanging out with his boys at the rich kid's club in town. He was over the moon after his recent achievement that he immediately forgot that they were supposed to meet up with Yara. His Bugatti Veyron parked outside his parents' Villa and he proceeded to the parlour.

"Welcome home young Master." The butler acknowledge him.

"Thank you Pitt."

As soon as he entered the parlor, he was surprised to see his uncle, mom and Dad waiting for him.

"Hey guys, I hope all is well." He greeted before settling down on the couch.

"How's Yara doing?" His mother asked.

"She's fine." He muttered.

"I see." His father chuckled lightly.

"Dad? What's happening? Why his uncle Almond here at this time of the night?"

"Calm down kid, something came up and that's why he's here. I believe he has a lot to say." Arnold said in a sarcastic tone. Blake was lost and couldn't fathom what his father was getting at.

"I'm here to cancel the contract which I believe you are here to sign tonight, Griffins Tech company doesn't need you...."

"And why is that! You think your bastard son is better than me? For fuck's sake! Why should he have everything?" Blake retorted back.

"Son! That's not the way to talk to your uncle. Where are your manners?" Michelle warned him.

"Mom? I can't believe you're taking his side. Go fuck yourselves! I'm out of here." He was quick to leave but turned back when his father mentioned Yara.

"Did you know Yara has a terminal illness? The girl you claim to love is fighting for her life right now as we speak. Why did you lie to us?"

"It was the only way to get what rightfully belongs to me. I couldn't stick around and do nothing when Shark got everything without having to bustle. What do you think I am? A child who can't poop properly on a toilet bowl? Tell me Dad!"

You went overboard by using a sick girl to achieve your goals. You'll never change Blake. The contract will be cancelled and there's nothing you're gonna do about it."

"I didn't know she was sick, she never told me anything Dad." Blake tried to explain himself but his father shook his head disappointedly and walked away.

"That's not how things are done son. If you want the company, you will have to pull a few strings to get it and not playing dirty." His mother patted him lightly on the shoulder and walked away.

Blake gave Almond a death stare and walked out. He drove back to his condo burning with rage.

Meanwhile at the Mayor's Des Res, Carina was having shots of tequila at the mini bar when his father arrived.

"Welcome home Dad."

"What have you achieved so far? Don't tell me you've been drinking since morning when everything is at stake." He hissed bitterly.

"Give me a break Dad, can we not talk about it? Just this once Dad, aren't you tired of trying to reap where you have no right to sow?"

"Hold your back child!" He yelled back at her.

"What do you want me to do Dad? Shark has a mind of his own besides he loves someone else. Don't even think about it, he'll never accept to marry me."

"Then have his child or else...."

"Or else what Dad? End my career? I don't even need it. I'm so done following your rules. Everything is all about you, what about me? What about what I want? Have you ever thought of that?" Carina was at the verge of breaking down.

"The sooner you get married to the Griffins the better for you. Don't make me choose, you're nothing without me remember? So if I were you I'd think twice about it. Goodnight.''

"I hate you Dad!!!!" She yelled after his Dad who went up the staircase without contemplating how his daughter felt. All he wanted was his daughter to marry into the Griffins' family and have his way with their wealth. Mayor Parker was a greedy man who not only embezzled government funds but also used blackmail to achieve his atrocities.

He was facing a major crisis of bankruptcy and as a man he was, he had to make drastic decisions, that included befriending the Griffins through his daughter. Once his daughter would become Shark's wife, he would then execute his plans. However, time was catching up with him and that drove him to pressurize his daughter to fulfill her part of the deal.

Parker didn't care about Carina since she was not her biological daughter, the fact that his wife cheated on him with another man, made him resent Carina. Even after his wife's death, he wanted to throw her out but now that Vanessa seemed to have a soft corner for her, he knew he had to try hard and be nice and accommodating to her.

Carina had no idea that she was born out of wedlock and that's why she had to do everything her father ordered her to do. She was kept in the dark and chances of her finding the whole truth were deemed by her so called father.

Carina opened another bottle of tequila, wallowing herself in pity, she drank all the content of the bottle until she ended up sleeping on the bar stroller. As much as she hated being manipulated by her own father, she had loved Shark ever since they were little. The fact that Olivia had showed up in his life, had hurt her so much that she ended up being a desperado. Now that Olivia was no longer is Shark's life, she had to pull a stunt and get him to marry her somehow.

She had other plans for his father after marrying Shark Griffins. Only she knew how much a loner she was with him. She wanted to remind him that even she, can make her own decisions. All her entire life she had not known any act of love and care from his father and it was time she had to give him the taste of his own medicine.