Can I touch you?

Vanessa walked out of the blood bank room feeling disgusted and sauntered to the lobby. Shark cast a stern look at his mother who didn't bother hiding how she felt.

"I hope she dies." She whispered to his son without remorse and walked out with her men.

Shark wore a smug smile and walked into blood bank room to ascertain whether she had actually donated her blood. He knew his mother as someone who couldn't think of pulling a stunt just to save her image.

"Is it done?" He asked the phlebotomist.

"Your mother was reluctant at first but we have the blood, the compatibility and screening of the blood is also done."

"One mistake and your family is six feet under," he gave him a warning that sent chills down his spine.

Shark then walked out and headed to the HDU to see Yara. He stood by the window with his heart throbbing painfully for the woman who lay helpless on the bed. At that moment, he wished that he had met her earlier and take care of her. He was full of regrets and he wouldn't stop at nothing until she was fully recovered. He was willing to go at any lengths so long as she stayed by his side.

Mr. Banks walked up to him just in time to see a tear making its way down to his neat white shirt.

"Only the weak cry, she certainly doesn't deserve your woes."

Shark got startled but chuckled when he saw the old man scorning.

"I once watched the love of my life slipping away from my embrace not even my money could save her. There was nothing I could do but cry, it made me feel good because I loved her more than anything else in the world."

Shark opened up to the old man, something he never did. After the death of Olivia, he dared anyone in his family to talk about her. He didn't want to be reminded of how she left without goodbye. She was already asleep when he arrived to check up on her, she never kept her promise, that she'd be always there for him. Something that made Shark numb and emotionless since then until his sudden change of heart after meeting Yara.

"Do you love my granddaughter?" Mr. Banks couldn't hide his resentment anymore.

Shark stayed silent for a while but had no intentions of lying to the old man so he said, "I've never loved again ever since Olivia died. Meeting Yara not only revived my wretched heart but mended it. I watched Olivia die but not her."

Mr. Banks was puzzled but didn't want to say anything further. He was always a man of few words and so he left the lad alone.


"" Yara mumbled in her sleep hours after coming to life again. Dr. Matt rushed to her side as she tried to disconnect the hydration tube.

"Hey, you're awake. Let me help you with that." He carefully removed the tube from her nose and she inhaled soundly.

"I never thought I'll be able to see you again." She smiled painfully.

"I'm here now." He caressed her hair and she felt comfortable. The two were always close until Shark felt intimidated to drive him away.

" come you're here?" She strained to talk."

"Don't give it much thought, just rest." He urged her.

"No, I want to get out of here. Hospitals always make me even more sick."

She began crying and Dr. Matt knew it was vain to plead with her.

"If you cry again, I'll go away for good. Do you want that? C'mon, hush now." He trailed his fingers on her fragile hand and she felt ticklish.

"Stop it, that tickles." She managed to put a smile on her face.

"See, I made you smile." He teased her and that time, the door squeaked. Shark had long stood there, watching the duo revisiting their old times. He felt jealous but got a grip of himself and decided to invite himself in. Dr. Matt knew the latter was threatened and if it were not for his phone pinging, he would have been stuck and lost for words.

"Excuse me." He muttered and left. Shark saw how Yara watched him leave and knew he had to do something about it. Yara closed her eyes not wanting anything to do with him.

"I'm sorry I didn't...."

"Leave." She mumbled.

Shark was reluctant to leave instead, he took a few steps and sat on her bed intentionally brushing his hands with hers. Yara's heart jolted like never before. It was a touch like no other, one that had never made her heart pound uncontrollably. Not even Blake could make her feel such a sensation.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Yara scorned.

"Do you love my stubbornness?"

"You're a stranger to me. I don't know you." She opened her eyes and found him peering at her intently.

"So how does a stranger's touch feel like?" He began teasing her.

"What do you want?" Yara asked, feeling flattered.

"Can I touch you?"

"Huh!" Yara exclaimed.

"Your hand...."

Yara pursed her lips since she was thinking he was some kind of a pervert. That's who he was when he had other women in his bosom.

"Don't tell me you wanted me to touch you down..."

"Shh!" Her hand was quick to cover his mouth. She retracted fast when she realized what she had done. However the latter's heart throbbed horribly because she had touched his lips with her small hand.

"Why did you stop?" He found himself so much intrigued by her.