All her wishes

After clearing the table, Yara stepped into the bathroom to clean up before going to sleep. Shark walked to the balcony to make an urgent call.

"Get me to meet Mr. Shaw, it's urgent." He requested the receiver.

"What's the deal dude? Talk to me man. Wait, don't tell me you're in need of a heart or something." The other person chuckled.

"No idiot, I'm perfectly fine. I'm doing someone a huge favor so are you in or not?" Shark was getting impatient.

"Count me in as always....duty calls I guess. It's been four months since I last heard from you, you should come to Aster sometimes. Or are we not best friends anymore?"

"My bad, I'm busy."

"As expected but it's not that bad to check on your side chick..." The receiver jested.

"Red, I'm going to hang up if you keep on bringing back the past to the present." Shark scratched his temples.

"Just kidding bro, but seriously, I was kinda attracted to you before. As much as you want to deny it, you'll never forget that kiss." Red chortled.

"It's been eighteen years already so get over it. You have a hottie as a boyfriend now...I couldn't risk getting sneaky if I were you." Shark snorted.

"Well, well, some people finally grew up. Actually, I'm hanging out with a bunch of friends while my alleged boyfriend is stuck in the office."

"Duty calls, you better get used to it." Shark reminded him.

"Seriously, I miss our old times. Hola me anytime you get to Aster Island, maybe on your usual business trips. Bring that beautiful damsel along with you."


"Why not? You think I couldn't know? I have my sources, I guess it's time to move on." He said jokingly.

"Yeah sure, don't forget to keep me posted about the Shaw thing." Shark urged him.

"Sure Buddy but from what I know is that Shaw has been on the run for months now. You know, after the Organ Harvester Syndicate was ruled out by the FBI, I don't think he's in the country. Less worry, I still have some connections."

"I trust you." He muttered and disconnected the call.

Red and Shark were class clowns back in their childhood days and at some point, Red grew a liking for Shark. The latter was obviously straight but enticed by Red's charms, he fell for his tricks and they kissed once but then saw it quite awkward. They were twelve years, certainly in that adolescent stage. Since then, they have been so friends even though Shark never mentioned anything to Yara about his mysterious past dramas.

He was contemplating how time had eloped so fast that he didn't realize it had been four months ever since Red moved to another city. He was so much caught in the moment that he didn't realize Yara had been there long enough to hear his last words before he cut the call.

"I smell something aromatic, something like shampoo from the almond sweet." Shark inhaled her scent from a far as she drew closer to him.

"I didn't know you trust someone else apart from me...who was that?" She asked.

"An old friend of mine." He turned around to have peek at her.

"Why don't I know any friend of yours? That's something you hardly talk about." Yara wondered.

"You'll meet him soon enough." He smiled at her.

"That's not convincing enough."

"What about you?"

"I don't have friends and I only had a fake boyfriend, your cousin for that matter. That's all you should know." Yara detailed.

"Let's get back inside, you'll catch a cold." He suddenly said. One thing about him, he never showed any sign of weakness when it came to his rivals. Blake was sure one of them. He couldn't get over the fact that Yara still saw the latter as a good person.

"You'll forgive me only for tonight. My bed is little bit small but cosy. I know you're used to sleeping in a king sized bed but for now, this one will do. You'll...."

"Shh!" He sealed her mouth with his own giving her soft kisses and broke the kiss after.

"What was that for?" She wondered.

"You talk too much, me being a billionaire doesn't mean that I should be given special treatment for having been ranked the top richest men in the world. I just need your comfort... that's all that matters."

"Okay then, let's get to bed. I'm getting cold." She spread out the sheets and unfolded the duvet as he climbed the bed.

"I just want to be close to you as many times as possible before I go on a one month business trip." He revealed.

"And when will that be?"

"In a fortnight." He muttered.

"I guess I'll have you fulfill my wishes before you go. I don't have much time left Shark." She hung her head low.

"And you think I'll sit down and watch you die? It's not happening...I'll get you treated even if it's abroad." He lifted her chin up and made her look at him. She could see despair in his eyes and so she said,

"I have a rare blood type, there's no use going to such extent if I know that eventually I'm going to die."

"No you're not damnit! Stop saying such things, you're scaring me." His breath became haggard.

"I don't know how I'll make you feel any better." She embraced him and he, like a child, tugged his hands on her pajamas not wanting to let go.

"Your wishes...I'm ready to fulfill them. You just have to say the word and it'll be done."

"One wish of mine is fulfilled already, that's you. The rest I'll write them down and give to you tomorrow." She was in no mood to continue saying much after seeing how he was greatly affected by her woes. She was made to understand that everyone had to die eventually, it was her turn and her fate had already been decided.

Shark stayed in her embrace until he fell asleep. She covered him and stayed awake for some time to watch him sleep.