You reap what you sow

Outside Aston Law Courts, a shaken ex mayor Parker in handcuffs was being questioned by the reporters. James Miller the new Mayor arrived with his men to make an official statement about his new position.

"Thank you everyone for this opportunity, as your new Mayor, I'll fight for justice to prevail and make sure my fellow citizens' needs are adhered to accordingly." He made it brief and was about to leave when the journalists blocked his way.

"What happens to Mr. Parker?" One of the journalists asked.

"The court will soon give his final verdict but in the meantime, he'll have to stay behind bars." He turned to look at Parker before embarking on his usual business.

Parker was driven back to his prison cell awaiting the judge's final verdict.

"That was brutal... unlike you." One tall guy in a bikini commented after watching Parker's impeachment on his phone.

"You don't know me Davy. I don't lose in a battle but give my opponent his well reserved prize." Carina who was in a bikini too, drinking coconut water said.

After leaving Parker's Mansion, Carina sold his remaining properties earning lots of money. She bought herself a nice posh home down the coast where her mother once lived and started to bond with the neighbors. One of them was Davy, a guy who had recently come out as a transgender. Davy who was once a woman, now behaved like a man.

"By the way, the music studio behind my house is looking for a new sign up artiste. Why not try your luck? You can sing as a part time activity. Take a break from the vlog. Thirty million followers on Instagram is a great deal you know but you really need a break from all that Daddy drama. Modeling nowadays is just like a showbiz, nothing of importance." Davy gave his long speech.

"I lost twenty million followers after my Dad's.... okay Mr. Parker's impeachment. Haters are out to mock me but I guess I'll give them what they want. I'll make a major come back, in a few years, I'll be the top richest influencer in Aston." She said.

"Goals baby...shake that ass up." Davy snapped his fingers.

"I never disappoint. Even Shark and his mother will beg me to do endorsements for their many companies."

"I thought you gave up on that a**hole...what happened?"

"I loved him too much, could you believe it? Ever since we were little. He's now into a lupus girl but if life gives me another chance, I'll go after him. That skinny girl will die anyway. She got one month to live." Carina sneered.

"Poor girl." Davy shook his head unbelievably.

"They might be the one on top looking down on me but life has got many surprises. I'll be there too, just wait and see." Carina smirked.

"I'm Queen Carina all the way." He bragged.

"Everyone pretended to like me especially that Vanessa, she knew I was hatching a plan to marry Shark before it went down the drain. She just wanted to use me as one of her escape goat...I played along with it. A woman like her is bound to be dragged to the grave....die miserably." Carina tried to scare the latter.

"Avenge baby." He wiggled like a worm in the hammock.

"The best revenge is massive success, never forget that." She reminded him.


"Hey son, do you care for breakfast?" Arnold called after Blake who was heading out.

"Since when do you care Dad? For all I know I'm never good enough." He lamented.

"Making a living out of your own hard work doesn't sound cynic. I know you got it in you. Can't wait to see you in a graduation regalia..."

"Forget it Dad. My success is always underrated. Shark Griffins is the son you wish you could have instead of me. I've always known my place in this family and I wish wasn't born to be a Griffins." Blake retorted back, his tone full of resentment and regrets.

"Your bar exams are just in three days," he changed the subject.

"Right. I got it covered. No need to worry.... I'm out." He strode to the main entrance. Arnold shook his with disbelief as Michelle sauntered to the dining room.

"Don't you think we're a little hard on him? He's not a kid anymore." She said.

"Well I don't know what to think. He's so obsessed with the idea that Shark always gets the best in the family. I just want my son not to be like him but more than that." Arnold pointed out.

"Shark and Blake are two different people. Maybe you should consider listening to his woes for once. Give him the Griffins Tech company." Michelle suggested.

"On his twenty fifth birthday." He muttered.

As the duo made plans for their son, they didn't actually know the latter was ahead of them. He had his own plans and that included getting everything from Shark using the harder way.

"Boss, the men are on their way to pick him up." Came a deep voice.

"Good. We should be ahead of them. Let's get out of here." Blake said and the man stepped on the gas, pulling away a few metres from Arnold's Des Res.

"Follow that car, make sure you don't lose the sight of it." Marcus said to the driver who also had his cab parked a few metres away from the mansion. Marcus was a clever man having worked for Shark for almost ten years. He valued his job and now he was about to call the latter to give him updates on Rocco's lead. He had his men everywhere and there was guarantee that Rocco would fall into Blake's trap as they expected. However, there was one question that still remained a mystery. What was Blake's biggest and awaited plan? Shark must have really underestimated the latter's embodiment.