It's a she

Vanessa dressed up ready to get out after taking off a few days to recuperate from her hallucinations. She stepped steadily on the stairs and got down to the parlour.

"Can you handle it?" A question came from Almond reading an article on the chaise lounge.

"I'm not crazy nor am I going insane so watch out on how you say that one." Vanessa hissed.

"Consider taking Lilith with you, who knows you might start having an episode and make a fool out of yourself in front of many people. You wouldn't want that, right?"

"I'm not a psychopath but you are. I'm not the one sneaking to the graveyards to sing for whoever that is...that girl has been for decades now, right?" Vanessa provoked him.

"I believe I never heard that." He stood up to leave.

"Oh really? And here I thought you were a saint but deep down you're a zombie, ever wished to reunite with Marina?"

"She was nothing like you. Stop messing up with the memory I have on her. If life would give me a second chance to be with her, I'll pretend not to have known you ever existed. I know you'll rather be in someone else's arms, maybe the cowboy perhaps?"

"Don't...." Vanessa balled her hands into fists.

"You're not planning to punch me, are you?" Almond for once wasn't afraid of her. "I've tried my best to be a good husband to you for the past few days but what difference does it make? You're still the same cold Vanessa. You don't care about anyone else but you."

"It's all your fault that I became wayward. Living with a fantasy husband isn't easy!" She yelled out loud.

"Living with a woman who sleeps around needs desperate measures!!!" He threw the article on the sofa and walked out on her. Vanessa regained her composure after gulping down a glass of water. She hurried to her sports car and pulled away from her mansion.

"Do you have that psycho with you!" Vanessa yelled at someone over the phone.

"Ma'am we're still waiting for him to get out." Came a trembling sound.

"Don't show your faces to me if you don't have that son of a b*tch!" She hang up afterwards.

"It ends today my dear Rocco." She muttered under her breath and stopped over in the middle of the road to take her pills. She was out of control.

At Aston Maximum prison, Rocco paced up and down his cell waiting for any signal of his savior.

"What's with the pacing? Are you on heat?" Pipi mocked him.

"Shut up!" He yelped.

"You're not getting out anytime soon, this is now your home..."

"Mr. Burton, you're lucky. Someone bailed you out." The warden opened the cell for him to get out.

"No way man! You'll crawl your way in here...enjoy your freedom while it lasts but I assure you, you're coming back. No goodbyes...see you soon." Pipi ridiculed him.

"See if I come back. You'll rot in this place, you're not going anywhere." Rocco cast a stern look at him before living with the warden.

"I believe these are the things you got." The warden handed him a parcel. Rocco opened the parcel and found only his watch.

"Where's my cell phone?" He panicked.

"Ask the one who bailed you out." He snubbed him and walked away.

Rocco chuckled as he got out inhaling the fresh air. He was just chilling then boom! A van stopped in front of him and he was forced in. The van sped off immediately.

"Who the heck sent you?" He asked worriedly.

"Stop asking'll see your savior in no time." One hunk man tapped him hard on the shoulders.

"Ma'am, it's done." The driver said over the phone before focusing on the road.

"It's a she?" Rocco muttered under his breath.

Vanessa who was watching the sea waves and the rising tides down the coast, smiled to herself as she inhaled the smoke of tobacco. She finally had her tormentor in her bosom. On the other hand, Blake was mastering the shooting game in a certain abandoned penthouse in the woods when one of his bodyguards walked over to him.

"You got a call." He said handing his walkie-talkie to him.

"Do you have him?" He asked.

"That's the problem boss. He was taken away before we could get him. We were all wrong about him, someone else is joining the game."

"You better found out who's that rascal and have him killed. What do I pay you for? You all are a bunch of idiots!!" He hissed crushing the gadget with a stone.

"And you! What are you waiting for? Get lost!" He scared away his bodyguard who scampered to the penthouse. Blake aimed the gun to a certain nest on a tall tree killing the nestlings out of anger. He was a person who acted at impulse and had weak shots when it came to owning his game.

Elsewhere, Shark who was so engrossed with a beautiful necklace in his hands, got alerted by a ping on his cell phone. Marcus sent him a link to a certain video and before he could open it, he called him.

"Marcus what now?"

"Boss, Blake lost to another guy. Apparently Rocco was taken hostage by a woman and you wouldn't believe who it is..." Marcus reported.

"Carina?" Shark guessed.

"Watch the video and you'll found more." With that, Marcus hang up. Shark tapped the link quickly and gasped. "Mother! What are you doing? You're not well...not in your right mind." Shark sighed deeply and transferred the clip to his computer. He then got on a call with Marcus.

"Protect my mother at any cost. Don't let anything happen to her." He ordered.

"I'm on it. Blake has sent his men to find

Rocco's whereabouts." The latter informed him.

"I'll send you some back up provided that she's safe."

"Yes Boss." He responded.