You crossed the line

Rocco was thrown into an underground dungeon next to a lion's den where three lions were taking a rest.

"No! No! You can't let that fucking animal out."

"You don't get to choose." One of the men said before climbing up the stairs with other two men.

"Get me out of here! Someone help! Help!" He cried out.

"Oh Baby, what's with the yowling?" Vanessa sauntered close to him.

"You? What the heck is this! A child's play?" Rocco blurted out.

"Certainly not. You owe me you prick!" She took out a gun and aimed it at his chest.

"Vanessa, we can work things out. This is not you. We used to be buddies remember?" He pleaded with her.

"I don't remember that...all I remember is you forcing your way into my pants. You think I couldn't find out how you spiked my drink with meth and made me sleep with you? Oh dear Rocco, was that your last lick?"

"I thought..."

"You thought what?"

"We-we were having....a good time." He slurred in his speech.

"No! I can't bring myself to like you let alone sleep with you. Do you have any idea what you just did? I went crazy after leaving your bed, I had to be on an IV drip and I certainly can't trust my own instincts now." She stepped closer to the latter kicking his legs with her high heeled boots.

"Ouch!" He writhed in pain.

"No squealing, that's their work." She pointed out at the lions.

"You gotta be kidding that why you had me arrested? Because I forced myself on you while in your alcohol haze?" He chuckled.

"No, actually someone made my work easier. I always have my people ahead of me." She squatted in front of him but stood up immediately covering her nose.

"Yew! You smell like rotten eggs...I wonder if that dilapidated prison did you any good. Well, here you are. I would treat you better than them and afterwards, you'll be freezed in formalin and the priest will give his final verdict before you're wheeled six feet under. Of course, it has to be your brother...the one at the monastery. A righteous man whom your father loved. You'll go to hell after all." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Then why did you come to meet me in prison? I know it was you disguised as man and those well trusted sure always have your way with things." He snorted bitterly.


"It was you, so drop the act. You left me a note...untie me so I can show you it to you."

"Not in a bit...I can get it on my own. I just have to stand your stench. So where's it?" She ransacked his pockets. "Oh, I found it."

"Tell me that isn't you..."

Vanessa read the address written on the piece of paper. "This is Arnold's penthouse. What's his deal with this piece of sh*t?" She thought.

"Well, what do you have to say about all that?" He asked.

"It wasn't me, I don't get my hands dirty when I have people who can do it. People better than you. I sent someone over." She lied to cover up for someone else's game.

"Let me go Vanessa, I'll do anything you want me to, please. For old time sake." He begged of her.

"Oh dear, your fate is already decided. In less than an hour, you'll be joining your dear father in the grave."

"How despicable of you!" Rocco was pissed off.

"So much anger huh? I gave you too many chances. You went as far as ruining my own family even when I filled up your bank accounts. What do you take me for? A charity case? You failed in a simple task and you claim to be a serial killer. How ironic..." She smirked devilishly at him.

"Your son got in the way of every plan I had. What was I to do? Kill him? Kill your own son? C'mon Vanessa, let's stop this whole thing about who's better and who isn't."

"Right, it got to stop." She moved her hands to pull the trigger.

"Ma'am we have to go. It seems someone is here to rescue him." One of her men came downstairs to the underground pit. Shortly after, gun shots were heard.

"Set the whole place on fire!" She ordered him.

"Ma'am we have no time."

"Go!" She yelled at him.

"Vanessa, you can't let me die in here. Please, let me go. I'll do..."

"You don't get to choose. I'm sorry but you have to go join your father. That's what he wouldn't have wanted, to be by his son's side." She walked away.

"Vanessa! Help me!" Rocco cried.

Vanessa halted in her steps and turned back. Rocco thought she was going to let him go but what she did was rather unexpected. She pressed the closed door button and the door closed on him. She then opened the lion's den and the roaring animals pounced on the poor Rocco.

"Ciao!" She waved her hand on the air before being pulled away by one of her men.

Vanessa was carried out of the smoking hideout as fierce flames reached down the dungeon where lions were feasting on Rocco's body.

"Boss, she passed out but she's perfectly injuries on her body."

"Take her to the hospital, I'll see you there in a bit." Shark said before ending the call.

"Sir, the board members are waiting for you in the conference room." His secretary informed.

"The meeting can wait. I'll have to go to the hospital." Shark said rising up from his office swivel chair.

"But Sir...."

"Edi, don't let me repeat myself." He then walked out taking a lift to his garage on the ground floor.