Hope of resurrection

Shark alighted from his private helicopter and made his way to a beautiful large facility.

"Sir, this way. Mr..Shaw has been expecting you." A curvy young lady led the way.

A glass door suddenly opened ushering a beautiful and exquisite office decor. A man with grey hair smoking tobacco from the pipe turned around to see his awaited visitor. Two pink caged rabbits and a lioness were displayed in his office.

"A billionaire's touch." Came his rough voice as he shook hands with Shark.

"Can't afford it." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Welcome to my empire Shark Griffins. It's been a while since I Iast had such great honor. Meanwhile, I have been attending to my security guards as you can see. Not forgetting the frozen bodies..." He chuckled hard.

"You're not badly off. Welcome aboard." Shark smiled rather wryly before his demeanor changed into a serious one. Mr. Shaw tapped a button on his top desk, and the same beautiful and curvy lady walked in.

"Flower, he's all yours." Mr. Shaw said.

"Okay sir." She bowed down before composing herself to speak to Shark.

"A billionaire's intimidating gaze huh?" Shaw shook his head lightly before resuming his puffs.

"The prize claimed will be at your disposal. Please, follow me." Her soft voice charmed him.

"Laters." Shaw prolonged his raspy voice as Shark walked out with Flower.

Shark's focus was on the young lasses resting on the grass outside the facility. Something seemed off about that place and he wasn't going to give them an easy time. He pinged his most trusted pathologist, Dr. Carson to have a research on what was done with frozen bodies. Flower saw how troubled her new catch was and decided to give him a little gist about everything in that place.

"The girls you see, are our potential clients...." Before she could finish, her watch gave her a red signal. Rules were rules, she wasn't supposed to break them. Mr. Shaw valued privacy, that's why his new hideout wasn't easily figured out. Shark knew there were massive dark secrets surrounding the facility.

Flower raised her arm midway and two antibacterial scrubs were brought out from a secret closet.

"Wear this, we're about to enter the most restricted area...high hygiene is required at most." She instructed slipping into the scrubs and wearing gloves. Shark knitted his brows before considering fitting into the antibacterial scrubs. Flower then pressed a button on the wall and the yellow signal indicated the door was about to open.

"Follow me." She whispered.

"It's freezing in here." He commented.

"The frozen bodies....don't worry. The environment is quite conducive. This the cryopreservation lab and of course you can see the dead people in the cubes. This is a highly suggestive research done by Dr. Shaw and his team who you'll meet in a while." She explained as Shark scrutinized all over the lab where preserved bodies were kept. Flower then stood at a cubed glass container enough for two and urged Shark to join her.

"We're going down...." She said and soon the lift started moving downwards.

"Quite impeccable I can say." He nodded as they walked into the medical intensive care unit.

"Modern technology." She simply said.

"Good to see you Mr. Griffins." One tall middle aged man in spectacles said.

"Oh my bad, this is one of the best doctors we have, Dr. Amazon." Flower informed.

"Yeah, I'll take it from here." He acknowledged his presence.

"Sure Doc. See you in a while." She winked at Shark and left.

"Follow me please," Dr. Amazon ushered him to the long term intensive care unit.

A young woman's body was connected with tubes, wires and cables. A cardiac event monitor showed vital signs, monitoring her health and supporting her bodily functions.

"She's the donor who'll save her life." The doctor said as he checked the IV drip. "A patient of coronary artery disease, she has been dependent on the oxygen tank for six months now. There's no hope and her family will soon arrange her burial once we disconnect the life support machine. Her kidneys are in perfect condition and we'll have to conduct the kidney transplant in less than twenty-four hours."

"I'll compensate the family as it was agreed upon." Shark registered Dr. Amazon's brief explanation.

"Dr. Shaw will take care of everything." He said.

"I was curious to know about the frozen bodies." Shark exhaled.

"We have a cryogenic unit in this facility where frozen bodies are kept in large aluminum tanks with liquid nitrogen serving as cryonics. It is the low temperature freezing and storage of human remains, with the hope of resurrection." Dr. Arizona explained to the latter.

"And the girls?" He asked.

"Don't worry, your fiancee or whatever she is to you, will be safe. I personally will take care of everything. Don't forget, we don't have time." He patted him on the shoulder.

"How sure am I that I can trust you?" Shark expressed his worries.

"If you want, we can keep you live as we operate on your lover. Such medical units don't accommodate more than two people."

"See you soon then." Shark turned around to leave as he knew forcing Arizona to talk wouldn't do him any good. On his way up the lift, he got in touch with Dr. Carson.

"So what do you have for me?" He asked her as he peeked at any sign of secret sound recorders. He had to be careful with Shaw, he couldn't let him found out that other than wanting Yara to have a kidney transplant in his facility, he was also snooping around for any important information. Especially when the young lasses he saw in the orchard were involved. Apparently, one of his travel agencies had been receiving numerous number of young girls wanting to travel to Aster Island. The funny thing though, was that every girl had the same design of expensive tracking watches on their wrists. Shark had been on Shaw, studying the latter carefully and even had his men just near his facility to find anything suspicious about him.

However, it was so hard to find out what he was up to since he covered his tracks well enough for anyone to intrude. Shark had to monitor his travel agencies to abroad and find every slightest details of the damsels. Soon or later, he was bound to know the truth behind having such a reputable facility.