I'm fading away

The cemetery was eerily silent as Yara floundered to one particular grave. She knelt down in front of the epitaph and let the blood gushing out of her nostrils to stain her clothes.

"Mom, Dad....I miss you so much. I don't think I have much time left. I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone. Take me with you, to that place of peace... please." Her voice trailed off as her strength faded away. A strong wind blew and she passed out. It began to rain heavily and Yara bled more.

"I can't get hold of Shark, where's my granddaughter?" Mr. Banks asked Grasha.

"I'm sorry you just missed him. He left like an hour ago. If I'm not mistaken, it'll be a while before he returns." She told the poor man pacing up and down. "Come sit down, your blood sugar level will shoot up." She urged him.

"I can't find my child anywhere and you expect me to sit down? There's so much cold outside and I don't know if she's safe or not." He spoke with a stutter.

"She will be back..."

"No! Her phone can't be off. She uses the reminder to take her medicine." The old man insisted. "I just have a bad feeling about this." He eventually sat down as Grasha brought him some ginger tea.

"This will help you calm down." She said.

"Why all the trouble?" He suddenly asked her.

"It's the least I can do besides you're family now." She smiled fondly at him.

"Much appreciated." He muttered and sipped the tea.

"Mm? Can't complain...just what I needed." He acknowledged her effort.

"I'm glad you like it. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." She stood up and left.


"I like your idea....it's going to help Yara and the rest of the people suffering from lupus. So, when are you doing the inauguration?" The director asked Dr. Matt.

"Next week." He muttered.

"Perfect timing, at least I'll have time to attend. You just need to drop a pin." He chuckled.

"Sure thing. I'll be going on my rounds now." He sauntered to the door.

"I'm so grateful for you, the hospital will be happy to work with you any time." The director commented.

"I'll appreciate it." He acknowledged his kindness as he walked out closing the door behind him.

Meanwhile at the lobby, a short man walked to the receptionist.

"Can I see the doctor?" He asked hurriedly.

"You'll have to fill this form." The receptionist took out a sheet of paper and handed it over to him.

"No, I'm afraid this can't wait..." He said half mindedly as he spotted one of the doctors walking his direction.

"Doc, I need to talk to you." He approached Dr. Matt.

"Yes, go on." He gave him his time.

"I dropped a beautiful woman at the cemetery, a while ago but I'm afraid she wasn't too well." He explained himself.

"What do you mean not well?" Dr. Matt asked for clarity.

"She was nosebleeding and her face was pinkish I think...she just couldn't accept my offer to bring her to the hospital." He added.

"No, it can't be Yara." He muttered under his breath.

"Sorry?" The man wondered what he was murmuring.

"Which cemetery?" Dr. Matt asked.

"Bloody Waters." He responded.

"Was this her?" Dr. Matt showed the latter a photo of Yara.

"Certainly yes, it's her." The man confirmed.

"Thanks, we'll take it from here." He tapped him and walked hurriedly down the hallway.

"There's an emergency at Bloody Waters cemetery....I need the ambulance and some nurses too."

"Right away." The person responded. Dr. Matt put down the telephone and rushed to the exit.

At the cemetery, the rain had stopped and Yara flinched several times before losing consciousness again. The ambulance arrived at the graveyard and a stretcher was pulled out by two nurses. Dr. Matt rushed to Yara.

"Hurry, she's half dead!" He cried out to his team. Checking her pulse, Dr. Matt couldn't tell if she was dead or not. She was so cold almost frozen. Looking at the pool of blood and water mixture in the tall grass, he felt like a part of him was dying. He wondered where Shark was, what happened for her to drown her sorrows at her parents' grave and what if she was fading away. He, only knew what was happening, it was at that time of the month she was supposed to get a kidney transplant and then from there, her fate would be decided. With a kidney transplant, she'd be able to live for a few months before her other crucial body organs fail yet again.

Yara was wheeled inside the ambulance and an oxygen tank was connected to her breathing tubes.

"Doc, she slipped into a coma." One of the nurses confirmed after checking her heart rate monitor.

"Let's get her to the hospital." He issued an order and soon the ambulance pulled away from the cemetery. Dr. Matt kept on checking the cardiac event monitor and was worried that Yara would give up and stop breathing.