A charity case

"Mom! Put the gun down! Listen to me, please." Shark jerked forward.

"No! I have to kill this bastard first. He's Rocco's partner. He could have bailed him out if I didn't get their first." Vanessa pointed the gun at Arnold.

"Shark, do something," His uncle requested him.

"Mom, it wasn't uncle..."

"No! Why are you defending him? You should be on my side Shark. For fuck's sake you're my son."

"Shark be careful..." Yara said.

"Why did you bring that lowlife along, isn't it enough that I gave you my blood!"

"Mom! Enough of this drama!" Shark burned with rage.

"Why? She has the right to know that she's a burden to you. She's just a nobody Shark, better than Carina. And you! Leave my son alone! He can't tell you how much he regrets falling in love with a sick girl. You know why? He pities you, we all do. A nice send off to your grave..."

"Mom!" Shark pushed his mother to the floor as Yara ran out of the mansion. "You always ruin everything, are you happy now? Leave my uncle alone! If you want to know the truth, ask Blake. He knows what he did."

"What has my son got to do with all this?" Michelle asked.

"He connived with Rocco to have me killed. Your son wants to have everything I have worked hard for." Shark confessed.

Four nurses arrived at the Mansion and took away Vanessa who tried to resist.

"Shark! Don't let them take me please." Vanessa cried.

"Mom, you need help. Hurry up and take her away." Shark swallowed hard.

"Shark, what's happening?" Arnold got up from the floor.

"Not right now uncle," he walked out on him.

"Yara! Yara! Wait!" Shark ran after her.

"Leave me alone!" Yara whimpered as she lost the strength to walk any further.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you she was a match. I really am." He tried to reach out to her.

"Don't touch me! Fuck off you bastard!" She yelled at him.

"Don't be like that, I don't know what to do..." His voice trailed off as sentiments took over.

"I'll make it simpler for you, leave me alone! I was fine without you. I'm tired of everyone trying to be nice just because I'm dying...I certainly do not need your pity. Your mother was right, I'm nothing like Carina, someone you should have loved instead of me. Just let me die in peace." She floundered forward with difficulty as Shark followed her.

"I love you! You're the one I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with. Please don't push me away." Shark knelt down in front of her.

"Love is overated Shark...love alone is not enough. You don't love me, I'm just someone you're trying to watch over just because you can't get rid of me. You were lured by my good looks not knowing I was a rose bound to wither at dusk. I'm sorry Shark, we're over. I'm counting days on this cruel world, I won't be there next summer. Just let me go." She choked on her words and carried forward.

"No, you can't leave me. Take me along with you then. If you're so brave of death, I want to face it with the woman I love so much. I was brave to love you even though I knew you had months to live, I wasn't sacred. Please, don't leave me." Shark sobbed hard.

"It's better this way Shark. Let's not get hard on ourselves." Yara wiped her tears away and left but Shark still followed her.

"What about your wishes? I bought the necklace you so craved for. I was going to give it you. You told me it was your mother's favorite collection, remember?" He took out a shiny vase shaped pendant, detailed with fringes and gave it to her.

"It doesn't matter now. I'm good as dead. It's best if our paths never cross again." Yara returned the necklace to him.

"Okay then, the day you die, I'll also die." He muttered and left in a hurry. Yara stopped a cab and hoped in.

"Ma'am you're bleeding, do I take you to the hospital?" The cab driver was worried when he saw her nose oozing blood and her pale face.

"No, take me to the cemetery." Yara said without thinking.

"Ma'am I...."

"Just do what you're paid for..." She said as she leaned against the back seat.

"Marcus! Go after her and make sure you bring her to the villa!" Shark summoned him. The latter's mind was in a haze as he paced up and down the threshold of his huge house. Suddenly, his cell phone rang and he picked it up without reading the caller id.

"We have found a match, I'll send you the location." A man's raspy voice was heard and the call was disconnected immediately. Shark smiled to himself and muttered, "I'll fulfill all your wishes no matter what."

The sound of a helicopter landing on the soft grass startled him and he recollected himself to leave the mansion.


"Yes sir. What can I do for you?"

"Take care of Yara." It was an order rather than a request.

"How long will it take to reach Aster?" Shark asked his pilot.

"Two hours Sir." He responded.

"What are you waiting for!" Shark had no patience anymore. There are things that mattered more to him than anyone else. And that was to fulfill yet another wish Yara wanted. He cared less if she accepted his help or not, he loved her and he wasn't going to give up on her.