She's my responsibility

Dr. Matt had footsteps from behind and turned around only to be shot. The sudden shooting, the ringing of the emergency sirens and the spreading of the knockout gas made everyone at the hospital scamper for their dear lives. The lights were turned off and the CCTV cameras were destroyed. Director Stevens was choked by the gas and was unable to leave his office. Marcus and his men in protective masks rummaged through the ICU and took away the weak Yara and wheeled her to the Van.

"The Boss is waiting. We have to get to Aster before midnight. So move!" Marcus issued an order and the convoy of five expensive machine pulled away from the hospital.

Back at Shark's Villa, Mr Banks slept on the couch and Grasha tiptoed carefully not to wake him up so that she could cover him.

"Is Yara back?" Mr. Bank yawned.

"Good news, it seems like Shark and Yara are on vacation." Grasha lied to make the old man less worried.

"And she couldn't tell me? Where did they run off to?" Mr. Bank asked Grasha who was running out of options.

"It is supposed to be a secret. Shark loves Yara so much so, he thought of taking her to see the world. By the way, I made your bed so why don't you go upstairs and rest?" She sounded convincing enough for him to suddenly rise up and climb the staircase. As soon as he was out of sight, Grasha hurried to the telephone booth and called Shark.

"Grasha, what is it?"

"We have a problem, the old man is asking too many questions. What do I do?"

"Make sure you give him the sleeping pill. Don't mess things Grasha otherwise I might consider throwing you to the dogs." Shark warned her.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him." Grasha held her breath and only sighed when the call was disconnected. She was just following his orders blindingly since she had no clue what was happening. Shark was a hideous man, the more he involved people in his plan, the more the chances of things getting ugly. Shark stood in front of a large swimming pool and held a glass of sunset rum as his thoughts wandered far away. He thought of her, the only woman who gave him sleepless nights, the woman he couldn't have even if he had her.

He recalled their last time together, how she pushed him away and how he fought hard to be with her. He was going to do everything in his power to revive the sweet relationship they once shared. He looked at his watch and it was almost midnight. His men's time frame was almost complete and at any minute, they'd land in his Villa on Aster Island. Meanwhile, he thought of giving Red a call but then decided against it. It had been a while and he wasn't supposed to meet him in such emergencies.

Suddenly, a gast wind blew and the sound of an aircraft landing deafened Shark's ears. He took a few steps from the pool and entered a narrow lane to a large field.

"So how's she?" He asked Marcus.

"She's breathing at least but she running a high fever." Marcus reported.

"I'll take it from here. You can go and have a rest, all of you." He gave his final word and the seven men left the field. Shark took Yara into his arms and took her upstairs to his vast bed. Yara struggled in her sleep and suddenly opened her eyes.

"Hey, I missed you." He kissed her forehead. Yara was too weak to say anything, it could take her sometime to fully regain her speech. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep. Shark put some clean water in a small basin and dipped a towel which he placed on her forehead. He wanted to take care of her the old way. Even if his Villa was bursting with maids, he couldn't allow any of them to come closer to his woman especially now that she was fragile. He took off his clothes and stepped into the shower, he gasped when the cold water dripped down his body. He scrubbed dirt from his body and quickly rinsed himself and got out wrapping a towel around his waist. Standing in front of the mirror countertop, he looked at his tall silhouette and smiled to himself. From the mirror he could see the woman on his bed sleeping.

Her cute face when she slept almost like a kitten's. She looked so adorable even if she was ailing. He took a dryer and blew his hair dry. He then put on boxer pants and jumped into the bed beside Yara whose body was covered by sweat.

"Holy shit. It seems I have to get her cleaned up. No, I don't think she's well enough to withstand the temperature of the water." He muttered to himself and moved his hand to take off her fluffy jumper. He tried not to peer at her body and removed the hospital gown revealing her pure skin. What remained on her body were enough to make him want her. He licked his lips dry and covered her before he could make a move on her.

"Lay low you idiot." He grabbed his manhood and cursed out. He doused all his burning desires and laid beside her. Him leaving her half naked wasn't a bad idea at all because Yara slept soundly without any trouble. But someone else was having trouble sleeping all night. The fact that she had begged him to let her go was torture for him, if it wasn't for her condition, he'd have forced himself on her. A punishment for trying to drive him insane. He was a man and he had his needs. One of them was getting between her thighs and taking her so hard that she'd live to remember the wild Shark. Ever since Yara dropped him, he hadn't been himself and now that she was going to have her first kidney transplant, he would no doubt expect the best results.