When you're mine

At dawn, Shark prepared Yara for her surgery and left together with his men to Serhunt Facility. Meanwhile at Aston Hospital, a meeting was held to determine Director Stevens fate now that two hundred patients had died last night after power had been cut off, depriving them of the oxygen they had been receiving from the life support machines. Moreover, Dr. Matt's condition was worsening in the intensive care unit after his liver was badly damaged. There were tiny chances that he'd make it alive.

"I'm sorry Director Stevens but we'll have to take over the management of this hospital. Until the investigations are over and done with, you'll just be on the side lines. Take some time off and think about it." James Miller's partner, Redmond, said. The fact that the Mayor Miller had to intervene in the hospital's scandal, only meant that he was fulfilling one of his promises to the people of Aston now that they were on rampage. Outside the hospital, a crowd was protesting after losing their loved ones due to the hospital negligence.

"Promise me one thing, that Dr. Matt will be taken care of and please do find the missing patient. That's all I ask in return." Director Stevens a man of few words humbled himself before the stakeholders and shareholders of his hospital.

"That will be taken care of Director. Have no qualms about what I can do and what I can't do." Redmond grinned. "I'll have my security guards protect you on your way out. The angry mob might cause a scene."

Director Stevens sighed deeply and walked out of the conference room. Three guards trailed behind him as he went down to the lobby. The hospital new management was already replacing his decor and tightening security measures. His office was being cleaned as well. He halted in his steps and had the last glimpse of the place before making his way to the intensive care unit.

"He's your friend and you were supposed to protect him. It was our anniversary and he didn't even come home....what am I supposed to do?" The inconsolable Amber lamented when Dr. Stevens neared her.

"I'm really sorry...."

"Sorry won't fix anything, just leave. I want to be with my husband alone." She rubbed her swollen nose. The latter walked away in silence and was forced to his car before the angry mob could stone him.


Shark was watching news about the new management of Aston Hospital when Marcus arrived.

"Boss, we have a new lead on Shaw's frozen bodies." He reported.

"What now?" He asked.

"The accident victims are majorly his patients."

"That I know. Marcus, if you want to have your prey wrapped around your fingers, you use their weakness. I want you to find out why those girls are brought here." He said.

"Yes Boss." Marcus responded.

"Yara's surgery is about to begin and I'll be going live. No more interruptions." He warned.

"Sure Boss." Marcus muttered and walked over to his men.

"Hey Handsome. It's about time, come with me please." Flower invited Shark into the WiFi room.

"You're always this beautiful," Shark acknowledged her.

"What can I say? It all comes from my dearest mother....may her soul rest in eternal peace." Flower made a sign of the cross.

Suddenly, the large magnificent screen on the wall was turned on and Dr. Arizona waved at the both of them.

"It's good to have you on board. As you can see my team is ready to do the transplant. I assure you she's gonna be alright." Dr. Arizona said. Shark saw Yara being wheeled to the operating table by two nurses. Her donor was also wheeled next to her.

"So how does it to feel when you're in love?" Flower asked the absent minded Shark.

"What did you just say?"

"You love her that much huh?"

"More than my life. I promised her heaven you know, I'll do what it takes for her to live longer. I want her to be the mother of my kids." Shark stared at her through the screen. Yara who had been given general anesthesia, lay on the operating table with her eyes closed. She wasn't aware of where she was even after Shark's men took her away from the hospital.

"Not for every girl, some of us don't have a choice but to wriggle our bottoms to mannerless old men...I admire you. I wish you could be mine." Flower smiled fondly at him.

"You know I already have someone. But if I may ask, do you ever regret it?"

"What are you talking about?" Flower asked confusedly.

"Not having to live a carefree life. Being someone's legit love....I mean being loved." Shark diverted his words when he had only meant something else. He knew if he ever screwed in front of her, she might not help him discover Shaw's real aim for setting up the facility.

"We can't turn back the hands of time, can we?"

"Definitely not." Shark concurred with her.

"Even when life gives you lemons, make lemon marmalade... perhaps sell it to make a profit or better you can use the sourest lemon that life hands you and make something out of it, that resembles lemonade. That's how I flowered after withering for such a long time."

Flower trailed her long nail up to her left eye and wiped a tear that had threatened to ruin her make up. Shark chuckled and wondered how she even looked without that fake makeup. One thing about Shaw, was that he never recruited just anyone to work for him. Even murderers could be the best secretaries in his bosom. Just like Flower, she had a face reconstruction after escaping the prison cells five years ago. According to Shark's findings, Flower went by the name Flore Martins, a thirty-five year old woman, a psychiatrist at one particular mental hospital who had stabbed her patient to death. That had happened ten years ago leading her to life imprisonment.

Shark believed that Shaw was somehow involved with Flower's escape from prison and even an extension to the mental facility where she had previously worked as a psychiatrist. Looking at her, Shark smirked devilishly because he knew what he could do to make her talk. Faking her death and getting a new personality didn't mean she had practically forgotten her dark past.

"The surgery blade you see cutting her abdomen, was once used on me, she doesn't feel the pain because she's anaesthetiated. But, it wasn't the same case to me...it's something I won't forget." She said and Shark failed to get what she meant.

"What happened?" He asked hoping to personally know her.

"It's a long story."

"I understand but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. I'll personally get in touch with you or meet somewhere...what do you think about that?" Shark made a move so that he could draw something out of her.

"Dr. Shaw can't know about any of this or else I'm a dead meat." Flower whispered.

"I got you covered trust me." He winked at her and she blushed like she was old school.

Suddenly, the screen was switched off and the room became suddenly cold.

"What's happening?" Shark asked.

"I'll go check, don't move." Flower cautioned him.