White and Black

Vanessa Griffins was laid to rest at the Griffins cemetery a week after her demise. Aston's tycoons flooded her funeral and the least expected ones like PJ, disguised themselves to pay their last respects to the fallen diva who was known for her elegance in fashion.

It was a dull afternoon, everyone dressed in black and stuck under the umbrella as it drizzled. Vanessa's casket was wheeled down and everyone left the cemetery after planting their roses on top of her epitaph. Shark was the last one standing in the rain without caring for an umbrella, tears rolled down his cheeks and mixed with the rain. Yara yearned to go back and embrace him but her grandfather prevented her to do so. In that one week, Yara and Shark's relationship turned sour and she left his Villa to stay with her grandfather back at their penthouse in the woods.

"Let's go home. I don't want you to catch a cold." Mr. Banks urged Yara to hope into their cab. Yara was having second thoughts about going back and leaving Shark all alone. "C'mon child, he'll be fine." He was already getting impatient and Yara had no choice but to get into the cab which immediately pulled away from the cemetery as everyone else left.

Shark's clothes were drenched and his silhouette began shuddering and shivering. A woman clad in a white gown ran to him and sheltered him with the white umbrella she was carrying.

"It's cold but you're not alone. It has always been us, Shark. I'm here now so you don't have to feel like you lost it all. Remember when we I ran away from home? You came to my rescue and I vividly remember you saying the exact words that I've said from the begining." She nudged closer to him and held his cold hand. "I'm not leaving you. I promise I'm staying for good, by your side."

Shark stood still like an iced sculpture and she felt his hand retracting from hers. He turned around to leave but she caught his arm . "You're not leaving me, are you?"

Shark's cold gaze intimidated her and she let go of his arm. He then walked seven steps and halted after the thunder scared her and she tripped to the ground.

"Ouch! It hurts....Shark I think I twisted my ankle. Help me out!" She called after him.

"Foolish woman! Why are you here?" Shark hissed as he stretched his hand out to help her.

"You were like family to me, Shark so I had to come back at least to pay my last respect to aunt who could have been my mother-in-law."

"You don't need my help, you just want to play dirty again. Get up on your own." He walked out on her.

"Shark! Wait...give me a ride home." She limped to his black limousine.

"Carina, we don't owe each other anything so don't mistaken my kindness for something else. I'll take you home for old times sake." He jumped in the backseat and Carina joined him. The chauffeur got on the steering and pulled away from the cemetery.

"Actually, I arrived in Aston this morning and I don't have a place to go. I could have probably stayed at a friend's house but he's having a thing with his boyfriend tonight. I don't have a home anymore since my Dad's properties were confiscated." Carina explained herself and pretended to be vulnerable.

"Which choice do I have? I'll let you stay in the villa for tonight...I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to a wounded woman." Shark uttered without remorse.

"So, how's Yara? Why didn't she stay back to be with you? Are you guys okay?" Carina asked hoping to draw something from Shark.

"It's none of your business Carina. Just stay out of it." Shark glared hard at her before facing the other side of the window.

"Can we at least try to get along? Why do you keep pushing me away? I miss the times when we could sleep together."

"We were kids Carina so get over it." He said sternly.

"Do you hate me that much?"

"I don't hate you. I just don't have patience for anyone trying to crawl back into my life when life throws me a quest." He gave her an empty look.

"So is that it? Nothing ever matters to you, not even our friendship...you just threw away everything we shared like I never mattered to you. I loved you Shark, with everything I had but you still chose Olivia, someone you barely knew over your childhood friend. Who does that? After many years, I thought you could change but no, you chose a sick girl yet again. Where have you placed me in your life huh?"

She faked soft whimpers and teared up as Shark sighed heavily wondering how they even got there. He was still grieving and he couldn't handle someone's else pain or whatever that was. He clearly had no room for her.

"Aren't you going to say sorry at least? You hurt me Shark...."

"I never loved you Carina." He said plainly.

"What about the kiss we once shared? Tell me it didn't mean anything to you....tell me you didn't ponder over it?" She searched for his eyes but he was too hideous for her to know his emotions.

"I had lost the love of my life and you knew how I needed someone to watch over me. It was just a kiss nothing more, nothing less. I can't believe you're still dwelling in the past." He chuckled lightly and his eyes grew dark.

"Give me another chance to prove my love to you...I know you and the lupus girl are over. It's my time to have you all to myself." She grinned mischievously.

"Have you been stalking me? I thought as much and you'll never change even a bit. The desperate Carina, that's who you are." He shook his head in disbelief as the limousine entered through a large electrical gate to a beautiful Des Res.