Will you ever love me?

She had come at an opportune time, it was not expected but she knew she had to come back to his man. A man she had loved for twenty years, he was not only his childhood sweetheart but also the man she ever dreamed to be with even though she knew he loved someone else.

"Will you ever love me?" Carina held his hand suddenly.

"Not now and certainly not in the near future." He withdrew his hand from hers and stormed into the parlour leaving her behind. Carina limped to the threshold and walked inside and clinged onto his coat.

"Shark, be human and help me out with my leg." She pleaded.

"I'll let the doctor attend to your leg." He said briefly without caring to look at her.

"No, I want you to give me a massage...I want your warmth." She threw tantrums like a child while wrapping her hands on his waist.

Grasha who had someone nagging came to the parlour and was astounded to see Carina. At the same time, Yara who was coming downstairs saw the pair and clenched her hands while trying hard not to feel jealous after all she had ended things with Shark. She had only come back to the villa hoping to find her mother's bracelet which she believed she must have left it there.

"Aww, Shark see who's here. She still doesn't know her place in this house." Carina jerked forward to Yara who watched the latter brag pointlessly.

"I came back only for this," Yara grabbed the bracelet from Shark's wrist not caring if she had pulled hard and walked out in a hurry. Shark followed suite as Carina screamed her guts out.

"Get lost you insolent maid!" She yelped at Grasha who scampered away before being called back.

"Hey you! Bring me coffee without sugar. It better be hot." She ordered and Grasha went back to the kitchen.

Yara scurried to the gate and was stopped by his men.

"Let me go!" She tried to release herself from their firm grip.

"You're not going anywhere." Shark folded his arms and watched her struggle. "Marcus! Get her into the car, we're going out for a long ride."

"Yes Boss." He obeyed his orders and Yara was forced into the black limousine.

"Give me the keys!" He roared to the chauffeur who handed him the keys. "Marcus! Make sure that woman is gone by tomorrow...I don't want her to spend another night in my Villa." He warned before stepping on the gas.

Carina heard the sound of a car leaving the villa and stepped out in the threshold.

"It seems like it's not over but I'll make sure you're mine Shark." She hissed under her breath before storming into the parlour.

"Let me go Shark! You don't get to decide what's best for me and what's not. For fuck's sake stop the car!" Yara yelled.

"And you don't get to choose either. You'll have to listen to me. I'm not stopping the car any time because we're going away for a month!" He thundered.

"Seriously? You just can't do that!" Yara freaked out.

"Watch me." He dared her as he stepped on the gas, driving carelessly on the highway.

"Shark stop! Please stop!" She cried and seeing her tears, he pulled over to other side of the road and joined her in the backseat.

"Yara, hey look at me.... I'm sorry." He cupped her cheeks trying to calm her down but to no avail.

"You're so selfish Shark. You always want things done your way, what about me? Do you even care what I want? You pulled a stunt on Matt yet again and he left Aston for good. Two hundred patients were suffocated to death because you were so desperate to have me get a kidney transplant. Look where that got us Shark, just look at me, do you think I'll be calm? I wish I was the one who died instead."

Tears deluged down her rosy cheeks and Shark made an attempt to wipe them away.

"You're selfish too, Yara. You think about dying every now and then. What about me? Where do you place me in your life? So you think it's easy to watch someone due when there's something you can do? I lost Olivia before and I won't lose you ever again. You have no idea how shattered I was when I lost her and you don't know what I feel now that my mother is gone. It's so easy for you to get over death, isn't it? Answer me Yara!"

Shark lost his voice and cried profusely in front of her. Seeing him breaking down, made her heart ache and a part of him died. She extended her arms and pulled him into her embrace.

"I also want someone to watch over me, Yara. I'm not tough as you think I am...I'm tired of holding back tears when I get hurt. I want you to be here, stay with me. I need you always. I love you so much..."

"Shhh!" She caressed his hair and he hold on to her tighter, inhaling every ounce of her milky scent. It reminded him of his mother, they way he'd play on her laps when he was just little. They stayed in each other's embrace for a long time until she heard his soft snores. For the first time, Shark had slept soundly in Yara's arms.

Yara opened the sleeping cabin in the limousine and prepared him to bed. In his sleep, he kept holding her arm, not wanting her to let go of him. It was already dark and her grandfather could he worried about her. She opened the call logs and gave him a call.

"My child, dinner is getting cold. Are you not here yet?" Came Mr. Banks rough voice.

"Grandpa I'm staying over at Professor Martinez's house. I have an early exam remember?" She lied to him.

"Okay my child rest well. Much love."

"Too grandpa. I hope you have taken your medicine."

"Yeah, Miss Donna is taking care of me." He said.

"Okay, I'll hang up now." She sighed deeply and sat beside the bed. She had no plans of sleeping by his side since she had an early exam the following day. She took out her phone and perused through Prof. Martinez's notes before thinking of sleeping in the backseat.