Baby Summer

It had been six months ever since Shark and Yara parted ways. Neither of the two knew why they had to break each other's heart or the reason for the sudden aloofness in their die hard love for one another.

In those six months, a lot had changed in their lives. Shark, who was once fragile resolved to being cold and ruthless. Killing Dr. Arizona with his own bear hands brought out another character in him, a character that resulted to hurting the woman he once loved the most.

Yara on the other hand, became invisible. The fact that she was saved by someone who had once despised her, brought nothing but torture and constant nightmares in her second life. Even as her belly grew bigger each passing day, she had qualms about keeping the little one. Shark had no clue about Yara carrying his own bound of flesh and she could rather opt not to include him in her baby's life.


"Which part of 'LEAVE MY OFFICE' don't you understand?" Shark thundered to one of his staff members.

"I'm sorry..."

"See yourself out!" Shark threw a file in her direction but the latter missed it as she jolted out of his office. His Personal Assistant walked in right after even though she knew a death sentence was awaiting her. She was already tired of how her Boss was treating her and everyone else, his cold aura made her shudder every now and then. She had thought of quitting many times but it was the only job that gave her a good pay enough for her son's schooling.

"Are you a zombie or what? Don't just stand there, when is my next meeting!"

"It's 2pm, Sir." She responded.

"I'm done for the day, cancel all my meetings this week and attend to the ones which you think you can, of course you can, what else do I pay you for? If you don't mind, the door is behind you." Shark pointed towards the door and she didn't hesitate to walk out.

Shark opened several bottles of beer and slouched on the coach to drink. Almond, his father sensing someone needing constant reprimanding, barged into his office.

"I think you should take some time off work. I'm losing billions and certainly you're a pain in the ass."

"You say so because you never loved her. Is it that so easy for you to forget what those bastards did to him?" Shark lamented.

"You did kill them, right? Son, I'm not like you and don't even think about that, I loved your mother and she's in a happy place. I'll get Marcus to take you home, you look so wasted." Almond peered at his son disappointedly and marched out.

"You're an asshole of a father!" Shark hissed as he finished the contents of the fourth bottle.


"Doctor, how's my baby doing?" Yara asked.

"She's fine, I can't wait to be a godfather." The Doctor chortled.

"I wish someone would be so happy as you." Yara muttered.

"Don't worry, he'll come looking for you. But I hope he doesn't get here too late because by then, you'd be someone else's wife."


"Why not? Is he the reason why you left Aston for good? C'mon girl, it has been six months already and don't tell me no one is eating that coochie." The doctor sent another signal to Yara who chuckled hard.

"I'm sorry but you're a little bit nasty, don't you think?"

"Nah, I eat my wife every chance I get so don't tell me you don't miss a nice fucking, huh?"

"Jamie, honestly I don't think getting another man in my life is the best solution right now. I'm soon going to be a mother and that should be enough."

"Don't you think the baby daddy should know he's soon going to be a father? That way, you'll patch things up and maybe get back together?"

"No, I want to be on my own. My grandpa and this little on are my only family."

"What about me?"

"And of course you Jamie, since you're going to be the godfather of Baby Summer."

"Summer? Wow! You have your way with names, do you?"

"Come to think of it, she'll be born when summer begins."

"True." Dr. Jamie nodded silently.

"I should get going. I'm meeting one of the investors this afternoon."

"You still work? Didn't I tell you not to...

"Don't worry, it's just this one time I'm going out. I've been working from home, you know drafting some business proposal to my clients. Sometimes it's good to get some fresh air once in a while."

"Don't put my Godchild at risk or else I'll skin you alive." Jamie warned her jokingly.

"Yes Doctor." Yara bowed down before leaving his office.

"I guess I'll see you soon."

"Mm." She mumbled and sauntered out of his office. Jamie was an understanding man since he too had kids and and a caring wife. When Yara confided in him, he took to heart to help her get her life back on track and he was happy for her even though soon or later, her memory could fog because of her lupus condition. It was something he was yet to tell her but didn't know how to, not when she was about to bring Baby Summer to the world.