It was just a mistake

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Yara apologized to one handsome blonde man.

"No reason to be, I clearly understand where you're coming from, I mean the baby and all that." Came his sexy deep voice.

"Okay then, let's get down to business." Yara said.

"No rush beautiful, why don't we order something first? I hope to get to know you better." He smiled fondly at her but Yara was rather timid.

"Thanks but I'd rather get this done and over with." Yara said point blank.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's just that...."

"I get it. I don't mean to be rude but I thought we could get to know each other and it's really okay if you're having doubts about it." He blubbered out as he opened his briefcase. "I've been wondering how to draft a business proposal for my upcoming project until your Boss, Mr. Stratford recommended you. I hope to get the best business strategies from you."

"Right. Please do check your phone, I've already sent an email and you just have to open it and tell me if that's what you've been looking for." Yara stated.

"Yara Banks, right?"

"Yeah, that's me and you are Lance Sabatini."

"Correct Miss Banks but you can just call me Lance. I don't like formalities, really."

"Me too, just call me Yara." She muttered.

"Your ideas are amazing. Just what I needed for my project."

"I'm glad you like them."

"To be honest, I love them, consider this deal done. If you don't mind, I'd like to involve you in my next project, I'm sure you'd want to give your best."

"Tell me more about it, maybe from there I'll decide."

"I'm developing a maternity App and since you're good at drafting schedules, your help will be needed at most. I hope I'm not being too much." Lance paused and gauged at her.

"No at all. In fact, I want to be busy twenty-four seven. It's all that I've got." Yara ascertained.

"Aren't you scared that this will affect the baby?"

"She's fine, besides I go for a regular check up and so far, I'm good to go." Yara said.

"I see. Your husband must be over the moon to have you as his wife."

"Can we not talk about that...."

"It's fine. I'm sorry I keep forgetting. Forgive me." Lance irked his brows irritatingly as things were getting awkward between them.

"I should get going. In case you need my help, you can contact me. It was nice doing business with you, Mr. Sabatini."

"Call me Lance, please."

"Sorry, it just slipped my mind." Yara apologized and walked out of the restaurant. She sighed heavily as she leaned on the front seat of her car.

"What happened in there?"

"Wendy, I feel suffocated by the fact that everyone thinks I have a husband, a good father for my baby. They're always like, 'your husband is lucky to have you' and such stuff. It's really getting annoying." Yara lamented to her friend.

"I thought you were over that, I mean, you're going to affect the baby if you keep bringing your past to the present. You promised me you'll forget Shark no matter what, remember?"

"Of course he was clear when he said it was just a mistake....our love was a mistake. I promised myself to move on but it's not fair when I'm carrying his seed and get judged by it. Everyone thinks I'm living this perfect life and everything sucks!" Yara cried out bitterly as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"Hush now, I'll take you home." Wendy started the engine and pulled away from the restaurant.


Shark was gazing at the stars from the balcony when Marcus arrived, startling him from his thoughts.

"Boss, we found her location, apparently she and her old man are residing in the Coast of Alora Island." Marcus reported.

"Is that all?" Shark asked.


"Marcus! You seem to have forgotten the iron bar. Do you want me to hurt your knees before you spill the beans?" Shark thundered.

"She's pregnant." Marcus said deliberately.

The glass of wine he had been holding in his hands, broke into several pieces as he tried to clear his head to think. He had taken a lot of wine and he was in a haze to figure out anything.

"Leave!!" He ordered his right hand man who was worried he might hurt himself. Marcus hurried down to the kitchen and summoned one of the maids to the rooftop. Someone had to clean the broken pieces since Shark was drunk and could probably hurt himself.

"Yara!!!!" Shark screamed out loud as he cried in agony, blaming himself for hurting the woman he once loved. And now that she was carrying his child, he couldn't help it but feel more heartbroken for not staying by her side.