I don't want to love you

That night as Yara lulled herself to sleep, she thought of Shark and how he must be wallowing in self pity. He blamed himself for what happened to his mother and she couldn't blame him, because he sacrificed a lot for her. She caressed her belly and knew soon or later, Shark would find out about the pregnancy. She couldn't hide from him forever. She needed closure and he too needed the mother of his baby. He kept turning and tossing wondering how hard it must have been for her all those months they had grown apart. He recalled his last words to her, before she disappeared from his life.

"I don't want to love you anymore. I don't have room for you anymore in my heart. You should probably stay away from me."

"No, you just can't do this to me. I understand you're going through a lot and that you can't bear the fact of me having your mother's kidneys. It's not your fault, Shark. We can get through this together. Don't forget you promised to stay by my side always...."

"Now I don't want to do it, Yara. Our love was a mistake and the sooner you forget my existence, the better for you."

"Please, don't do this to me." Yara begged him, clinging onto him but he mercilessly pulled away from her.

"It's over between us." He stated blankly and walked away leaving her shattered.

Shark woke up with a start and climbed down from the bed. He phoned Marcus to meet him urgently. He then took a quick shower and changed into heavy clothing and ascended the stairs.

"Boss, everything is ready and the pilot is waiting outside." Marcus, who had dark circles under his eyes reported.

It was 2am in the morning and it was freezing outside.

"Let's get going." Shark walked out and his men followed him. A Private jet was waiting for them outside the villa and they hoped in.


Mr. Banks was stuffing pasta to his mouth so early in the morning before Yara could wake up. However, Yara caught him red-handed.

"Graps! You're going back to the hospital, this minute!" She reprimanded him.

"Honey, I hate the medicine, please let your old man have pasta, once in a while." Mr. Banks pleaded.

"If you want to see Baby Summer all grown up, then you should stop consuming a lot of calories. I'll let you have the pasta only for today but from tomorrow, I'll be watching you." She cast a stern look at her grandfather.

"Yes Doctor." He said jokingly.

"Ahh!" Yara suddenly squealed.

"Child? Are you okay?"

"Yes, you couldn't believe it, the baby just kicked! Come here and feel it." She said excitedly.

"She's strong in there." Mr. Banks marveled.

The door bell rang and the house help rushed to open the door.

"Are you expecting someone?" Mr. Banks asked.

"Nah, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's Wendy." Yara said.

"Ma'am, someone is here to see you."

"Who is it?" Yara asked.

"It's me, Shark."

Yara's heart palpitated and shock was written all over her face as her water broke.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Banks drew closer to the latter.

"Ma'am, your water just broke." The house help noted.

"Oh no!!" Yara exclaimed as she felt sudden pain in her abdomen. "The baby is coming!!"

"Isn't it too early?" Mr. Banks wondered.

"I don't know Graps but you need to call Jamie right away." Yara said.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Shark offered.

"No!" Mr. Banks thundered.

"Hurry, the baby is coming!!" Yara screamed and without warning, Shark lifted her to the jet.


Shark paced up and down the lobby as Mr. Banks came over to him.

"You're the reason why she went to labor early. You can't just show up from nowhere and disrupt the peace she has been having. My granddaughter is better off without you." Mr. Banks rebuked Shark.

"I know I shouldn't have let her go and I now regret it. I was going through a tough time and I didn't want her to see the worst of me."

"I thought you loved her?"

"I loved her, trust me. Now that she's going to have my baby, I want to be there for her."

"It's too late, don't you think?"

"I would court her again if that's what it takes to gain her trust back." Shark surmised.

"Children of nowadays think they got it all covered." Mr. Banks chuckled hard and resolved to keep his distance from the latter.

After long hours of waiting, Dr. Jamie walked out and signaled Mr. Banks to his office. Shark also intruded, wanting to know everything.

"Baby Summer was born prematurely and she'll have to stay in the nursery for two months." Dr. Jamie revealed.

"What about my grandchild? Is she okay?" Mr. Banks asked desperately.

'We got a problem, I don't know Yara's medical history very well but I think she has brain fog and she slipped into a coma immediately we took out the baby." Dr. Jamie reported.

"What will happen to the baby?" Shark asked.

"It's up to you now since we will have to plan a breastfeeding programme." Dr. Jamie glared hard at the father of the baby.

"I want to see her." Shark said.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to wait. Think about your baby for now," he suggested.

"Doctor, do what you have to do, my grandchild can't miss to bond with her baby." Mr. Banks was more worried.

"Leave everything to me, I'm the Godfather after all." Dr. Jamie assured the old folk as Shark felt jealous. He had missed the most important months in his child's wellbeing. He couldn't believe they had named his baby without his knowledge. He felt like an outsider while he wanted to find out more about the doctor who was acting like the father of his baby.