Marry me

After three months of recuperation, Yara was back to her feet. She had missed the most crucial moments in her baby's life. The fact that she didn't get to hold her the moment she was born, didn't sit well with her. Baby Summer was fond of Shark since he became both her father and mother when Yara was still in hospice and comatose.


"Yara, can we talk?" Shark who had long wanted to get close to her once again broached a subject.

"Nanny, take the baby out for some sun." Yara said to her nanny.

"Okay Ma'am." The nanny carried little Summer to the garden.

"What is it now?" Yara asked bitterly.

"I'll be going back to Aston this evening and I want to take Baby Summer along with me." Shark said.


"I want us to start a fresh, can I court you again?" Shark asked of her.

"Shark, you don't get it, do you? I don't want anything to do with you, if it's not our baby then forget it." Yara said firmly.

"Marry me." Shark confessed.

"Shark no! What part of 'I don't want you' don't you get, huh?"

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Yara. I want us to be a complete family. It has been five months, five months that have been waiting for you. Please, don't throw away everything we shared before. You're all that I want, all that I love and all that I need in my life." Shark pulled her into his arms but a slap landed on his temple instead.

"If you dare touch me again, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Yara warned him before walking away.

"Wait up!" He went after her.

"Shark! Leave me alone! If you want to go back to Aston, please do so but I won't allow you to take Summer along with you. You were never there when we needed you the most. Summer and I practically don't need you in our lives, like ever!!"

"Then I'll fight for the custody of my daughter! Let's see who wins." Shark challenged her.

"See you in court then." Yara hissed back and proceeded to the garden.


"You look even more beautiful after giving birth." Lance complimented the woman he had long wanted to see after all those months.

"I'm happy that you finally launched the maternity App." Yara said.

"And all thanks to you, Gorgeous." He winked at her. "By the way, how's Baby Summer doing?"

"She's growing big every day." Yara revealed all happily.

"So when do I get to see her?" Lance asked.

"Sooner than you think. Anyways, I hope all is well with your company."

"Yeah, the reason why I asked to meet you is because I think I'm gonna buy you."

"What do you mean by buying me?" Yara wondered.

"I know it might sound a little bit crazy but I'd love you to be my partner in business. All you need is to sign a contract to work with me and this won't interfere with your work at Stratford Connections. Trust me on this." Lance explained.

"Wow! Quite impressive, how about you give me some time to ponder over it and then get back to you?"

"That won't be a problem." Lance agreed on her terms.

"I think it's time to get going. I need to breastfeed Summer. It was nice seeing you again, Lance."

"Yeah, it was nice to seeing you too, Yara. Take care on your way and please do pinch Summer for me."

"I'll just do that. Byee." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek which was rather unexpected to Lance. But he was glad that they were becoming more of friends than mere associates.


"Ma'am, he left with Baby Summer." The Nanny reported.

"What! How could you let that happen?" Yara reprimanded the nanny.

"I think he spiked up my tea and I slept and when I woke up, Baby Summer was gone." The nanny explained.

"How dare you Shark!" She phoned him and luckily the phone went through.

"What games are you playing?" Yara questioned Shark who was slouching on the coach while holding Summer in his arms.

"If you want to see Summer then marry me or forever hold your tongue." That was his condition and Grasha was stunned to hear such words from Shark.

"Oh really? I'm suing you for child abduction." Yara sneered.

"Well, let's see how you do that, but in the meantime, you can put my offer into consideration. It's not that bad if we end up smooching on the bed with Baby Summer. I know you miss me fucking you so good. Something that Blonde guy wouldn't do, so if I were you, I'd rush to the arms that I've been missing for so long." Shark teased her.

"I'm going to make sure you lose. Who said you can have your way with everything? I'll bring you down, you jerk!" Yara hissed back as Shark chuckled hard. He didn't believe any of her blubbering because he knew that deep down, she still harboured feelings for him.