Special Rewards!

When the aptitude list comes, the mainland is not so shocked this time, after all, it is a reward list, and the reward will be given to an individual, so it has nothing to do with most soul masters.

Mainland soul masters are waiting for the negative list more, so that they can find and get kill rewards, but the reward list cannot be like this.

With the voice of the vast gods, the name of the tenth place at the bottom of the aptitude list of the god list appeared.

Aptitude list:

Tenth place: Tang San, born full of soul power. The innate full soul power appeared due to special reasons, so it is the last among the innate full soul power.

Tang San was stunned, he was only tenth?

He is looking forward to it, because he thinks that he can at least be in the top three. Even if there are others, but as a time traveler, he must be the protagonist, and his aptitude must be the best, but he is only tenth.

After seeing the reason, Tang San's face was ugly, because the innate full soul power caused by Profound Sky Art (Idk clearly about this. I think its his Mysterious Heaven skill which helps training internal qi), so he only ranked tenth?

The vast divine voice sounded:

"Give Tang San a divine light of resurrection, which can resurrect those who died within a year, and the strength level cannot be higher than that of the Soul Ancestor (level 41-50)."

Immediately, the mainland shook, stunned, Tang San was also stunned.

There was a lot of discussion in the mainland.

"This time the reward is very special. It's not a soul ring or a soul bone, but the resurrection light?"

"It's so powerful, it's worthy of being a god, and it can actually give resurrection light, bringing people back to life?!"

"Is the one at the top of the list also get the resurrection light?"


At this moment, Tang San was a little disappointed, it wasn't rewards like spirit beast sacrifices and spirit bones, but the divine light of resurrection.

How to use it, Tang San already knew, as long as he moved his mind and said who he wanted to resurrect, the resurrection divine light would descend, resurrecting the target and appearing in front of him.

The vast divine voice sounded:

"This god is a god above the God Realm. The most powerful god, even this god, can only send thirteen resurrection gods to the Douluo Continent. Therefore, using the resurrection god light, use it carefully, the chance is not many."

It is terrifying to bring people back from the dead, but there are at most thirteen paths, so it must be used with caution.

Flender and the others are happy for Tang San, especially Flender, he can resurrect Xiaogang.

However, they found that Tang San was not very happy.

Flender asked: "Xiao San, are you unhappy? With the resurrection light, you can resurrect your teacher, Xiao Gang!"

However, Tang San just smiled and didn't speak.

Tang San cursed inwardly: "Why is there a limit, it can only be resurrected within one year, below the resurrection of the Soul Ancestor, I actually want to resurrect my mother the most."

The vast divine sound continued to announce.

Aptitude list:

Ninth place, Feng Xiaotian, born with full soul power, top-level mutant martial soul, Galewind two-headed wolf.

"Give Feng Xiaotian a divine light of resurrection, which can resurrect those who died within three years, and the level of strength cannot be higher than that of the Soul King."

Immediately, the mainland started talking again.

"It's the Divine Light of Resurrection again. It seems that the reward for this qualification list will be the Divine Light of Resurrection."

"Well, it should be ten resurrection lights. No wonder the god sound reminds you to use them with caution, because even if there are resurrection lights in the future, there will only be three."

"The ninth god's light resurrection is higher, death within three years, not higher than the soul king."


Aptitude list:

Eighth place: Xiao Wu, born full of soul power, martial soul: soft bone charm rabbit.

"Give Xiao Wu a voluntary sacrifice of a 100,000-year soul beast."

This made everyone startled, it wasn't the resurrection light, there was also a soul beast sacrifice reward.

Tang San sighed secretly: "Hey, it would be great if you could sacrifice a hundred thousand year spirit beast to me. Of course, I don't want to resurrect my mother and teacher, but I think the most important thing now is to improve my strength.

If you are strong, you will be able to find a way to revive your mother and teacher sooner or later. "

Xiao Wu directly received the reward from the gods, and the golden light shone, she was at level 30, and began to sacrifice the soul beast.

Aptitude list:

Seventh place: Gu Rong, born full of soul power, martial soul: Bone Dragon

"Give Gu Rong a divine light of resurrection, which can resurrect those who died within five years, and the strength level cannot be higher than that of Contra (level 81-90).

Aptitude list:

Sixth place: Bo Saixi, born full of soul power, sea god martial soul

"Give Bo Saixi a resurrection divine light, which can resurrect those who died within ten years, and the strength level cannot be higher than Title Douluo."

Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi was originally excited, but the resurrection light is limited, it can only resurrect Title Douluo, what's the use. she don't know if Tang Chen is dead or alive now. If he dies, she can revive Tang Chen, but there are restrictions, so she plans to keep it for now.

Aptitude list:

Fifth place: Qian Daoliu, born full of soul power, martial soul: Seraphim

"Give Qian Daoliu a divine light of resurrection to resurrect those who died within twenty years, and the strength level cannot be higher than the ninety-five level titled Douluo."

Aptitude list:

Fourth place: Bibi Dong, born with full soul power, twin martial souls: Death Spider Emperor, Soul Eater Spider Emperor

"Give Bibi Dong a resurrection divine light, which can resurrect those who died within thirty years, and the strength level cannot be higher than the ninety-nine title Douluo."

Spirit Hall.

Bibi Dong looked at the qualification rankings, and she was only fourth.

Bibi Dongdai frowned slightly: "I'm actually only fourth."

Bibi Dong was surprised, thinking that Qian Renxue should be the first and herself second, but she was fourth.

Qian Daoliu possessed a divine light of resurrection, and immediately went to find Bibi Dong.

"Bibi Dong, let's discuss something." Qian Daoliu said directly after arriving.

"What's the matter?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Can you save the chance of your resurrection light for now? After I help Xue'er, I will die, so I hope you can resurrect me by then. After all, your resurrection light can resurrect the ninety-nine level."

That's why Qian Daoliu came here.

Bibi Dong didn't hesitate for too long, she understood why Qian Daoliu said that he would die in the future, Qian Renxue was her daughter after all, and if she wanted to help her improve, Bibidong was naturally willing to help Qian Daoliu come back to life, and Spirit hall didn't want to lose a powerful combat force like Qian Daoliu.

Bibi Dong nodded: "Yes."

Qian Daoliu was grateful: "Thank you, with my divine light of resurrection, I will not resurrect Qian XunJi, and you don't want him to be resurrected, who is resurrected by my divine light of resurrection, you decide, and you use it."

Bibi Dong nodded, which was equivalent to exchanging the divine light of resurrection with Qian Daoliu.

Bibi Dong said: "Then keep yours for now."


After finishing the words, looking at the towering Aptitude list in the center of the world, the top three will be announced, and the rewards for the top three will definitely be more generous.

Immediately afterwards, the name of the third place appeared.

Aptitude list:

Third place: Oscar, born full of soul power, martial soul: sausage.

Food-type auxiliary soul masters born with full soul power. The first auxiliary type soul master born with full soul power, has a bright future, or may become a god by himself, so it ranks third in the qualification list.

Many people were surprised at first, but after reading the narrative, they were no longer surprised. Instead, they felt that it should be done. It is indeed unprecedented to auxiliary spirit with full soul power, and the third place is well-deserved.

The vast divine voice sounded:

"Give Oscar a divine light of resurrection, which can resurrect those who died within 20 years, and the strength level cannot be higher than the 95th rank Titled Douluo..."

At this point, mainland soul masters were once again puzzled and astonished. The reward for the third place, why is the limit of resurrection divine light so low? Can only resurrect ninety-five and below?

But, it's not over.

"Oscar obtained a 100,000-year-old right leg spirit bone."

This made everyone understand that there was still a soul bone reward.

At this moment, Tang San was happily looking at Oscar with bright eyes.

The Blue Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Yuanzhen is in front of Yu Xiaogang's tomb.

Knowing that Tang San had obtained the divine light of resurrection, Yu Yuanzhen was extremely excited.

"Hahaha! That's great! Although my grandson Tang San is only the tenth place, he also got the resurrection light, which can resurrect those who died within a year, and his strength level cannot be higher than that of the Soul Ancestor. Hahaha! That's great! Xiaogang, you are only a twenty-ninth-level soul master, and you can be resurrected! Tang San is my grandson, and he is closer to you. Although you are his teacher, he often said that he will be a teacher for one day and a father for life, and treats you as father! This is also the reason why I helped him and adopted him as a grandson. Great! Tang San will definitely resurrect you! My son, you can be resurrected!"

Yu Yuanzhen quickly left the Blue Tyrannosaurus family and went to Soto City, knowing that Tang San was there, because if resurrected, the resurrected person would appear in front of the user, so he had to go to Soto City.

Yu Yuanzhen was very excited: "When I arrive in Soto City, I will be able to see my son Xiaogang!"

Soto City.

Tang San was excited: "Xiao Ao, that's great! Help me revive my mother!"

Oscar frowned: "But, I want to revive Mubai even more."

Obtaining the divine light of resurrection, Oscar's first thought was to resurrect his good brother Dai Mubai.

Tang San also knew that Oscar was in trouble, so he decided: "How about this, you help me revive my mother, and I will revive Mubai. It would be a waste of your resurrection divine light to revive Mubai, but my resurrection divine light can resurrect Below the Soul Ancestor."

Oscar was shocked: "You don't resurrect your teacher?"

Tang San shook his head: "I am not reviving the teacher first, I want to revive my mother first, and then revive the teacher when I have a chance."

Flender: "..."