First place reward!

Flender was very angry. He thought Tang San was going to resurrect Yu Xiaogang, but he actually said something like this.

"Tang San, Xiaogang would be very sad if he heard you say this!" Flender was angry and wanted to revive Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Tianheng was also angry, and Tang San didn't even resurrect his uncle Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth: "The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family united with Shrek because of my uncle Xiaogang. You always say that my uncle Xiaogang is not only your teacher, but also like your father, but why don't you resurrect now? Your father Yu Xiaogang? If my grandfather knew that you didn't resurrect Uncle Xiaogang, he would definitely slap you! You are so hypocritical, saying that he is like your biological father, but you give priority to resurrecting your mother."

Tang San understood the feelings of Flander and Yu Tianheng and hurriedly explained.

"Don't be angry, listen to me first, I have a reason." Tang San said sincerely: "The teacher is indeed not only my teacher, but also my father. My feelings for the teacher are the same as my father Tang Hao and mom Ah Yin!"

Tang San hadn't finished speaking yet, Flander interrupted angrily: "Then why did you say that you want to resurrect your mother without hesitation?"

Tang San anxiously explained: "Dean, listen to me, the teacher is as important as my mother in my heart. The reason why I resurrected my mother first is because the teacher is the number one scumbag, and my mother is not on any negative list. If the teacher is resurrected, then the scumbag list will no longer show that he is dead, and everyone knows that the teacher who is the number one on the scumbag list has been resurrected."

"That way, they can kill the teacher again to get the first reward. Therefore, resurrecting the teacher is very dangerous for the teacher, dangerous for us, the whole continent will definitely besiege us, and we have no ability to protect the teacher. So, this is why I am not resurrecting the teacher, but resurrecting my mother."

Tang San promised: "When I become stronger and have the ability, or when I get the resurrection light again, I will resurrect the teacher! Even if the teacher is the first in the scumbag list, even if many people is chasing us, I will still have the ability to protect the teacher! Otherwise, if the teacher is resurrected now, the teacher may soon die again. After being resurrected and killed, doesn't this make the teacher more painful? Let the teacher experience the pain of being killed again?"

After Tang San finished speaking, Flander and Yu Tianheng were silent, which sounded reasonable.

When Yu Xiaogang is resurrected, the mainland will know that they are protecting the number one scumbag, and it will be very dangerous, and they will not be able to protect him.

Seeing Flander and Yu Tianheng being silent, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief.

In the eyes of Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Tang San's actions were reasonable and correct.

However, Tang Yu and Tang Tian felt that, on the surface, he was very sincere, but they feel that he is more and more hypocritical.

Flander's face was ugly: "It's up to you."

This made Tang San happy.

Tang San was excited: "Xiao Ao, then you start resurrecting my mother."

Tang San was excited, he could see his mother immediately. As long as Oscar said: Resurrect Tang San's mother Ah Yin, Ah Yin will be resurrected.

However, Oscar did not resurrect first.

Oscar said: "Little San, it's not that I don't believe you, but you first resurrect Mubai, I will resurrect your mother. I promise to resurrect."

Tang San frowned, and said inwardly: "Oscar also kept his eyes on me, afraid that I won't resurrect Mubai."

Tang San helplessly said, "Okay, but let's go back to Clear Sky Sect. After I reach Clear Sky Sect, I will resurrect Mubai. Now it is too dangerous to be resurrected."


Immediately, Tang San and others left Soto City and returned to Clear Sky Sect.

The divine sound :

"If the resurrected person is a dead person on the negative list, the rewards received by the previous killer will not be affected after the resurrection."

In other words, the kill reward won will not disappear.

While rushing, Tang San and others continued to pay attention to the Aptitude list, and they were about to announce the second place.

Tang San secretly said: "Lin Yi won't be on the list, right?"

Lin Yi was his enemy, Tang San didn't want Lin Yi to be on the reward list, otherwise the gap would be bigger.

At this time, the name appeared at the second place on the Aptitude list.

Aptitude list:

Second place: Qian Renxue, innately full of soul power at level 20, Spirit: Seraphim.

The second place is announced, and the mainland shakes.

"My God, innate full soul power at level 20?! I always thought that the highest inborn full soul power was level ten!"

"Martial Spirit Seraphim, Qian Renxue? From the Spirit Palace?"

"My God, full soul power at level 20 is only the second place, how strong will the first place be?"

This is shocking and curious.

Spirit Hall.

Bibi Dong was shocked: "Xue'er is second?"

Qian Daoliu naturally shook as well: "Isn't the 20th level of innate soul power the first?"

Both felt that Qian Renxue was the first, but she was second, which they did not expect.

At this time, far away from Tiandou City.

Tiandou Empire's prince Xue Qinghe, or Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue is now dressed up like Xueqinghe. The qualification list came, and she quickly went out of the city, because once the reward came and was seen, she would be suspected. It was Xueqinghe, but she was rewarded by Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue was also shocked, she was not the first?

The divine sound :

"Give Qian Renxue herself a divine light of resurrection. If she dies, she can be resurrected on the spot. Reward Qian Renxue's 200,000-year soul beast for voluntary sacrifice."

This shocked the mainland spirit masters. This resurrection divine light was different. It was resurrecting oneself, which was equivalent to one more life. In addition, there are still two hundred thousand year soul beasts who volunteered to sacrifice.

The golden divine light shone down and enveloped Qian Renxue, which was naturally a reward for the 200,000-year soul beast. After getting it, Qian Renxue moved away from Tiandou City and began to prepare for the sacrifice.

"Begin to announce the first place in the Aptitude list!"

The vast sound of the god makes everyone in the mainland look to the top of the Aptitude list. The first place is about to be announced. Who will it be?

Lin Yi appeared in Tang San's mind, and said in secret, "Don't be Lin Yi..."

However, The vast divine sound announced.

"The first place in the aptitude list, Lin Yi! Innate full soul power 30! Spirit: Chaos body!"

Suddenly, the mainland was shocked, innate soul power at level 30? ! And spirit sounded so powerful, Chaotic body.

Tang San's face was suddenly extremely ugly: "It turned out to be at level 30, Spirit Chaos Body."

The other soul masters were shocked.

"No wonder, it turned out to be level 30."

"It's outrageous. Twenty levels are already outrageous enough. There are even 30 levels."

"It deserves to be number one."

The divine sound :

"Giving Lin Yi a divine light of resurrection can resurrect any dead soul beast or soul master within 20 years. rewarded Lin Yi for voluntary sacrifice of 490,000-year defense type soul beast."

This shakes the mainland.

"It deserves to be the first reward, there is no level limit for the Resurrection Light."

"Yes, and 490,000-year soul beasts voluntarily offered sacrifices. It's too strong."

"Hey, it doesn't matter to us, but in more than three days, the list of hypocrites will come."

A barren mountain near Soto city

Lin Yi got the rewards.

The other girls were shocked because Lin Yi was on the top!

All the Aptitude lists were announced, and the rewards were also distributed. The announcement of the God list is over, but the mainland spirit masters look forward to it, because the list of hypocrites is about to come.

Lin Yi and others returned directly to Tianshui College.

Three days later.

Tang San and others returned to Clear Sky Sect.

After returning, Tang San and the others were relieved.

At the same time, Yu Yuanzhen got news from Flanders that he had left Soto City and returned to Clear Sky Sect, so Yu Yuanzhen rushed to Clear Sky Sect.

Yu Yuanzhen looked forward to: "On the list of scumbags, Xiaogang still shows that he is dead. The reason why he has not resurrected, I understand. The reason for returning to Clear Sky Sect is definitely because it is dangerous to be resurrected in Soto City, so they went to Clear Sky School and they will resurrect Xiao Gang. I want to quicken my pace. Once I arrive at Clear Sky Sect, I will be able to see Xiao Gang."

At this time, the golden light between the heaven and the earth was shining, and everyone was shocked and excited!

A huge golden monument came, standing between the heavens and the earth, juxtaposed with the scumbag, the team list, and the aptitude list. It is located next to the scumbag, towering into the cloud, and the top four characters: hypocrites list!

Tang San was extremely excited: "Great! The list of hypocrites has finally come!"

Between the heaven and the earth, the vast divine voice sounded again.

"The list of hypocrites is coming!"