The Torment!!

The doctor held the sharpened knife, shining with a cold white light.

Tang San was suddenly terrified, he found himself lying on the operating table, his pants were gone, he wanted to escape, but he couldn't move at all.

Seeing the doctor approaching, Tang San begged: "Don't...don't come here. I'm going to find a healing soul master to heal me in the future. I don't need your help, don't come here!"

The doctor said: "It is impossible to be cured, let me help you."

The doctor's words fell, and with a quick slash, Tang San was completely turned into a eunuch.


Tang San was in extreme pain, and at the same time felt that this should be over, right?

However, Tang San's eyes widened, terrified. At the door of the operating room, Ye Lingling appeared again, saying the same words just now. After Ye Lingling left, the andrologist came in again, Tang San looked down and it has recovered!

This made Tang San frightened: "Don't come here!"

Tang San was in extreme pain, this must be repeated over and over again! And Tang San discovered that the knife in the male doctor's hand had changed, this time it was no longer a scalpel, but scissors!

The andrologist explained: "The sharpened scalpel was stolen, so I can only use this scissors, although I use these scissors to cut toenails, and although I still have severe beriberi, don't worry, I Wash the scissors very clean."

Tang San:"…"

Tang San broke down and screamed, shouted, and struggled. But he couldn't move at all, and could only watch helplessly as the male doctor approached step by step.

After approaching, the male doctor opened the scissors, and with a click, Tang San let out a miserable scream.

The male doctor said: "Instead of shattering and suffering every day, it's better to cut it, to cure forever."

Tang San's face was pale, cold sweat broke out all over his body, in extreme pain.

In the next second, the male doctor disappeared, and Ye Lingling reappeared at the door of the operating room, with the same words as before. Soon, the andrologist came in again, this time holding not scissors or a scalpel, but a blunt knife.

This made Tang San look even more terrified: "Don't come here!! Someone! Come and save me!"

The male doctor sighed: "I don't know who stole my scissors and scalpel, so I can only use this blunt knife. Because it is blunt, I can't complete the operation cleanly. It will take a little time, so you have to bear with it."

Tang San collapsed to the extreme, unable to move, the doctor came over again, and began to operate with a blunt knife.

Repeatedly again and again, the tools in the doctor's hands are constantly changing. After repeating 100 times, the screen changed. Tang San heaved a sigh of relief, it was finally over, it was too painful.

Tang San found himself in the Holy Soul Village, which made Tang San breathe a sigh of relief. In the Holy Soul Village, he has no enemies. But suddenly, Tang San saw a person, this person walked with twists and turns, and his long hair was loose. Looking at his back, he would think it was a woman.

But the surrounding villagers looked at him strangely and laughed at him.

"I didn't expect Tang San to become like this, it's so disgusting."

"Yeah, he turned out to be a sissy."

"I really want to hit him."

Seeing this scene, Tang San was a little dazed: "Could that person be me? It's impossible!"

But that person turned around, Tang San stayed where he was, looking like himself, but not like himself, because the other person's face was actually powdered, lipsticked, pinching orchid fingers, very womanly.

If you take a closer look, this face is his own face, and this person is really himself.

Tang San was very shocked, he couldn't believe it, even if he became a eunuch, he couldn't become like this.

Far away, Tang San saw a person, that person walked up to the sissy Tang San and took out a book with four words on it: Sunflower Book.

This person is Yue Qun.

"Want to take revenge? This martial arts book will make you stronger.

You are same as me, do you want to learn from my Sunflower Book? You are very suitable."

Tang San nodded, with a thin voice: "Okay."

Seeing this scene, Tang San wanted to vomit blood, his pupils shrank, and when he saw Yue Qun walking towards him, he turned around and ran away in fright.

Tang San fled all the way home, and when he got home, Tang San was stunned, because he happened to be facing a mirror, and the self in the mirror was the very womanly Tang San just now!

Tang San took a closer look, and found that he was exactly the same as Tang San just now.

At this moment Tang Hao came out, seeing Tang San like this, Tang Hao was furious.

"Little San, what's wrong with you, you became women! It's really embarrassing to me, I'm going to beat you to death!"

Tang Hao released the Clear Sky Hammer, and began to beat Tang San violently.

Tang San screamed in pain, and after it was over, he reappeared at home, Tang San found that he had grown up, changed a lot, had a beautiful face, was still a eunuch, more womanly, even more like a woman.

Tang Hao came back drunk, Tang San was afraid, he was going to be beaten again.

"Ah Yin..."

However, Tang Hao stayed where he was after entering, extremely excited.

"Ah Yin, it's you...I miss you so much!"

Tang Hao rushed towards Tang San directly.

Tang San panicked: "Father, it's me, I'm Little San! I'm not mother!"

"You are Ah Yin, how could you be my son Little San be a woman?"

Tang Hao directly picked up Tang San, and strode into the room... (Well...I think you can guess what happened later...)

"Angh!!!" Tang San's scream echoed.

In the illusion of Shura, all kinds of more outrageous things happened to Tang San, as long as he didn't collapse and go crazy, it wouldn't end!

outside the hotel.

In the distance, Xiao Wu and the others could clearly hear Tang San's shrill screams.

At the beginning, they could still understand, knowing that Tang San was in extreme pain, but soon they couldn't understand, because Tang San was begging Tang Hao for mercy, telling Tang Hao not to come over.

"What happened? It's a pity I can't see it."

Lin Yi said: "It's good if you can't see it, otherwise you would vomit, after all, in the illusion, many outrageous things will happen, not to mention the number one hypocrite Tang San, what happened in the illusion is even darker and more dirty."

In the dark, Tang Xiao's face was extremely ugly, and he wanted to make a move.

"No, they are in too much pain! They are experiencing unimaginable pain! I must act!"

Lieyang Douluo frowned: "No, we'd better not make a move, and see if they can break free, or make a move when they are about to collapse. This is also a kind of training. If they can break free, their spirits will be tempered. After suffering unimaginable torture, if you survive, your mental strength will increase, and your perseverance will also increase."

Tang Xiao was worried: "I'm afraid they will create an indelible psychological shadow for a lifetime!"

Yu Yuanzhen heard Tang San's voice, mentioned Xiao Gang's name, and apologized with guilt, which made Yu Yuanzhen feel that it was good for Tang San to fall into the illusion, and he should apologize to Xiao Gang.

Yu Yuanzhen said: "Wait a little longer, we will take action when they are about to collapse, and we must believe that they can break free."