Tang San goes crazy!

At the same time, Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai were as miserable as Tang San, as for Oscar, he didn't have many problems, so he wasn't as miserable as Tang San and the two of them.

In the illusion where Dai Mubai was, he was lying on the bed in the Rose Hotel. When he woke up, he found that he was completely weak, and beside him were twin sisters, who were holding a knife and preparing to kill him.

Dai Mubai was terrified: "What are you doing?"

The twin sisters were excited: "If I kill you, I can get a 200,000-year soul bone."

Dai Mubai struggled in fear, but it was useless, with a puff, the daggers in the hands of the twin sisters directly pierced Dai Mubai's heart.

Dai Mubai thought he was dead, but he didn't, he opened his eyes, he was still on the hotel bed. This time it was another girl, who was very resentful and cursed angrily.

"You flirtatious man! You will abandon me when you get tired of playing! I will make you an eunuch now! Let's see how you will harm other girls in the future!"

Dai Mubai's eyes widened, terrified, and saw the girl take out a pair of scissors!

Dai Mubai couldn't move, shook his head in horror: "Don't come over, calm down! I will change! I will become single-minded, only for you!"

However, the girl didn't believe it at all, she was deceived by Dai Mubai's rhetoric at the beginning.

After the girl approached, she cut it hard, Dai Mubai became a eunuch, and let out an extremely shrill scream.


In the next second, the girl in front of him changed into another woman he had abandoned, holding scissors and trying to make him a eunuch.

Just like that, the once-abandoned woman appeared again and again, turning him into a eunuch, and Dai Mubai's screams continued.

After a hundred times, Dai Mubai found himself in a barren mountain, in front of him was Lin Yi, he wanted to escape, but Lin Yi punched him to death, his head burst, and the headless corpse fell to the ground, But Dai Mubai's consciousness was still there, he watched a pack of wild wolves approaching, unbearably hungry, moaning, quickly pounced on him, and began to nibble on his headless corpse.

Dai Mubai screamed in pain, he wasn't dead, he could feel the pain.

"I want to die! I want to die! It's too painful!" Dai Mubai collapsed.

In the illusion where Ma Hongjun was, he appeared on Sea God Island, and just like Tang San, he performed operations one after another. After one hundred operations, Ma Hongjun found himself in a village near Shrek.

In the center of the village, a cross was erected, on which he was tied, surrounded by more than a hundred girls who had had sex with him, most of them were Brothel girls.

These girls are angry and resentful.

"Ma Hongjun, it's all because of you! I got sick! Ma Hongjun, you scumbag! You're not human!"

"I have the same experience as you, Ma Hongjun deserves to die!"

Holding a nail in their left hand and a hammer in their right, the girls walk towards the cross.

Ma Hongjun couldn't resist, he could only watch them come over.

The girls approached and picked up the nails. Facing Ma Hongjun's body, the hammer hit the nails hard. The nails were driven into Ma Hongjun's body, piercing through Ma Hongjun's body, and Ma Hongjun was nailed to the cross one by one.

Soon, Ma Hongjun's body was riddled with holes.

Afterwards, the girls left, leaving only Ma Hongjun.

Ten or twenty days passed, and the evil fire broke out in Ma Hongjun's body,

However, being nailed to a cross with tens of thousands of nails piercing through his body, Ma Hongjun was unable to move and was in great pain. The evil fire continued to erupt, causing him to scream in pain, and with a puff, Ma Hongjun's body spontaneously ignited.

The evil fire boiled, and Ma Hongjun's body was turned into nothingness by the evil fire, in extreme pain.

When the scene changed, Ma Hongjun was still in the village, but this time he was not crucified. In front of him was Cuihua. Ma Hongjun, whose evil fire erupted, couldn't wait, his eyes lit up.

"Cuihua, it's great to meet you! Come back to the room with me, I can't take it anymore!"

Cuihua refused: "Let's break up!"

Ma Hongjun was furious, he didn't want to suffer from the evil fire anymore.

Ma Hongjun was about to forcefully bring Cuihua into the house, but at this moment, Ning Rongrong appeared and shouted angrily:

"Rogue! Robbing civilian girls in broad daylight?!"

Ma Hongjun was furious, and immediately released his martial soul, preparing to kill Ning Rongrong.

At this moment, Sword Douluo came, and his voice was cold: "Death!"

Ma Hongjun raised his head, his eyes widened in horror, and he saw a sword shooting towards him.


In the next second, Ma Hongjun let out an extremely shrill scream, and his body was covered with swords, riddled with wounds.

In the illusion, the three of Tang San and the others were constantly suffering from various pains and were about to collapse.

Tang San could have had a chance to break free, but he was the worst, almost collapsed, decadent, and didn't want to live anymore.

Tang San lay on the bed, very embarrassed, with disheveled hair, silent, only tears flowed continuously.

At the door, Tang Hao woke up, feeling very guilty.

"Sorry, Little San, I didn't expect you to become like this. You look so similar to your mother. It seems to have something to do with the evolution of your Blue Silver Grass Spirit. And you are such a woman, and because I am drunk I thought you were Ah Yin, I'm sorry for you."

Tang Hao took out the dagger, slashed fiercely at the neck, and committed suicide in front of Tang San to apologize.

Seeing this scene, Tang San was in extreme pain, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Before long, Tang San laughed wildly.


Tang San ran out of the house with disheveled hair and madness.

The people in Holy Soul Village saw it and cheered.

"The sissy Tang San has become a lunatic, that's great, let's drive him out of Holy Soul Village!"

"It's so disgusting. He is still number one on the list of hypocrites. Such a person is from our Holy Soul Village, and it is an embarrassment for our Holy Soul Village!"

Old Jack: "I'm so disappointed, you took the first place on the negative list! I will expel you from Holy Soul Village from now on!"

Beyond the illusion.

Cang Hui's seven students : "They can persist until now, but they are also about to collapse and go crazy."

"Yes, hold on for another thirty seconds!"

In the dark, seeing this scene, Tang Xiao's expression changed drastically.

"Tang San let out a crazy laugh, he was about to collapse and go crazy!"

Lieyang Douluo said: "Cang Hui's students are about to lose their hold."

Yu Yuanzhen nodded: "Yes, if you try to rescue them, then they will fail, and mental perseverance will not play a role in tempering, and the pain will be in vain."

Tang Xiao was anxious: "We can't go on like this!"

Tang Xiao made a move directly, bursting into momentum, and instead of showing himself, he unleashed coercion to oppress the seven people in Canghui Academy.

Ye Zhiqiu felt the terrifying pressure, his whole body trembled, and cold sweat broke out on his face: "Who is it?"

At the same time, the seven students of Canghui College who released the seven-in-one fusion technique together were already very weak. Faced with this terrifying coercion, they directly lay on the ground, and the seven-in-one fusion technique was defeated.

The illusion of Shura dissipated, at the same time, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar came out of the illusion.

Instead of standing up, they collapsed on the ground, in extreme grief, either crying out in pain, crying, sluggish, or trembling.

Although it is an illusion, those painful things have indeed happened to them.