Crossing the tribulation ?!

Sea God Island.

Bo Saixi naturally discovered that Tang Hao was already dead.

They were shocked, what happened?

Bo Saixi sighed: "Tang Chen, your grandson is dead, and it is difficult to resurrect."

Seahorse Douluo nodded: "Yes, the resurrection light from the aptitude list has basically been used up. Tang San and Oscar's resurrection light were used, and Qian Daoliu in the Spirit Hall also used the resurrection light to resurrect Tang Hao. and killed Tang Hao. I heard that Lin Yi's divine light of resurrection was also used, and the high priest your divine light of resurrection was also used to resurrect Tang Hao."

"In this case, we already know that the resurrection divine light of five people has already been used. Bibi Dong has resurrection divine light, but it is impossible for her to help us. That Qian Renxue's resurrection light is special and can only be used by herself, and she will be resurrected directly after death. Then there are still two resurrection divine lights."

"The two resurrection divine lights are Gu Rong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, and the one called Feng Xiaotian. But neither of these resurrection divine lights can resurrect the Contra level, so Tang Hao can't be resurrected in the short term. "

After the analysis, the people of the Tiandou royal family were happy, and cursed in their hearts: "He stole our spirit bones, He deserves it."

Seeing Ah Yin, Bo Saixi stepped forward to comfort him and said, "Tang Hao is dead, but you don't have to be sorrowful and don't be overly sad, because there is still hope. After all, there will be four resurrection lights in the future."

A Yin shook her head, without the slightest grief on her face, and said bluntly: "I am not sad at all, don't worry."

Bo Saixi was stunned, thinking: "It seems that it is because of the negative list."

Spirit Hall.

Qian Daoliu was surprised, Tang Hao actually died, who killed him?

This is worthy of their attention. After all, Tang Hao was killed, and he could get extremely rich rewards. After all, Tang Hao was the second hypocrite and the third in the shameless list. Killing Tang Hao can get the sacrifice of 900,000-year Dark Golden Direclaw Bear and the sacrifice of 500,000-year Soul Beast.

Everyone in Douluo Continent had naturally noticed, envy and jealousy.

"Tang Hao is dead again, who killed him?"

"I don't know, haven't the Seagod Island faction and the Spirit Hall agreed? How could Tang Hao die?"

"I am very envious of the person who killed Tang Hao. After all, he can get double generous rewards."

"Hey, why didn't I kill him? Then I can get 500,000-year and 900,000-year spirit ring and spirit bones."


After half a day, Yu Yuanzhen returned to the Blue Electric Tyrant family.

The family was very deserted, almost no one, vacated, and moved to Sea God Island.

Yu Yuanzhen came directly to the family tomb. The tomb was also very empty. There was only a coffin, and that was Yu Xiaogang's.

It can be said that this tomb is no longer a family tomb, but a tomb dedicated to Yu Xiaogang.

A Contra was accompanied by Yu Yuanzhen, who had been invited by Yu Yuanzhen at a high price.

When he arrived in the mausoleum, Yu Yuanzhen pushed aside the coffin. Inside the coffin was a pile of ashes. Obviously, it was the corpse of Yu Xiaogang who had been struck by lightning before. Only the ashes remained.

Looking at the ashes, thinking of his miserable son, Yu Yuanzhen felt very guilty.

Yu Yuanzhen is grieved: "Xiaogang, I am incompetent, unable to protect you, unable to free you from hell, let your soul undergo torture in the hell 18 levels, it is the father that is useless and unable to protect you. I can't protect your soul, and I will do my best to protect your body."

"After you die, your body is so miserable, and your soul is even worse, so your father must at least guarantee that you are intact, so I will restore your body now."

Yu Yuanzhen looked at the old soul master beside him, and begged, "Please."

The soul master smiled and nodded: "It should be done."

The soul master glanced and rejoiced: "Fortunately, the ashes are left. If the ashes are gone, I can't recover them."

This soul master is an auxiliary type healing type soul master, and it is a Contra. His eighth spirit ability can restore the flesh, of course it can only restore the flesh of the dead, not a living flesh.

Even if a person who has died, his body flew in all directions and turned into scum, he can use the eighth spirit ability to recover, and it is completely recovered.

His eighth spirit ability can only be used eight times in his life, but now he has only two chances, because the number of times is small, so it is very precious.

Yu Yuanzhen spent almost all of the family's money to make this soul master willing to use soul skills to recover Yu Xiaogang.

This is why Yu Yuanzhen wants to come back. God's punishment made his son too miserable. This makes Yu Yuanzhen very guilty, so he must do what he can. It is to let his son's body fully recover.

The Contra stepped forward, and the eight spirit rings were released. The black light of the eighth black spirit ring shone, covering Yu Xiaogang's ashes that had been shattered into scum.

Under Yu Yuanzhen's expectant gaze, he saw the ashes in the coffin moving and gathering. The ashes that quickly shattered into **** had condensed into a skeleton.

As the healing soul master continued to stimulate the soul power, the black light became more and more intense, covering the skeleton and continuing to recover.

Yuyuan's body was shaking with excitement, because he saw that not only the bones had recovered, but the muscles and veins had also been born, and his head had also recovered and joined with his neck. After the soul master's soul skills were used up, Yu Xiaogang's body was completely restored.

In the coffin, lying dead corpse, 40-50 years old, of medium build, short black hair, ordinary appearance, lazy and decadent expression, looked at it up close, Yu Yuanzhen was very excited, and saw his son Xiaogang.

The soul master's face was a little pale: "Okay, it's completely restored, and my eighth soul ability can only be used once. Now his corpse can remain indestructible for ten years."

Yu Yuanzhen was very grateful: "Thank you."

"It should be."

The soul master left, letting Yu Yuanzhen and his deceased son reminiscence.

Yu Yuanzhen finally couldn't calm down, and threw himself directly into Yu Xiaogang's arms, crying: "My son, your father finally saw you, Oooooo..."

Yu Yuanzhen blamed himself: "I can't redeem your soul, your father can only do his best to restore your body. I hope you don't blame your father. You will stay here, and you will be resurrected in the future. Father will leave. No, don't blame your father for not taking you away. Father can't take you away. Here is the safest place. If you leave, I'm afraid you will be blasted by the thunder again, and your body will not recover easily."

One hour later, Yu Yuanzhen can left "I will come back to see you often. You can sleep in the mausoleum without worrying about being struck by lightning, and you don't have to worry about the body being destroyed again. "

Yu Yuanzhen said to the mausoleum, he closed the stone door of the mausoleum and left.

Tianshui Academy.

The voice of the Golden Beetle of the Earth rang in Lin Yi's mind.

"Master, I can cross the Tribulation! I am 100% confident that I can survive the Tribulation and become a 500,000-year soul beast! The place to cross the Tribulation has already been found, and I will take you there now."

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay! Let's go!"