Rumbling !!

Soon after Yu Yuanzhen left, the sky became gloomy, and it began to rain and thunder.


The thunder continued, and many thunder and lightning struck the tomb, but all of them were blocked by the tomb.

Seeing this scene, Yu Yuanzhen laughed with sarcasm: "God, you want to smash my son again? Seeing my son's body is fully recovered, can you not stand it anymore? The heavens deliberately targeted my son, deliberately blasted my son, and when you saw my son's body recover, you can't stand it, so you are doing this again?."

Yu Yuanzhen disdain: "Your thunder and lightning can't move the tomb built by the Blue Electric Tyrant family, it is made of the hardest stone in the mainland. The thickness of the tomb is ten meters, even the walls of the big city can't compare. Our family's tomb cannot be penetrated completely even with a full blow from the Soul Sage, let alone the mere thunder and lightning?"

Yu Yuanzhen pointed to the sky ironically: "God, you must be very angry, right? That's good, I like to see you how you will blast my son, hahaha."

Yu Yuanzhen satirically left afterwards.

Three hours later.

Lin Yi arrived at the destination so quickly because Lin Yi was brought here by the Earth Golden Beetle. The Earth Golden Beetle moves underground, moving extremely fast, like a fish in the water, moving at a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour.

After arriving, the earth golden beetle emerged from the ground and sent Lin Yi on top of the ground.

The golden beetle of the earth said in a respectful voice: "Master, you can just wait for me here. I will start to cross the catastrophe. I have to sneak under the tomb. In this way, the tomb can help me offset a little. And, the tomb, a hundred meters deep underground is full of hard rocks of this material. That's why I chose this place. It is very suitable for me to overcome the catastrophe. With my defensive power and such an environment, it will make me stronger."

"Because I am going to be a 500,000-year soul beast, there will be a total of five heavenly thunders in the catastrophe, and after the five heavenly thunders, the catastrophe will end."

Lin Yi nodded: "Understood, then you go."

Lin Yi began to look around and was directly startled in a daze.

Because Lin Yi discovered that this was a big family with no one, it was very deserted, but from the buildings in the distance, it was known that this was a mansion with a large area.

Lin Yi looked forward, and it was a tomb covering an area of ​​500 square meters. At the gate of the mausoleum, there was a plaque that read: Tomb of the Blue Electric Tyrant family.

The reason why this plaque was taken off without being hung up was because there was a new plaque above the gate, which read: Douluo Continent Recognized Master: The Great Yu Xiaogang.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi's expression was extremely wonderful, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's such a coincidence."

Lin Yi thought to himself: "Yu Xiaogang was killed by me and the body was buried by Tang San, but I didn't expect it to be buried here now. Yu Yuanzhen, this place you chose is really bad."

It was sunny, but suddenly the sky became gloomy again, and the people in the whole city were shocked that it was not the entire sky that was gloomy, but a small piece of sky above their heads that became gloomy. The sky above the Blue Sky Tyrant family became gloomy.

Rumble! !

Thunder sounded, and under everyone's horrified eyes, the clouds in the sky were spinning and converging like a whirlpool.

Purple light gleamed in the whirlpool, which shocked everyone.

"Look at it! What is that?"

"It's not cloudy, it's not raining."

"What is the purple light in the whirlpool? Is it thunder and lightning? why is it purple thunder and lightning?"

"It's terrible, my body has already started to tremble involuntarily, as if the end is coming."

"I also feel the crisis of death, and watching the whirlpool is like looking at hell."

Boom! !

Just at this time. The first purple sky lightning struck down, and it fell from the sky from the vortex, straight down.

In that instant, all the soul masters in this city trembled for this!

The highest-level spirit master in this city is the soul sage, but even the soul sage's body is shaking, looking at the thunder and lightning in horror.

"This is not ordinary thunder and lightning, it's terrifying... Could it be... the catastrophe?!"

"Absolutely, it's too strong. If it was me, even if I defended with all my strength, I would definitely die, so this must be a catastrophe. But why did it appear here? Could it be that there are fierce beasts crossing the catastrophe in this city? Shouldn't the fierce beasts crossing over a hundred thousand years old be in their territory? It should be in places like Star Dou Great Forest or Sunset Forest, but why do they appear in human cities?"

This makes them wonder.

Soon many spirit masters realized that this was the tribulation of heaven, and they all relaxed, because the tribulation basically only affects those who cross the tribulation and the surrounding area of ​​the tribulation, and will not hit them.

Lin Yi could feel that the majesty of this heavenly calamity was indeed terrifying.

Boom! !

Click! !

As the first catastrophe descended, it first smashed directly onto the huge tomb in front of him from above, and there was a deafening sound of bombing. The huge mausoleum exploded directly, and rubble was flying.

At this time, Earth Golden Beetle was located at a depth of 100 meters below the mausoleum, and the top of Earth Golden Beetle's head coincided with Yu Xiaogang's coffin, so the divine lightning pierced through the tomb and slammed straight on Yu Xiaogang's coffin.

Boom! !

Yu Xiaogang's coffin was directly blown to pieces, and Yu Xiaogang's recovered body was also smashed. The corpse was obviously split and bounced. Yu Xiaogang's corpse twitched abruptly with a click, and the intact corpse exploded directly, Burst into a cloud of blood.

Pala la...

Yu Xiaogang's body was torn apart into dozens of pieces.

The earth golden beetle completely carried the first lightning, and immediately after the second sky thunder fell, it naturally still smashed Yu Xiaogang's shattered body first.

This time, Yu Xiaogang's flesh and blood were split and bounced and exploded. Under the high temperature, the flesh and blood turned into nothingness, leaving pieces of bones scattered on the ground.

Rumble! !

The third sky thunder was larger and more powerful. After it fell, pieces of Xiaogang's bones were chopped into pieces, and each piece of bones was only the size of a fingernail.

When the fourth sky thunder struck, that place directly turned into white powder of a place, and Yu Xiaogang directly became ashes, and under the terrifying high temperature, Yu Xiaogang's ashes directly vaporized. vanish into nothing.

The body of Yu Xiaogang, there is not even a bit of ashes! blasted by the divine lightning, completely vanished!