Sin [Edited]

when I looked at the lady in front of me, I was surprised because Sakuya Izayoi is the Chief Maid at the Scarlet Devil Mansion and a human with very broken powers, who served the Scarlet Devil passionately,

I was not expecting her at all,

she was one of my favorite game characters,

As I saw her, I wanted her to live in this world and invite her into my peerage.

but there was one thing that overshadowed my other thoughts,

so with no hesitation,

I got near her with stars shining in my eyes and held her hand,

she was a little surprised by my action and a little cautious of me, but I did not mind that,

and with a very expectant look, I said to her

"Can you cook for me? "

she had a dumbfounded look on her face, upon hearing my words, and she showed a bit of hesitation,

seeing her hesitate, I increased the shine in my eyes and started to request her continuously, she hadn't moved from her place since she came here, I started pestering her and after some time she accepted.

the biggest reason she did not attack me as soon as she was summoned and accepted my request is,

because I was currently in my child form right now,

think, if a very cute 7-8 years old boy came to you and asked you to cook food, will you deny him,

especially if you work with kids every day.

Sakuya works with fairies every day, who are more childish and free-spirited than an actual child,

she was a bit hesitant because she was summoned very suddenly, and after being summoned I pestered her to cook food for me, but with my puppy dog eyes accepted my request and started cooking,

after only a moment she was done, she must have used her time powers, I thought

she brought a steaming hot plate of omelet rice in front of me and decorated it with ketchup like a kid's meal,

my attention was not on the dressing of the dish it was on the aroma coming from the food,

without any thought, I started eating the food,

the food was delicious. the cooking was at the same level as that of diablo,

I was satisfied with this food, and ate it very quickly,

after I finished the food I realized something,

I realized what my sin is

Devils are the personification of evil, they are beings made of sins,

every devil represents A sin, and the sin they represent could be any one of the 7 sins in the bible,

the seven sins are- pride, greed, gluttony, wrath, envy, lust, and sloth,

a devil can represent any one of these sins,

these sins empower a devil when they are fulfilled in control, but they can make a devil go mad once a devil loses control over their sin,

if the devil with gluttony lost control- he would be eating every kind of food he could find and start stuffing his face with it.

if a devil with sloth lost control- he would do nothing, he would just become a living corpse laying on his bed, or any place he could find.

if a devil with wrath lost control - he would become mad in anger and rage, and he would become a brainless brute, who will cause destruction senselessly. etc

that's the reason every devil should keep their sin in check, and not lose control over it.

So, let's talk about my sin.

my sin is GLUTTONY.

that's the reason my mind was taken over by hunger,

what happened today was dangerous and I don't want a repeat of what happened today so I created an ability to keep my sin in check,

I created [Sin Negation (Gluttony)] to keep my sin under control.

enough with my talks, let's talk to the person in front of me, the person in front of me was Sakuya Izayoi, and the way she was looking at me she wanted some answers.

to start the conversation I introduced myself first.

"Thanks for cooking food for me it was very good, I am Rey Nohara it is nice to meet you " She looked at me with a little surprise, as I introduced myself, but she returned my greeting.

"hello kid, I am Sakuya Izayoi, it is nice to meet you too, do you mind if I ask you a question"

I nodded at her and she asked "Kid, what is this place, and where are your parents"

I again nodded at her question and replied "this place is my home, and I don't have parents, I live with my butler, but he has gone on an important work and I don't know when will he return"

she looked at me with a little sympathy and asked me "if your butler is gone then who is taking care of you"

I looked at her with a plain look and replied "I am taking care of myself"

she had a surprised look but she did not ask further about it, instead, she asked, "Do you know how I got here" I again nodded at her and said

"you are here because I summoned you" At my words, she looked at me with suspicion in her eyes and said "Don't play pranks kid, and tell me if you know ", I shrugged at her and transformed into my adult appearance, she looked at me with shock in her eyes and got ready to attack me at any moment,

at her actions I raised my hands and said to her "Calm down, let's talk" At my words and seeing my hand in the air, she got seated again, but she was still wary of me

after she got seated I started explaining everything to her.

I told her about the world, about me, and a little about the future.

after the explanation, she said to me "You mean to say that this is a different world, the age of the gods never ended, you summoned me, you are a devil, and you want me to join your peerage." I nodded at her and she asked me another question, "Does this world work on a different principle because in my world humans are supposed to summon devils, not the other way around "

at her words, I turned my gaze in embarrassment and tried to change the topic by saying, "So what do you think about my offer " She looked at me with a difficult look and asked a question "Is there a way that I could return back" she asked, 

I looked at her with a plane face and replied "I don't have one now but there might come a way in the future"

"Can't you use the same circle to send me back" she asked me

"No that wont work" I replied to her

"sigh" she sighed and said "since there is no way for me to return for now and I since I also don't want to leave a child alone, I will agree to stay here and take care of you, But " after saying but she looked at me with a neutral gaze and said, "If you want me to join you, you will have to defeat me first, and prove to me that you are stronger "

I looked at her in surprise, and then I remembered something, she also became the maid of the scarlet mansion, in the same way, she joined the scarlet devil after she was defeated by her.

I accepted her challenge and we moved toward the magic training room.

inside the magic training room,

both of us got on one side of the room, standing opposite to each other, and got ready to attack at any moment,

I took a coin in my hands and tossed it in the air,

the coin started going upwards, and we both got ready, the coin started to descend and we both were on our toes, the second the coin descended our dual started.

the first thing Sakuya did was to stop time around us,

but it was useless against me,

because I also have [time magic], so I countered her [time stop] with my [time magic],

she was surprised to see that I did not halt under her [time stop] and that I was still moving,

but she did not lose her cool,

she resumed the time and started throwing knives at me,

I counter her knives with a sword I took out from my [gate of Babylon].

we both were at a stalemate, I could not move forward with her throwing knives at me, and she couldn't stop because that would give me the advantage,

she is doing something very fascinating, she is compressing time so that the past and the present can exist at the same time,

giving her an unlimited number of knives,

but it cannot proceed for long,

she will run out of energy very soon,

as impressive as she is, she can't fight with me for long,

as I see that the fight is going nowhere I decided to end it quickly.

I activated my [Gate of Babylon] at full power,

as I did that the space near me started to quake,

and hundreds and hundreds of orange-colored portals started to appear behind me,

from those portals, first appeared a sword, then an axe, then a spear then a bow, then arrows, and like that hundreds of weapons of every kind started coming out of the portals, and stayed behind me as if waiting for my command.

as I glanced toward Sakuya she had a surprised and resolute look on her face.

I pointed my hand toward her, and as I did that every weapon behind me pointed toward her and started releasing their aura, they started shaking, just waiting for my command, ready to slay their target at a moment's notice,

Sakuya got a little scared from the auras of the weapons, but she still had a resolute look on her face

as I motioned my hand toward her, every weapon in the air, launched at her, every sword, spear, axe, arrow, etc in the air started moving towards her,

at this, Sakuya still has a resolute face, and chooses to fight all the weapons head-on, rather than surrender,

to fight against all the weapons, the first thing she did was to stop time,

as the time stopped 99% of the weapons froze mid-air, but some weapons were still not affected by it as I used my time magic on them and still moved toward her, she jumped out of their path and avoided most of them,

but an arrow pierced her leg, she still tried to move but it was all for no, because a sword was hanging just above her neck,

when she realized her predicament she stopped,

I moved toward her, as I reached in front of her, I took the sword hanging above her in my hand, and again pointed toward her and asked her

"do you surrender" in an authoritative voice

"I surrender, and accept you as my master," she said to me

at her words, I smiled at her and said to her "Welcome Sakuya Izayoi to this new world and to my peerage" and started healing her wounds