Signal [Edited]

its been a few days since the duel between Sakuya and me, after her defeat, Sakya accepted to become a part of my peerage.

that day I reincarnated her into a devil as my Knight.

the evil pieces I used for this were not the ones that Diablo collected for me, I created a set of evil pieces of my own using [annihilation maker] & [ability creation].

I created 16 evil pieces,

there are usually 15 pieces in a set of evil pieces which are 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, 2 knights, and 8 pawns.

the extra one I created was a king piece,

the king piece was for me,

it is connected to every other evil piece, it was a special piece that was created to link my peerage to me.

the evil pieces that I made have all the properties of the original ones and a few extra ones,

the evil pieces I created were special, they contained many abilities that I possess, and they have a few hidden functions, some of the abilities that they contained are

[fast growth] which is a water-down version of my [super growth] skill,

[magic master] is the watered-down version of my [child of mana] skill,

[adaptable body ] is the watered-down version of [tyrant physique],

and [mana heart] is a very watered version of my [black heart], unlike [black heart] which gives me infinite mana, [mana heart] only boosts the magic properties of its user by 20%.

some hidden functions are 1: they can send an emergency signal to me in times of need, the signal can be blocked by very special means, and it can send a signal over worlds.

2: as the pieces are linked to me they can borrow magic power from me in times of need,

3: they can even share some of my skills if there is a need for them.

4: every piece that I created had a unique power attached to it,

The evil pieces I created are way better than the original ones.


I am currently practicing magic with Sakuya, she is teaching me how to use my time and space magic properly, yeah she also knows space magic and is adept at it.

as we are practicing time magic, she is teaching me the critical points at which I should use my time magic and some spells related to it,

today's lesson was to do attacks using time magic,

the first lesson she taught me was the timing to stop time if the enemy is launching an attack at you that cannot be blocked,

she said that if you are fighting a magician then the best moment to stop time is before he completes the casting of his spell, or if that is not possible, then stop the time when the attack is just about to hit you, as it will get you more time to get out of the range of the attack.

and if you are fighting a close combat fighter then you should stop the time when the fighter is about to attack you and create some distance because there could be a hidden element that can pop up out of nowhere.

currently, Sakuya was throwing knives at me and I was trying to dodge them,

as the knives were coming at me, there was a knife that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of me, it was a knife that Sakuya sent at me using space magic, she used space magic to compress the space and reduce the distance of the knives.

that attack surprised me, but I was able to dodge it before it could hit me using time magic, I was restricted from using any other magic or ability except time magic.

as I dodged the attack successfully, Sakuya stopped throwing knives at me and spoke, " I did not expect you to dodge that attack with only time magic "

I just smiled at her without saying anything.

seeing my reaction she said "That should be enough for today we will continue this tomorrow" Then she handed me a wet towel to clean myself.


I was sitting in my room sipping my tea when I received a message,

it was from Diablo,

he has reached back to his world set up the magic circle at his side and is waiting for my signal to start the summoning.

I was thrilled by this news because it meant I could travel to the tensura world.

I sprang from my chair, and ran downstairs, as I reached the ground floor I called Sakuya, she was in the kitchen cooking, I called her and explained to her my plan, and explained to her that I would be absent from this house and she has to take of the house in my absence.

after my talk with Sakuya, I got ready and stepped into the circle that would transport me to that world, and activated it, at the same time I signaled Diablo to start from his side,

and as both magic circles got activated a bright blue light engulfed me and I disappeared from the dxd world.