Chapter 23

Whilst walking away from the Room of Requirements, Albert noticed something. Something about his system. It was a cheap knock-off. Unlike most systems he would read about in books, he did not have a map function, and he was very unresponsive. It would not talk to him or give him any reminders. His system was more of a tool to keep track of his skills and objective while other systems were guides or cheats to their host. "How very peculiar," he thought. The difference was apparent. Albert was very glad that he got something to help him. Although it wasn't the best, it would do.

"I remember the Headmaster's office is somewhere on the eighth floor, but I don't know where." Albert said as he rubbed his chin and pondered. "Let's forget about it. I don't want to make too much contact with him. If the old man notices me, he'll set up some tests to check my magical standard and then guide me to the right path. After all, it would be for the greater good."

Albert kept on walking and took two corners before reaching the moving staircase. He went down one flight of stairs and continued walking. It wasn't long before he realised he was lost. "I'm not lost. It's just that I've never been here. Yeah, that's right, I'm not lost." He said, trying to reassure himself. Albert stop and took out his wand.

He cast | Lumos | and ran his finger against the wall until he got to a statue. It was a statue of a Griffin. A Legendary mythical creature that is said to have gone extinct from overhunting. If there are any left in this world, they would stay away from humans. The statue of the griffin stood tall and proud, its wings outstretched as if it were ready to take flight. Despite the clear signs of erosion, the statue was in remarkable condition, with every feather and scale perfectly preserved.

They made it of a shimmering golden stone that seemed to glow in the early morning sunlight, and they carved its eyes from a bright blue gemstone that sparked like the ocean. The artesian who had created the statue had captured every detail of the mythical creature with incredible precision, from the way its beak curved to the tufts of fur on its lion like body to its eagle-like claw it showed off.

The statue stood on a pedestal in a lone corridor engrave with words that could never be read again. It was strange. Albert wondered why they would place a statue of a griffin in the middle of nowhere. It was as if they had placed the griffin here to watch over something. A guardian, of sorts. He suspected it guarded an entrance to a secret pathway.

"Child, what are you doing here at this time of day?" An eerie voice spoke.

The sudden sound makes Albert jump up in fright. He felt as if his heart would pop out of his chest. Slowly, he turned around. He saw a ghost. It was Sir Nicholas De Mismy-Popington.

"Jesus. You almost scared me to death." Complained Albert as he started to take laboured breaths.

"I am truly sorry for scaring you but never mention that posers name in Hogwarts." Sir nick said in a grave tone. "Again, I repeat. What are you doing here at this time of day?"

"Taking an early morning stroll around Hogwarts." Albert replied.

"Strolling, you say. Are you up to mischief, child?" Sir Nick said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I'm walking all around Hogwarts. The prefect said it was a wonderful opportunity to go around and familiarise ourselves with the layout. He said Hogwarts is enormous and that we'll easily get lost. He also said something about the professors not liking students that aren't punctual." Albert said.

"Oh, you are exploring Hogwarts. I remember back in my day, it was one of my greatest joys. Hogwarts has so many secrets hidden between its four walls." Sir nick said as he looked to be in a daze.

Albert then refocused his attention back to the statue. He was dead certain it lead to a secret path. Sir Nick soon awoke from his daydream and looked at the child in front of him. It reminded him of himself when he was young. He remembered the statue from his time at Hogwarts.

"If you wish to activate the statue, stroke the second claw to the right on its front right hind."

"Thank you." Albert replied. Albert was thankful for the ghosts' help. He did as the ghost instructed. He stood there and nothing happened.

Just as he was about to turn and leave, something strange happened. A faint hum filled the air, and the wall behind the statue began to shimmer and shine. The young man watched in amazement as a door slowly formed on the stone, its edge glowing in a faint golden light. As the door swung open, a rush of musty air escaped from the darkness within. Albert hesitated for a split second, his nerves getting the better of him. He stepped forward, his heart racing as he entered the tunnel. The passageway was narrow and winding; They made the wall of rough, untouched stone.

As he walked through the tunnel, Albert felt he was descending to the lower floors. He did not know where it led; the young man hoped that they would not place the exit in strange spot. Albery was ecstatic that he found an unused hidden passage way in Hogwarts. Albert soon reached the exit. He pushed the wooden door and slowly got out.

It turned out that the wooden door was the back of a living portrait. Albert had woken up the person living inside the portrait. "Sorry for bothering you." The young Gryffindor said apologetically. He walked along the corridor until he reached the moving staircase again. He counted the floor, and it seemed like he was on the third floor. No matter how many times he sees it, the moving staircase continues to amaze him.

He approached the stair and stood on one flight. Albert had to wait a few minutes until the flight he stood on lead to the ground floor. "Thank God it didn't take that long. Wait. It's 'Thank Merlin.' I'm in the wizarding world now, aren't I?" Albert muttered to himself.

As Albert got off the flight, he made his way to the Great Hall. On the way there, a cat appeared from an intersection. It was probably Ms. Norris, Mr Finch's cat. That meant the Finch was not the far behind. Albert slowly approached the grey cat and picked her up. He coddled her and stroke her fur a few times before he heard a cough from behind him. Albert jumped up in fright.

"Merlin. You almost scared me to death." Albert said, as he turned around. "That's the second time today. Anyway. Good morning Mr Finch. Here's your cat." Albert handed Finch his cat.

"Good morning? What time do you call this boy?" Finch said in a very low but gruff voice.

"Seven fifty-three in the morning, sir." Albert responded as he took his pocket watch out of his pocket and read the time. "Do you know when the Great Hall will be opened for breakfast?"

Finch was stunned into silence. He thought he had caught a student sneaking back into the school. "Seven on weekdays and half-past eight on weekends." Finch said as he put Ms Norris down and walked away.

Albert did not hear the last sentence Finch said, but be assumed that it was not pleasant. Albert turned around and went toward the Great Hall. He opened the door and saw no-one inside.

"Looks like I'll need to find the kitchen if I want to have breakfast." Albert said, as he closed the door and turned around.