Chapter 45

Later on in the evening, Charlie sat next to his brothers when having dinner. He was discussing his plans to integrate the twins and their friends into the team. Charlie went over basic tactics and rules that were important, but he soon realised that someone did not understand.

"I suggest you borrow 'Quidditch Through the Ages' and 'The Quidditch Rulebook' from the library," Charlie said.

"Okay," Albert said as he ate his dinner. "Out of curiosity, how long was the longest game?"

"Professionally, three days. The two teams couldn't find The Golden Snitch however, they were allowed a half an hour break every four hours after the eighth hour. The team with the most points won but in Hogwarts, eight hours. That was because it started at two and around midnight, the headmaster decided to call off the game. Since then, Hogwarts has implemented an eight-hour time limit and decided most matches would start at noon." Charlie said. "Fun fact: the game was between Slytherin... "

Someone soon interrupted him when Angelina coughed loudly behind him. She was waiting a minute before that realised she was there.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Charlie said.

"You can't," Angelina said as she then turned to Albert and handed him a folded parchment. "Professor McGonagall asked me to give you this."

"Thank you, Angelina." Albert said, as he took the parchment and opened it. He then read the content. [This week's meeting will be held on Thursday at seven o'clock sharp on the sixth floor, room 21. I suggest you remember and read the first book on the list. Signed Professor Minerva McGonagall. Deputy Headmistress and Professor of Transfiguration. ]

"What's that about?" Fred asked as he was pouring baked beans over his jacket potatoes.

"It's a notice for the next meeting of the Transfigurations Club." Albert said as he handed the parchment to Fred.

After finishing reading it, Fred passed it to george and Lee Jorden.

"How come I've never heard about it?" Charlie said as he stopped eating. He then looked over at Albert suspiciously.

"It's a club formed by Professor McGonagall, and only those who are talented in transfiguration will receive an invitation," Albert explained.

"Why is 'remember' and 'read' underlined?" George asked, looking a little confused.

"Remember because it is most likely the password and read because we're probably going to discuss that," Albert said and then faced towards Charlie. "I'm Sorry Charlie. If the timing of Quidditch training conflicts with Transfiguration Club, I'm going to go to Transfiguration Club instead."

"Oh, that's the same day as Quidditch practice, isn't it?" Lee Jordan said.

Charlie was stunned at what Albert had just said. He was going to prioritise a club he had never heard of over Quidditch practice. Who in their right mind would do that? He believed Albert had the talent to go far, but now he was going to lose a potential successor. Charlie ended supper early and see Professor McGonagall to find out what's happening.

Seeing charlie leave in a hurry, Lee asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"Charlie wants to win one Quidditch Cup before he graduates Hogwarts," Fred said as he looked at Charlie's departing figure.

"The last time Gryffindor won was five years ago and ever since Slytherin keeps on winning," George said.


After the meal, the four of them returned to the Gryffindor Common Room. There were people everywhere, and the noise made Albert feel like his head was about to explode. As the first week had not finished yet, the students still had a lot of free time. By the middle of next week, the Gryffindor Common Room will be less crowded and much quieter as the Professors will swamp most people with homework.

"I'm going to the Great Hall. It should be much quieter than hear," Albert said as he placed his hands on his ear. He went back to his bedroom to grab a couple of books and left the Common Room to go to the Great Hall.

As he had expected, there were fewer students in the Great Hall, and Albert found himself a quiet seat to sit down. He looked around to see if he knew anyone here, and to his surprise, he saw Shannon waving at him. Albert, being the polite person he was, waved back. He then saw her pack up her belongings and walk closer until she sat down next to him.

"You promised you'll help me," Shannon said as she opened her textbook and drew her wand.

"Fine then. I'll help you if I see any glaring mistakes," Albert said.

Shannon tried several times. Every single attempt resulted in failure.

When Albert saw the other person trying several times, Albert intervened. "You should have confidence in yourself and when casting, focus on what you want the spell to do."

Shanna's face flushed slightly and tried again. This time, it was better than her previous attempts.

"Your mental state in too chaotic. If you think you're not good enough, magic won't respond to you. You need to relax and let magic and your instinct take control." Albert said, as he retrieved a pack of chocolate from his bag. "Would you like some? They help me calm down."

"How did you know that?" Shannon said as she took a piece of chocolate. "I mean, how can you tell what I'm doing wrong?"

"I read it in a book," Albert said with a smile. "A book called 'The Theory behind Casting'. It's a good read and I think you'll like it."

"I don't believe you. And if I do, which I don't, how does thar explain why I can't cast a spell?" Shannon said as she stuffed her face with chocolate.

"The book states, 'There are three things that are required for a spell to be cast. They are Magical Literacy, Clear Intent, and a Stable Mind. In simple terms, Magical Literacy is the know how behind the spell. This includes have a sufficient amount of magic to cast the spell, knowing the wand movements and knowing the incantation. Clear Intent is being able to focus on the magic and having a clear image of how you want your spell to turn out. And the most important, a Stable Mind. When I refer to a Stable Mind, I am referring to the emotional state of the caster. Emotions play a huge part in spell and their product. A powerful emotion tied to a spell could make your spell go from the equivalent of a First-year student to a seventh year and the same could be the same in reverse if your emotional state is in a shamble.'," Albert said.

Shannon finished her bit of chocolate before saying, "I'll try again." She did not fully understand what Albert had quoted, but understood enough to know that she had to be calm when casting. She tried a few of times, and each time she got progressively better until her eighth attempt where she had cast the Wand Lighting Charm. However, the Charm faded within five seconds of it being cast.

"There you go. You did it. I think you need to practise a few of times every day for about a week until to have mastered it to a good level." Albert said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Shannon said as she hugged Albert until they heard someone cough behind them.

"Ahem, I thought you would've gone to the library. We went there first," Lee said as he sat on the other side of Albert. Shannon quickly pushed Albert away. "I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"

"What you two doing?" George said as he noticed the blush on Shannon's cheek as he sat down opposite them.

"Brother, leave them alone. Can't you see they don't want to talk about it?" Fred said as Shannon looked away from them.

Shannon collected herself and again started practicing the Wand Lighting Charm. Seeing this, the three boys who just joined also did the same.

"Albert, how does mine look? Would Professor Flitwick consider this a good attempt?" Lee asked.

"I'm pretty sure my sister could do better than you if she had a suitable wand," Albert said.

"What does that mean?" Lee asked.

"It means no," Fred said, and then sighed.

"What's wrong Fred," George asked.

"I just remembered Professor Flitwick asked us to write an essay on the Wand Lighting Charm and its counter-charm," Fred said.

"Come on brother, let's get our stuff from our room," George said as they got up to leave the Great Hall.

However, they did not return until forty-five minutes had passed. In that time, Shannon had cast a | Lumos | that lasted for more than fifth-teen seconds and Lee managed one that lasted for seven seconds. When they returned, they looked as if they had gone through war. They were panting and their clothes were now scruffy.

"What happened?" Shannon asked.

"Finch chased us around the school," Fred said.

"And our 'Dung Bomb' stash was confiscated," George said.

"Why were they confiscated?" Lee asked.

They explained what had happened. After they left, Peeves caught them in a prank/trap laid out by him. They went back to the dormitory to get their stuff and their entire stash of 'Dung Bombs'. They walked around the entire school until they found Peeves. The twins found him, but before they were about to launch them, Finch caught them and took their stuff.